Never heard of this company, but I don’t pay much attention to jewelry companies in the first place. How does this company measure up to Imperial, and how does this necklace measure up to the last one? I bought that one as a gift but was somewhat dismayed by the actual lack of pearls. Is this a quantity vs quality thing?
@Yoda_Daenerys No, it was what I expected. I jumped on it as a gift for my mom, who had her pearl necklace stolen decades ago and never got another one, not expecting another (different) pearl necklace to go on sale so soon. I figured it was the best I’d find in a year when money’s been very tight, but then this deal came along for $9 more and it looks a lot more like what I’d expect from a pearl necklace. Just unsure of the quality. The Imperial pearls are small, but they look nice.
I bought a set of these, too, so I guess I’ll see how they compare. If these are nicer, I can always give the Imperial necklace to someone else.
@natemallad cool, thanks! I found some mentions of “My Pacific Pearls” from a Groupon deal in 2011 through Google, but I wasn’t sure if that was even the same vendor.
@davecort as the buyer at MEH I am going to give you the skinny on this issue. All freshwater pearls that are dark like silvers, grays, blacks, etc are dyed usually from white or light pink pearls. Naturally occurring black pearls are Tahitian pearls and the price for an 18" strand can run from $500 to $5000 depending on the quality of the pearl… We will make sure that if the black was photoshopped, that will be the last time we use that process.
@natemallad Yep, I get all that. I was posting as an FYI to the community since for some strange reason this potentially useful piece of info was somehow omitted from your 400+ snarky word description.
While I appreciate the angle of today’s writeup, a hashtag printed on a jewelry box is probably the most hilariously tacky and destined-to-be-dated thing I can think of.
The .com in the company name printed there is pretty bad, too. Reminds me of the terrible physical store called that appeared during the dot-com bubble. Huge sign with that name and everything. Apparently it still exists under that name, somehow?! Talk about a relic!
First time I don’t check meh right at midnight est in like a month, and of course its something I want! set my alarm for 5 minutes before early bird release, click buy as soon as it rolls over, aaaannnnd white sold out in less than a minute. How are those who got a set at early bird able to click so quickly? This one came down to the second !
Been trying to buy a white necklace since 8:00… it looks like it is processing but the green bar keeps going then the dang thing says “OOPS. WE HAD A PROBLEM PLACING YOUR ORDER.”. Over and over… Just lost 21 minutes of my life I’ll never get back
It would be nice if VMPs would get redirected to a priority ordering system. I’ve been trying since 8 eastern, and now it looks like it’s sold out. Meh? Why won’t you let me spend my money?
Also All I get is a OOPS had problem placing order. Tried multiple devices multiple times no success!! #WTF?
#SUCKS. Several browsers, different devices different credit cards Amazon account. Will try a new account I guess.
I tried to give you my money. I entered multiple credit cards that all have available monies. take it take it take it. but no. you said oops. oops? oops!?! meh…
Can’t get past the purchase screen. The green bar just keeps going and going then times out. I’ve been trying to buy 3 for the past hour. UGH help meh please!
Hey guys I was getting the same problem with order message. Tried multiple browsers and credit cards. Then checked recent orders and it was there so I am hoping I get it.
@Robidb Really curious to why this is true for some but not others. I’ve been trying since 8 with no luck and nothing in my recent orders. Here’s hoping you get your set!
edit: this comment is lucky! an order went through for me c:!
Also All I get is a OOPS had problem placing order. Tried multiple devices multiple times no success!! #WTF?
#SUCKS. Several browsers, different devices different credit cards… ugh
@Hoeck check your order history. I was having the same problem and apparently one of my attempts went through. I did message them to verify though. Still waiting to hear back on that.
Looks like everyone who was trying had their orders go through all at once! Jumped from 595 ish sold to 900 sold in a moment. Super happy I got a set, thanks meh!
Thanks meh, your servers were down all morning, so I couldn’t get an order through, and now they’re sold out and I can’t get one! This is modern commerce!
