@xarous You are actually right, someone from meh actually responded to one of my post on deals.woot because of what a mod said. They said how meh was what Woot used to be! So yes I was invited, then I became a customer and posted, hmm.
Wow, it includes red-hot mega-popular titles like "ESPN Sportscenter: Year In Review 2006" and "Kiddy Grade - The Freedom of Truth Vol. 5". Now I know what everybody on my Christmas list is getting this year!
@Starblind ME TOO!!! WHOOOHOOOO!!! Taking that off my To-Do list now......."Christmas presents for everysinglesoulIknow" - CHECK. And BOOM - THAT just happened! (Not really. I didn't even bother clicking on the link. I just wanted to be in the thread.)
You know what is really funny? I never heard of meh.com but I posted some Amazon Deals on Deals Woot, usually from several different sellers and Amazon but the Deals Woot mods always say stuff like they don't have 1000 feedback etc.
So one day someone from meh.com responded and talked about how meh was what Woot used to be, so I said let me check it out. I did had my wife buy a Blu-ray DVD player, etc., then I decided to post and see how it was. Unfortunately the people here are not cool like the claim made on my Deals Woot post!
@socialdeals I looked into it. Some random guy, best know for being a trolling moron, commented that you should check out meh.com. Please keep in mind that this guy doesn't represent meh in any way. You were not hand selected to come here and post shitty "deals". If you don't like it here, please leave. If you'd like to stay, things are pretty good over here compared to woot and we'd love to have more people in the community. But don't look at this place as an opportunity to spam shitty deals.
@socialdeals Not to mention that the deals you did post on deals were pretty much complete and total garbage. We really don't want to see that shit on these forums. But you are again more than welcome to stick around and positively contribute to the community.
@studerc SPAM? I don't get it, I post mostly Amazon Deals and the only deals they kept was from Dollar Fanatic, which I don't understand because they are owned by Amazon. I doubt they own Dollar Fanatic also.
@studerc Although I think the deal sucks, I like @socialdeals enthusiasm. And frankly, I'm not entirely sure this isn't another of @snapster's experiments to see how the community reacts to a new stimulus.
@DaveInSoCal I'm gonna guess no. However overall I feel that we have been welcoming to him and I agree that I like the enthusiasm. But at the same time we are focusing on the idea that posting terrible deals isn't something we really want to tolerate here right now.
@studerc Well at least he didn't call you a bunch of name, like he did me, when I let him know what the forum rules are (yes I actually read them a number of threads ago). But then I guess it is all your fault he was calling me names LOL. Oh my ! I just realized you only have the rest of today and tomorrow in your reign as the goat! And we haven't even had the discussion on whom should be next. The joke would be on socialdeals if it was him but the forums just might go up in flames of his own making so probably not a good idea LOL
@socialdeals You're just not getting it, so I'm going to make this very, very simple:
IF YOU'RE A SPAMMER, then knock it off because everyone fucking hates spam.
IF YOU'RE NOT A SPAMMER, and are genuinely posting these because you think they're good deals, then knock it off because (1) they aren't and (2) posting in a sketchy spam-like manner isn't doing a favour for the seller of said products or their reputation.
You posted dozens of non-deals in deals.woot and most were deleted, there is a reason for that. Spam tends to attract more spam, so the community has a good reason to give you a not-very-warm welcome. And besides, unlike deals.woot the Meh forum isn't specifically oriented toward offsite deals anyway.
@Starblind I am NOT a spammer. BTW I support SMALL sellers because they tend to offer the best deals. So the deleted deals which is about 30 was ALL different merchants and Amazon, so until my poor behind is rich and owners several merchants it was not spam. Also I get you I feel the SAME about spammers, that is why I was surprised by the response. Again I am sorry, I didn't know anything about your site before that response on woot.
@socialdeals Somewhere or other there is a list of rules for the forum - one of the rules is that you can not sell anything or advertise anything where you'd have financial gain, so that is part of your problem. You broke a rule. Yes I realize the rules are hard to find as they tend to slide off the bottom of the page, but it would be wise, perhaps, before starting flogging your wares on a website is to ask first if you are allowed to do that. There is a way to be a supplier for meh - I think that link is on mediocre.com - might be in a thread too. I remember noticing it but I don't remember where.
