@mfladd Because they are assholes. Two of them start walking across your face at four in the morning and one is OCD with licking my face to fall asleep and well, we would likely be smothered by cat.
Although right now we’ve got one in with us at night, the one we pulled from the blackberry bushes and are trying to find the owner. No luck though, so she’s going to get spayed and get adopted through the rescue we work with. She’s damn cute though, I’ll miss her.
@cinoclav The nonstop washing can be pretty annoying, as they like to lean up against us to do it, so it’s like someone rhythmically pushing against your back. They’re allowed to sleep with us but we have a “no grooming, no wrestling” rule.
Our dogs had their own beds. They didn’t sleep in ours, except when we weren’t home (they never made the puppycam… heh!). Sometimes if I was extra quiet I could get inside and upstairs without waking them, to their considerable consternation… they knew they shouldn’t be on the bed.
@duodec one of my dogs sleeps on the living room couch when we’re not home. I’ve caught her a few times. We don’t allow the dogs on the furniture and she always has that “oh shit” look on her face when she gets caught
@capguncowboy Couch was always allowed when we weren’t on it; we had a blanket over the cushions. If only one of us was on the couch we’d often call both dogs up. Sit in the middle with a dog resting against each side; its wonderful in the winter especially. But the bed was their “not so secret” daytime sleep spot.
Cat has various beds and only sleeps in mine the second I’m in it. At which point he starts pawing at the blanket or sheet to be let in. Then goes in or out about three times. I don’t think it’s optional though.
For over 15 years my dog and two cats slept in my bed except in the summer when I had a window air conditioner running. Last year I finally had enough of the hair, hairballs, fighting, taking my space, growling when we tried to move them, grooming all night, walking over me etc. When I shut them out for the AC, I never opened the door again. I sleep better. They don’t seem to hold a grudge.
My dog has her own bed on the floor next to my bed.
During the night I would lock the cats out of my room. If taking a nap, I would let them in. Since my one cat passed, I leave the door open in case my other one gets lonely. He rarely comes in. Usually only when it’s breakfast time.
Dog sleeps on the floor next to my side of the bed; the bedroom door is shut to keep the PITA cats out or we’d never get any sleep. No pets are allowed on the bed, and only the cats get on the furniture (since they don’t seem to be willing/able to be trained to stay off - possibly because my wife encourages them onto her lap when she sits).
My dog is 65 pounds, sheds constantly, and occasionally farts. Plus, our bed (mine and husband’s, that is) is a full because we’ve never bothered to buy anything bigger. And most important, there’s no room for the dog once the four cats climb in. So the dog sleeps next to the bed, but the cats sleep in it. Usually at least two of them sleep on me.
Wife with allergies means no pets in the bed… or the house. Had an outside cat that I would pet before coming in after work sometimes and it drove my wife nuts what with the sneezing and getting all puffy if I didn’t wash my hands etc.
Once upon a time my pets were allowed into my bed and into my room in general, but one too many times rolling into bed late at night only for my back to discover one of them had decided to pee in it led to them all being forever banned and the door to my room closed to them all ever after.
Do my cat plushies count?
(My late doggie did not; she had her own bed, which was actually a sofa cushion.)
@narfcake My bed is filled with plushies, though they’re of the canine variety (wolves, huskies, and at least one fox, GSD, and even a hyena)
The inflatables also occasionally make their way up into the bunk.
@narfcake The cat plushies only count if you baby talk to 'em and they ignore you
The cats hate having ME in bed. They think it belongs to them!

/image cat side of the bed
@lljk Yeah that sounds about right. And heaven help me if I move whatever body part they are settled on/next to.
@Kidsandliz @lljk No kidding, right?!
I am amazed that “Uh-No” is the most popular answer right now. What is wrong with you people!

@mfladd Eeexcelllleent… My “Uh, no” campaign is proceeding just as I have foreseen…
@mfladd Because they are assholes. Two of them start walking across your face at four in the morning and one is OCD with licking my face to fall asleep and well, we would likely be smothered by cat.
Although right now we’ve got one in with us at night, the one we pulled from the blackberry bushes and are trying to find the owner. No luck though, so she’s going to get spayed and get adopted through the rescue we work with. She’s damn cute though, I’ll miss her.
/giphy goat on bed

Nothing beats some good old cuddles and plague.
Yes, the pets are in their own beds.
Cats - yes. They wash themselves nonstop.
Dogs - no. They’re dirty and smell weird.
@cinoclav The nonstop washing can be pretty annoying, as they like to lean up against us to do it, so it’s like someone rhythmically pushing against your back. They’re allowed to sleep with us but we have a “no grooming, no wrestling” rule.
Dog gets crated, so not technically a smaller bed.
How is this even in question?
The real question here is whether the hounds allow people to share their bed.