With the ordering issues this morning we have more accidental duplicate orders than normal. Please check your account page and cancel any dupes you don’t want. If you see this after an hour has passed, use the support page to request a manual cancellation. Sorry for the hassles this morning.
@jesvas You can cancel VMP at any time at If you haven’t used any benefits you’ll be automatically refunded. If you need any other help our support page is the way to go.
Very unhappy with your ordering issues this morning. Got the “processing” issue multiple times only to eventually get kicked out and forced to try again - of course, knowing each time that it was less likely to get one. Did not win the lottery for the 4:00 chance even though I clicked to purchase as soon as the page allowed it.
@mattchhinn You joined VMP today at 9:04am. You can only purchase from VMP reserve at 4pm if you were a VMP member yesterday. See the VMP benefits list here:
We’ll launch a small reserve of product at 4pm ET only for VMPs who were already members before that day.
But the great thing about all of this is that I just realized how much the strand of pearls my Tahitian friend gave my wife for our wedding is actually worth.
I think that, with the Meh-server issues for hours yesterday (precluding some of us from buying, when discovered) there should be a “X-hour” sale for remaining pearls: When your infrastructure was fixed, they claimed gone and waiting for VaMPires! #disgruntled
I have a quick question that I did request support about the day of, but I had two orders, and was going to cancel one but decided against it (two gifts ain’t bad) though later in the day it got cancelled by itself, even though it was two separate orders going to two different addresses, is there any way to get the order reinstated or too late?
Received my two white sets today, nice little set that’s casual enough for wear to work, and def nice for the price! Planning to keep one and gift the other to a friend who doesn’t own much of any nice jewellery (original plan was for my mother, but now I’m thinking she is going to be too much of a jewelry snob for these )
@darksaber99999 Fresh water pearls are not known to be as round as saltwater pearls.
Here is an explanation for a source that seems to be reliable:
Freshwater pearls are indeed cultured pearls. Most of the time, however, when someone is referring to strictly ‘cultured pearls’ without the proceeding ‘freshwater’ they are typically referring to Akoya pearls.
The industry is changing, however, as more jewelers are consumers are educating themselves about pearls. I do not think any type of pearl should be referred to as only ‘cultured’ as this covers all pearls on the market today, including South Sea, Tahitian, Akoya, and freshwater pearls.
The main differences between a freshwater cultured pearl and a saltwater cultured pearl is where they have been cultured, and the nucleation.
Freshwater pearls are mantle nucleated, in other words a piece of the mantle of a sacrificed mollusk is inserted into the the receiving mollusk where the ‘nacre’ forms around it to produce the pearl. All saltwater pearls, however, which include Akoya, Tahitian, and South Sea, are bead nucleated. A small bead is inserted with the mantle tissue and the nacre forms around the bead.
Freshwater pearls are, of course, cultured in a freshwater environment, like a lake or stream. The other three main varieties are cultured in saltwater.
Pearls cultured in Saltwater are typically much more valuable than those cultured in freshwater and they also typically have a higher shine, luster, and are consistently spherical or nearly so.
@Surcher I just saw your question. Did you get it figured out to contact They might be a little busy right now, but they will get back to you.
I got this for someone for Xmas, one black set and one white set. White set was complete but the black set did not have earrings. Sounds like someone else got my earrings or I got someone else’s necklace and bracelet LOL.
What’s in the Box?
1x Necklace
1x Bracelet
2x Stud Earrings
1 x Travel Pouch
1x Gift Box
1 x Certificate of Authenticity & Valuation
Gift box
Storage bags
Price Comparison
$475 Valuation, $109 at
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
120 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Oct 17 - Friday, Oct 21
Pearl necklace again?
@yakkoTDI Meh gets the last laugh on this one lol
Multiple pearl necklaces. Ah-yup.
Pearl time…oyster you glad to showed up on meh tonight?
Further, closer, further, closer, wham, pearl necklace!
/giphy pearl necklace