@Kidsandliz I already said I like meh.com and I have told friends about the website. If you like them I would advise you stop your ignorance. First I didn't say I wanted to sell anything here, and MAYBE someone from here was spamming woot, which is how I came across the website. So I broke NO RULES idiot, and I didn't post any kind of affiliate code or anything like that. The only place I'm an affiliate at is Fan Duel, and I don't post from them in forums. So stop being so smart and start thinking. I didn't ask anyone to respond on MY POST on deals.woot advertising meh! So YOU are the IDIOT that is causing problems. I also stated we will shop at meh, but I don't want to use the forums below. I can list 3 out of 5 friends that have setup accounts and I think have made purchases, PLEASE STOP! BTW one of the so called woot posters or mods, I have no clue, thought it was ME that posted that meh.com spam also. So now I own everyone?
@socialdeals Name calling and insults are an interesting way to make friends and influence enemies. I didn't see your post on woot. I only saw you started this one by trying to sell 40 DVD's and then react badly to people's responses to you.
@studerc I was called several names and accused of all kinds of stuff INCLUDING Deals.Woot saying I was Spamming them by advertising Meh.com. I admit I finally just lost it. I again stated I like Meh and have told friends. I will NOT be using the forum. I didn't Spam anyone, I just followed a link from Woot that promoted Meh. I don't post deals for myself ANYWHERE! So I just lost it, it is not fun being bullied.
@Kidsandliz I was called several names and accused of all kinds of stuff. Again I am NOT selling anything myself, I just followed a suggestion from someone that posted on Deals.Woot. I admit I lost it, I was so mad when I got accused here and to top it off from Deals.Woot saying I was promoting Meh.com when you guys were actually ripping me. It was weird and interesting. I learned to leave these types of forum alone. I feel bad for people I participated in ripping on slick deals, wow!
@socialdeals That you have been called names on woot does not justify, or excuse, calling me (or anyone else for that matter) all the lovely names you called me, being rude and inappropriate. All I did was point out what the list forum rules are and suggested you might want to find them out before you make a post that violates them. The kind of behavior you exhibited here says far more about the person being nasty than it does about the person being bashed by you. For all the good natured snark that takes place on this list, this list has not, until this thread, gotten involved in being mean, nasty and cruel.
@Kidsandliz You don't read very well. I was NOT called names on Woot. Someone only said I was promoting Meh.com which I was not, I responded to someone that promoted Meh.com on my Post. I was called names HERE, not on Woot. I don't think you understand that you accused me of something that was wrong because you didn't read was an insult, maybe you have a different style but I don't like it. Again please STOP!
@Kidsandliz BTW I don't take "snark" as being a funny, I am much older I guess. So I am not trying to make anyone upset, but I do feel like you and others bashed me, because you assumed something that was not correct. I know the rules, because I read!
@socialdeals Geesh middle school drama. I do find it interesting that you are still justifying calling me names in response to me posting the list rules and because you state others, not me, called you names. Interesting logic.
@Kidsandliz Making a statement about someone that is not factual is both calling names and an insult. You need to read your original post. Again I admit I got really upset and snapped, which may have something to do with me being older and not liking the new pop culture talk first, learn second nature you exhibited in your original post. I am done with it, please just ask someone if they are doing something you think, before you assume in the future. I know I might sound like I am trying to be a Parent, but the truth is I admit I am old fashion. You should be able to take what you give. I deserved to be responded to because I called you a name after you insulted me, we were both wrong!
@socialdeals Between your long history of misbehaviour on deals.woot and now childish namecalling towards a respected member of this forum, you've lost any initial sympathy or benefit of the doubt. First, stop insulting Kidsandliz. Second, get the fucking point that it doesn't matter whether you consider yourself to be spamming. Posting content that's indistinguishable from spam harms the community either way--one might even say it's worse if you aren't, since you're harming the seller's reputation as well. And when you up the ante with pathetic namecalling, that's even more unacceptable.