After my dog has been walking through oil stained parking lots and walking through feces and urine he’s not getting in my bed.
@kittykat9180 I feel by your username you are slightly prejudiced
@kittykat9180 I think the bigger question is, would you let your dog walk through those things?
I’ve never lived with a dog, but I suspect the answer there would be Of Course.
With my various cats, the answer is of course Of Course.
I suppose if I had a super annoying pet that woke me up constantly, that could be a problem…

My goldfish has her own bed.
/image pet rock riverbed

Our dogs had their own beds. They didn’t sleep in ours, except when we weren’t home (they never made the puppycam… heh!). Sometimes if I was extra quiet I could get inside and upstairs without waking them, to their considerable consternation… they knew they shouldn’t be on the bed.
@duodec one of my dogs sleeps on the living room couch when we’re not home. I’ve caught her a few times. We don’t allow the dogs on the furniture and she always has that “oh shit” look on her face when she gets caught
@capguncowboy Couch was always allowed when we weren’t on it; we had a blanket over the cushions. If only one of us was on the couch we’d often call both dogs up. Sit in the middle with a dog resting against each side; its wonderful in the winter especially. But the bed was their “not so secret” daytime sleep spot.
My dog seems to sleep fine without me.
I’m currently building a king size bed for the sole purpose of accommodating our dog, who likes to sleep sideways between us.
I often let my boyfriend sleep in my bed, so yes.
I don’t know if I could sleep without my Hattie.
Cat has various beds and only sleeps in mine the second I’m in it. At which point he starts pawing at the blanket or sheet to be let in. Then goes in or out about three times. I don’t think it’s optional though.
For over 15 years my dog and two cats slept in my bed except in the summer when I had a window air conditioner running. Last year I finally had enough of the hair, hairballs, fighting, taking my space, growling when we tried to move them, grooming all night, walking over me etc. When I shut them out for the AC, I never opened the door again. I sleep better. They don’t seem to hold a grudge.
My dog has her own bed on the floor next to my bed.
During the night I would lock the cats out of my room. If taking a nap, I would let them in. Since my one cat passed, I leave the door open in case my other one gets lonely. He rarely comes in. Usually only when it’s breakfast time.
Dog sleeps on the floor next to my side of the bed; the bedroom door is shut to keep the PITA cats out or we’d never get any sleep. No pets are allowed on the bed, and only the cats get on the furniture (since they don’t seem to be willing/able to be trained to stay off - possibly because my wife encourages them onto her lap when she sits).
My husband nearly died of allergy-induced sleep apnea from cosleeping with cats, so no.
My dog is 65 pounds, sheds constantly, and occasionally farts. Plus, our bed (mine and husband’s, that is) is a full because we’ve never bothered to buy anything bigger. And most important, there’s no room for the dog once the four cats climb in. So the dog sleeps next to the bed, but the cats sleep in it. Usually at least two of them sleep on me.
My chinchillas both sleep on the end of my bed. They simply adore taking dust baths during the night then walking on my face.
It’s either that or letting them scream like children throughout the night.
They’re rescues that I saved a few years ago while working at the humane society. Vicious little balls of love.
Wife with allergies means no pets in the bed… or the house. Had an outside cat that I would pet before coming in after work sometimes and it drove my wife nuts what with the sneezing and getting all puffy if I didn’t wash my hands etc.
Our Moluccan cockatoo frequently sleeps on my head.
Gotta poo?
She wakes me up to move her to the poo place, then back to bed.
@rjquillin Who’s this? A new volmod? Or are you from the wine country?
@therealjrn From the land of grapes.
But I do visit here as well…
Once upon a time my pets were allowed into my bed and into my room in general, but one too many times rolling into bed late at night only for my back to discover one of them had decided to pee in it led to them all being forever banned and the door to my room closed to them all ever after.