@conandlibrarian that is an interesting use of a pearl necklace.
I certainly hope that no oysters were harmed during the production of these necklaces.
Never heard of this company, but I don’t pay much attention to jewelry companies in the first place. How does this company measure up to Imperial, and how does this necklace measure up to the last one? I bought that one as a gift but was somewhat dismayed by the actual lack of pearls. Is this a quantity vs quality thing?
@harveydanger do you think what you received deviated from the picture of what was to be sent?
@Yoda_Daenerys No, it was what I expected. I jumped on it as a gift for my mom, who had her pearl necklace stolen decades ago and never got another one, not expecting another (different) pearl necklace to go on sale so soon. I figured it was the best I’d find in a year when money’s been very tight, but then this deal came along for $9 more and it looks a lot more like what I’d expect from a pearl necklace. Just unsure of the quality. The Imperial pearls are small, but they look nice.
I bought a set of these, too, so I guess I’ll see how they compare. If these are nicer, I can always give the Imperial necklace to someone else.
@harveydanger If you want to know more about the quality of the pearls, there are many pearl buying guides on the web for free. You can check out the vendor at BTW - I am the buyer at for this deal. Checkout for other Pearl deals.
@natemallad cool, thanks! I found some mentions of “My Pacific Pearls” from a Groupon deal in 2011 through Google, but I wasn’t sure if that was even the same vendor.
According to teh interwebs, black freshwater pearls means they are simply dyed white ones. The only natural black pearls are from Tahiti.
@davecort bring on the sharpies
@davecort Which would explain why the black pearl picture appears to be Photo-shopped from the white one.
@davecort as the buyer at MEH I am going to give you the skinny on this issue. All freshwater pearls that are dark like silvers, grays, blacks, etc are dyed usually from white or light pink pearls. Naturally occurring black pearls are Tahitian pearls and the price for an 18" strand can run from $500 to $5000 depending on the quality of the pearl… We will make sure that if the black was photoshopped, that will be the last time we use that process.
@natemallad Yep, I get all that. I was posting as an FYI to the community since for some strange reason this potentially useful piece of info was somehow omitted from your 400+ snarky word description.
these are absolutely useless for margaritas.
@alacrity you could look really classy stirring your margarita with these
@Yoda_Daenerys FTFY:
You could look really classy stirring my margarita with these.
@mike808 aw snap, something’s gone wrong here
@Yoda_Daenerys pearls, chaps & a smile. nothing more is required.
Pearl necklace
/buy - qty 3 -color black
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
/buy --qty 3 --color black
@Yoda_Daenerys Oops, sorry. You can’t buy any more of these (you already bought 3).
@mediocrebot huh?
Does it show up on your order history page that you bought 3?
@PlacidPenguin see below
the answer was no, but now it is yes
there is no truth to the rumor these were once branded “The Mike Pence Anal Bead Set” and were repackaged to sell here.
@alacrity I’m not entirely sure that’s funny.
@alacrity sick fuck…you’re the asshole !
::Clutches pearls::
@alacrity You smug assholes just can’t grow up.
@alacrity you mean the one that Hillary pulled out of his butt with her teeth?
Is this a great Christmas gift?
/8ball this a great Christmas gift?
Concentrate and ask again
/8ball this a great Christmas gift?
My sources say no
/8ball this a great Christmas gift?
Without a doubt
@sligett finally.
A few more deals like this and Christmas will be covered…
/giphy likeable-bold-dandelion

