@SSteve I like that, haven't seen it before. Except that tau looks too much like an r.
With handwriting like mine, would have to add a slash or something to one or the other, like for 7's and z's when making math notes. (Maybe people don't write math symbols much anymore?) I'm finally almost out of the habit of crossing my z's and 7's during general use.
This year 03.14.15 ... awesome Pi Day!
@mikibell but rounding...
@Lotsofgoats 2015 03 14.
@Headly also true, we can't even timestamp right in the US
@Lotsofgoats Celebrate at 9:27, then?
@brhfl Yup.. testing out pie recipes now!
Shameless spam
@Ignorant Like that shirt. I will resist...
The cake is a pi.
from here: http://www.woot.com/blog/post/wootcasts-from-the-past-back-to-school-edition
@matthew You must have had a good budget for one those fancy teleprompters- I couldn't even see your eyes moving!
@matthew So can we expect a redux in a month and a half?
Hard 'n Phirm: Pi
Or view it in QuickTime on the original website: http://keithschofield.com/pi/
Did somebody say pie? I'll take a slice of that..
A watermelon pie and a cool water sandwich, yum!
The Count Von Count counts Pi to 10,000 places ( Ten Thousand Digits )
Five and one-half hours of entertainment for the little ones.
@Pavlov Perfect for those little misbehaving crumb-snatchers. The "NINE" sounds like he's purging piles.
π is wrong. It should be τ.
@SSteve I like that, haven't seen it before. Except that tau looks too much like an r.
With handwriting like mine, would have to add a slash or something to one or the other, like for 7's and z's when making math notes. (Maybe people don't write math symbols much anymore?) I'm finally almost out of the habit of crossing my z's and 7's during general use.
This post is irrational.
@Cerridwyn The top one on a hoodie is one of my five Woot! purchases! :-)
MMMMM!! Pumpkin Pi!!
For the POSIX-compliant among us (cc: @unixrab)
dc -e '50k[2 0salyx8k/p]sm[2v2/lxx]sy[la1+sa0sb2v2lwx/* 100 la!=x]sx[lb1+sb+v2lalb!=w]swlmx'
POSIX OR DIE! @brhfl
Obligatory TMBG, corporate tie-in.
Starts about :40. So the bit I clipped would make a great sample, @matthew. One kid says, "I don't know what that is" over goofy, TMBG tune.