Another fun fact: “plethora” originally meant an excessive amount of something, a glut. Now it usually refers to a generous, bountiful amount. It comes from a medical condition of having too much blood, which would need to be drained (eew.)
I made it a point to use “plethora” in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my papers in college.
It was like “Where’s Waldo” every time I had one of my friends proofread my final drafts.
A what?
@thismyusername The Three Amigos… It is a great movie!!!
@lbrooks15 agreed.
/giphy Plethora of Pinatas

No but I’ve got a gaggle of geese.
/giphy gaggle of geese

@emt305 I need this tshirt!!
/giphy ship of fools

/giphy gazebo

“Oh, yes El Guapo - you have a plethora.”
Fun Fact: the henchman in Three Amigos is also the dad in Ugly Betty.
More Fun Fact: I probably shouldn’t admit that I know the first Fun Fact. And now neither should you.
Another fun fact: “plethora” originally meant an excessive amount of something, a glut. Now it usually refers to a generous, bountiful amount. It comes from a medical condition of having too much blood, which would need to be drained (eew.)
@Starblind It’s not fair that you use your superior knowledge of English to put us down.
Yeah, stop being such a
Scintillation of Superiority.
Are you the singing bush!?
You shot the Invisible Man!!
Well that was way better than expected. Thx.
I made it a point to use “plethora” in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my papers in college.
It was like “Where’s Waldo” every time I had one of my friends proofread my final drafts.
@hems79 That is hilarious!