my spouse tried to buy 3 and add VMP, but then i was not allowed to buy
my spouse cancelled her order and vmp and is pouting
i ordered some anyway
i am considering pouting
@springsteen FTFY
my spouse cancelled the order and vmp and is pouting
@Yoda_Daenerys Create separate accounts?
@sligett yea, they are already separate, but same shipping address and same cc, so Meh. thinks hijnks or shennanigans?
/giphy hijnks or shennanigans

I do really LOVE my wife!!!
@wrenchntooth What about the mistresses? Don’t be a d-bag.
Pearl necklaces all around!
I’d like to know why some people are buying three…
One for mom,
one for the wife,
and one for the girlfriend?
@hems79 Sister? Self?
@hems79 maybe for the wife and both girlfriend!
@hems79 daughter, daughter, daughter, spouse!
just like the game we played in grammar school, i loved that …
/youtube duck duck goose
@ mflassy i hope those kids all signed releases
While I appreciate the angle of today’s writeup, a hashtag printed on a jewelry box is probably the most hilariously tacky and destined-to-be-dated thing I can think of.
The .com in the company name printed there is pretty bad, too. Reminds me of the terrible physical store called that appeared during the dot-com bubble. Huge sign with that name and everything. Apparently it still exists under that name, somehow?! Talk about a relic!
@currawong Yeah, there’s one not that far from me in King of Prussia, PA. I’m always surprised it’s still in business.

These would be perfect for Marge Simpson cosplay!
One for wife, one for daughter… hope they’re nice!
/8ball Will they like the pearls? (re-rolling)
Signs point to yes
/giphy thrifty-fantastical-spider

First time I don’t check meh right at midnight est in like a month, and of course its something I want! set my alarm for 5 minutes before early bird release, click buy as soon as it rolls over, aaaannnnd white sold out in less than a minute. How are those who got a set at early bird able to click so quickly? This one came down to the second
@0alement0 meh please stop teasing me and saying white is available. It ain’t! I either get a sold out message or an error.
@0alement0 if it’s not in your order history, try again. It’s working right now.
Been trying to buy a white necklace since 8:00… it looks like it is processing but the green bar keeps going then the dang thing says “OOPS. WE HAD A PROBLEM PLACING YOUR ORDER.”. Over and over… Just lost 21 minutes of my life I’ll never get back
It won’t let me buy, this website sucks.
Been trying to buy this since 8 and just keeps saying had problem processing order…???
/buy --qty 1 --color white
@shrike1201 We’re sold out. You can try again (in case someone’s order doesn’t go through) but you’re most likely out of luck.
All I get is a OOPS had problem placing order. Tried multiple devices multiple times no success!! #WTF?
@wizzy me too
@wizzy Me too. Pissed
So if I receive an email confirming the order, but the website says “oops. we had a problem,” which is true?
@nmichaelsen check your orders in your account page.
It would be nice if VMPs would get redirected to a priority ordering system. I’ve been trying since 8 eastern, and now it looks like it’s sold out. Meh? Why won’t you let me spend my money?
@Blahbbs It worked! I finally got it! The gods of meh are smiling at me today!
nice waste of time
Also All I get is a OOPS had problem placing order. Tried multiple devices multiple times no success!! #WTF?
#SUCKS. Several browsers, different devices different credit cards Amazon account. Will try a new account I guess.
I tried to give you my money. I entered multiple credit cards that all have available monies. take it take it take it. but no. you said oops. oops? oops!?! meh…
It’s all a trick to drive up demand and make you think it’s hot shit like a fukubukuro.
Same boat as everyone else. Black says it’s sold out, white still shows as available. Unless I’m trying to buy it.
/giphy knowledgeable-judicious-warthog

/image knowledgeable-judicious-warthog

/buy --qty 1 --color white
@masloki We’re sold out. You can try again (in case someone’s order doesn’t go through) but you’re most likely out of luck.
@masloki It worked! Your order number is: preferable-older-ravioli
/image preferable older ravioli

