@phendrick@RiotDemon I’ll be a 70-ish man in not a very long time and will probably still be wearing these - I bought the blue in one of the earlier offerings. Gloves are very nice, hat is very snug but stretches, scarf is meh but one of the local kids really liked it.
I bought some last time. They’re snug. And snuggly, I suppose. I’ll be donating most of it to the homeless shelter nearby, since they’ll need this stuff way more than me. Very well-made for the price.
@UncleVinny I bought this last time as well. Cap was very tight and the scarf was rather short. I did use the gloves, but they were to small for my husband. Gave everything else to goodwill.
Good photo detail work by Mission folks - 1st and 6th photo are identical but flipped left/right, and they went through the trouble to un-flip (de-flip?) the logo on the hat.
@fuzzmanmatt no the scarf is the noose type it will strangle you. Also assuming you are an adult of average size it will be to small. The large will fit a small female adult or most 12 year olds
bought last time when it was a one-fer. would have bought more today, but colours/sizes i wanted weren’t available. but yes, worth the price, especially if you lose as many gloves as i do
What’s in the Box?
2x Pair of Gloves
2x Hats
2x Scarves
Price Comparison
$40 (for 2) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
/giphy winter

Sweet, another opportunity to not buy this product I’m definitely not interested in!
Sold out in 3 minutes. Sellin’ like the clothing version of hotcakes.
@finalremix large is still available in blue. Small in all the colors.
@RiotDemon Very odd… all the combos said they were sold out when I tried.
No bluetooth??
@awk No, it has a headphhone jack.
Says “unisex”; so who thinks a 70ish man should wear this?
What color?
@phendrick large is only available in blue, so blue?
@phendrick @RiotDemon I’ll be a 70-ish man in not a very long time and will probably still be wearing these - I bought the blue in one of the earlier offerings. Gloves are very nice, hat is very snug but stretches, scarf is meh but one of the local kids really liked it.
Are they compatible with iOS?
Less Mission; More Majin.
I bought some last time. They’re snug. And snuggly, I suppose. I’ll be donating most of it to the homeless shelter nearby, since they’ll need this stuff way more than me. Very well-made for the price.
@UncleVinny I bought this last time as well. Cap was very tight and the scarf was rather short. I did use the gloves, but they were to small for my husband. Gave everything else to goodwill.
What is this “winter” of which you speak?
This is depressing AF. I don’t want to think about this right now. It was 84 yesterday and I want to remain in denial, where I am queen.
@mehgrl - Beware, O queen, that denial doesn’t bite you in the asp.
Those family holiday thingies are coming

Will these arrive before our day of winter?
Oh God what did I just do?

/giphy grueling-miniature-protest
/giphy winter is coming?

Need more choices of colors and designs.
/giphy thankful-abject-pipe

Good photo detail work by Mission folks - 1st and 6th photo are identical but flipped left/right, and they went through the trouble to un-flip (de-flip?) the logo on the hat.
Bah! Winter can eat me!
Does gross gin exist? I think not.
All gin is tasty and should be consumed at frigid temperatures.
Welp, winter will be here soon enough
/giphy judicious nosy competition

@mdszy You got the best order number! I looked up the whole thing.
@sammydog01 oh my god that’s hilarious
@mdszy @sammydog01 that was the cutest thing. I wonder how many tiny hotdogs they had to make.
Are these safe to use around rotating engine parts? I stick my head under quite a few hoods, if you know what I mean.
@fuzzmanmatt I’m not sure how you would qualify that. If you are talking about the hat, it’s pretty snug. The scarf isn’t that long.
If you are talking about the gloves, I would not. I wouldn’t expect the gloves to rip before your fingers get torn off.
@fuzzmanmatt no the scarf is the noose type it will strangle you. Also assuming you are an adult of average size it will be to small. The large will fit a small female adult or most 12 year olds
Omg…is it cold somewhere?!? I want to go there. I miss the cold.
bought last time when it was a one-fer. would have bought more today, but colours/sizes i wanted weren’t available. but yes, worth the price, especially if you lose as many gloves as i do
so is it 2 sets per $5.00 or 1?
@goddesscatering you get two sets for $10. When you order, you have to pick two sizes and colors so they are listed as $5 each.
i should have kept the 3rd blue one on the order! lol
Thank you @RiotDemon
@goddesscatering you have to buy in sets of two, so don’t worry.
/giphy loopy-moldy-jar

Did I miss something?? Cardinal? I assume it is some shade of red… can anyone confirm? Please.
oops… never mind… I just looked it up on Amazon-It’s actually a nice red…
@wildmomo when you select the item, a little preview photo shows up. Just FYI for next time.
/image Cardinal