I’ve been trying to give my wife a pearl necklace for 15 years, looks like this won’t be the year either…
/buy --qty 1 --color white
@irishkiddster Sorry, the
command is currently only available to VMP members. Become a VMP.After several attempts, order finally went through. Also bought last pearl deal, wife loved it.
Can’t get past the purchase screen. The green bar just keeps going and going then times out. I’ve been trying to buy 3 for the past hour. UGH help meh please!
Hey guys I was getting the same problem with order message. Tried multiple browsers and credit cards. Then checked recent orders and it was there so I am hoping I get it.
@Robidb Really curious to why this is true for some but not others. I’ve been trying since 8 with no luck and nothing in my recent orders. Here’s hoping you get your set!
edit: this comment is lucky! an order went through for me c:!
Also All I get is a OOPS had problem placing order. Tried multiple devices multiple times no success!! #WTF?
#SUCKS. Several browsers, different devices different credit cards… ugh
@Hoeck check your order history. I was having the same problem and apparently one of my attempts went through. I did message them to verify though. Still waiting to hear back on that.
@samjam10412 good call. was having the same issue but it’s there in my order history. noice.
@willb92 I’m just hoping 20 more orders don’t appear in my history from trying to get it to go through so many times! Lol!
@Hoeck and now its gone…
Anybody get the black pearls and want to make a profit? Anybody down to resell?
/buy --qty 1 --color white
@0alement0 We’re sold out. You can try again (in case someone’s order doesn’t go through) but you’re most likely out of luck.
@0alement0 It worked! Your order number is: killer-simplistic-sorcerer
/image killer simplistic sorcerer

/buy --qty 1 --color white
@smbrown44 It worked! Your order number is: mediocre-unfriendly-mongoose
/image mediocre unfriendly mongoose

/buy --qty 1 --color white
@ajeys Oops, sorry. You can’t buy any more of these (you already bought 3).
/buy --qty 1 --color white
@skrubol It worked! Your order number is: familiar-negative-guppy
/image familiar negative guppy

/buy --qty 1 --color white
@abarbara81 It worked! Your order number is: real-glamorized-clam
/image real glamorized clam

Can you confirm that I only ordered one set?
@lonelydwarfprod Yes, confirmed.
Looks like everyone who was trying had their orders go through all at once! Jumped from 595 ish sold to 900 sold in a moment. Super happy I got a set, thanks meh!
@0alement0 Yep.
Thanks meh, your servers were down all morning, so I couldn’t get an order through, and now they’re sold out and I can’t get one! This is modern commerce!
Personally I blame the goatapus.
/buy --qty 1 --color white
@shanebird We’re sold out except for a small amount we set aside for existing VMP members to be released at 4pm ET.
So glad I didnt give up.
/giphy secret-noteworthy-kangaroo

With the ordering issues this morning we have more accidental duplicate orders than normal. Please check your account page and cancel any dupes you don’t want. If you see this after an hour has passed, use the support page to request a manual cancellation. Sorry for the hassles this morning.
Bummer - tried multiple times this morning and wasn’t able to process my order, I missed out.
/buy --qty 1 --color white
@shanebird We’re sold out. You can try again (in case someone’s order doesn’t go through) but you’re most likely out of luck.
is there any reason I couldn’t have been notified that I wouldn’t be able to buy them if i signed up for VMP today? Thats some bullshit…
Ducked in under the VMP wire. The MEH approach to Christmas shopping strikes again!
If this isn’t cobra commander smoking a doobie I’m gonna be sad

/giphy blunt-vile-commander
Where can i get a refund of my VMP account?
@jesvas You can cancel VMP at any time at If you haven’t used any benefits you’ll be automatically refunded. If you need any other help our support page is the way to go.
@jesvas what a cry-baby.
@frankosuna no hard feelings. VMP isn’t for everybody and we haven’t done a great job keeping the site running smoothly today.
@frankosuna shuddup
I got both with the late release, thanks meh!
Very unhappy with your ordering issues this morning. Got the “processing” issue multiple times only to eventually get kicked out and forced to try again - of course, knowing each time that it was less likely to get one. Did not win the lottery for the 4:00 chance even though I clicked to purchase as soon as the page allowed it.
Sigh…wanted black, but had to settle for white…rats!
@eeterrific at least you got something. I tried forever on multiple accounts this morning and my order would never go through!!!
I’ve had a VMP account and I still can’t get one. It says restricted to those who didn’t sign up today. HELP @mediocrebot
@mattchhinn You joined VMP today at 9:04am. You can only purchase from VMP reserve at 4pm if you were a VMP member yesterday. See the VMP benefits list here:
@shawn I Just updated my billing. It had expired. But gotta thank Mom for the win. She scored me one.
I’ll just skip the Abu Ghraib picture…
But the great thing about all of this is that I just realized how much the strand of pearls my Tahitian friend gave my wife for our wedding is actually worth.
I think that, with the Meh-server issues for hours yesterday (precluding some of us from buying, when discovered) there should be a “X-hour” sale for remaining pearls: When your infrastructure was fixed, they claimed gone and waiting for VaMPires! #disgruntled
I have a quick question that I did request support about the day of, but I had two orders, and was going to cancel one but decided against it (two gifts ain’t bad) though later in the day it got cancelled by itself, even though it was two separate orders going to two different addresses, is there any way to get the order reinstated or too late?
when are these babies going to ship?
@thenewlight from mediocrebot:
Estimated Delivery
FedEx SmartPost: Thursday, December 8th - Tuesday, December 13th
Received my two white sets today, nice little set that’s casual enough for wear to work, and def nice for the price! Planning to keep one and gift the other to a friend who doesn’t own much of any nice jewellery (original plan was for my mother, but now I’m thinking she is going to be too much of a jewelry snob for these
Longest “processing” ever.
I got mine, look a bit less round than the images but still very nice (especially for the price!)
@afrojosh The pearls are not round?
@darksaber99999 Fresh water pearls are not known to be as round as saltwater pearls.
Here is an explanation for a source that seems to be reliable:
Freshwater pearls are indeed cultured pearls. Most of the time, however, when someone is referring to strictly ‘cultured pearls’ without the proceeding ‘freshwater’ they are typically referring to Akoya pearls.
The industry is changing, however, as more jewelers are consumers are educating themselves about pearls. I do not think any type of pearl should be referred to as only ‘cultured’ as this covers all pearls on the market today, including South Sea, Tahitian, Akoya, and freshwater pearls.
The main differences between a freshwater cultured pearl and a saltwater cultured pearl is where they have been cultured, and the nucleation.
Freshwater pearls are mantle nucleated, in other words a piece of the mantle of a sacrificed mollusk is inserted into the the receiving mollusk where the ‘nacre’ forms around it to produce the pearl. All saltwater pearls, however, which include Akoya, Tahitian, and South Sea, are bead nucleated. A small bead is inserted with the mantle tissue and the nacre forms around the bead.
Freshwater pearls are, of course, cultured in a freshwater environment, like a lake or stream. The other three main varieties are cultured in saltwater.
Pearls cultured in Saltwater are typically much more valuable than those cultured in freshwater and they also typically have a higher shine, luster, and are consistently spherical or nearly so.
@darksaber99999 They are largely round-ish I would say, they aren’t as round or well matched as expensive pearls but I will attach an image.
Did anyone else only receive earrings?
@Crlaozwyn you should hit up about that.
Got mine but only earrings and my help request gets a something wrong error.
Hope this gets resolved soon!
So you DID contact support?
Yes it finally went through.
Issue resolved.
Mine show shipped around Dec 5th, but they seem to be stuck in limbo somewhere.
This set was supposed to be black but it is white. I ordered one white and one black. What is the process for exchange or refund?
@Surcher I just saw your question. Did you get it figured out to contact They might be a little busy right now, but they will get back to you.
I got this for someone for Xmas, one black set and one white set. White set was complete but the black set did not have earrings. Sounds like someone else got my earrings or I got someone else’s necklace and bracelet LOL.
Just checked in with support…