@Starblind I don't have a long history of misbehaviour on deals.woot. You didn't read either, right? Someone SPAMMED my post on Deals.woot! I was called names and you just trying to bully. I am willing to leave this so please don't keep going. I am not trying to ruin Meh.com reputation or anyone else. I didn't post Spam, I posted what I thought would be considered a good deal. As far as deals.woot my post that got deleted was because it was SMALL merchants on Amazon, about 30 different, not because it was Spam or myself selling. If Deals.Woot wants to think I was advertising you guys, just because someone Spammed my post, that is your problem. If any other company I posted for thinks is it my fault they get a bad rep because I posted their deals, that is their problem. Again I stated I liked Meh.com, you guys are just getting carried away calling me names and accusing me of stuff. Just because you believe your "SNARK" bully tactics is acceptable, I Don't. Please don't think it is ok to bully anyone regardless if you think it is acceptable or not.
@socialdeals It becomes your problem though when you post deals and it is against the rules to do so. The rules apply to all of us. Equally. Due to cancer and some things that were beyond my control (eg laid off due to cancer and running out of money - I am only buying really, really cheap deals for christmas while I still have money to do so) I have a gofundme account I was given permission to post the url for but I haven't as I felt that even with permission (hadn't asked, rather had mentioned it with nothing identifiable to find it on another thread and a meh employee told me it was OK to post) it was sort of a violation of the spirit of the forums - even though I will be homeless at the end of October if I don't find a job soon.
@Kidsandliz Are you serious about the Homeless stuff? If so Iet me know what your gofundme username is. Again I didn't break the rules, someone invited me to meh.com, I told my wife and friends to sign up and purchase. My wife and a few others did, then I read the forums and posted what I thought would be a good deal or conversation piece. However immediately I got accused of spamming selling stuff, etc. I thought it was really sad because someone responded to my post on another site, and I gave meh a chance. Myself and my friends probably spent a half mill on woot over the years. I try to do business with Smaller Companies and Merchants on eBay and Amazon, that is the ONLY problem i have with deals.woot. They will keep up the links to bigger companies but always delete the links to smaller companies or smaller merchants.
@Kidsandliz Seriously if you are really in a bad situation share your link, I like to support people that actually need it. Regardless of this misunderstanding I still have a heart!
@socialdeals Well thank you. I appreciate it. I have hesitated to post the link here even with permission as I am probably not the only one here who is struggling.There is no way to contact people privately via this forum so here is my link (I use my nickname on most forums. Gofundme requires your legal name. There I have shortened my last name to avoid google searches on me from finding this page and then sinking a job opportunity due to cancer. If you want my full name use the link on the page to email me privately. Feel free to post far and wide too.) http://www.gofundme.com/78d3nc Thanks again.
@Kidsandliz Do you really want socialdeals posting your link "far and wide"? Given their history I expect they'll post it in a very spammy manner and it won't be long before someone reports it to Gofundme. It's your life and it's your link, but that sounds like a bad idea to me.
@socialdeals A good point was just made that if my gofundme page is posted far and wide it might get reported as spam and then they'd cancel it and keep the money and they'd likely not allow me to make a new one. Then I'd really be doomed. As a result I'd appreciate it if you'd not do that. I can't take the risk that good intentions will get my page labeled as spam. Hadn't thought through the potential risk of it being posted all over the place. Thanks in advance for honoring my request.
@socialdeals BTW you came in arguing with many black triangles that used to be the backbone, the lifeforce of deals.woot. We could sniff out shills and spammers with ease. If you are a paying customer, thanks for making @snapster richer. If you are a business trying to get affiliate links or some sort of revenue by adding topics of non-so-great "deals" here the please don't. Meh.com might be what Woot was....before deals.woot, before shirt.woot, when it was a deal-a day-site and had a fun and favorible community. You are not adding to the fun. Good day sir.
@xarous I'm not arguing with anyone, just imagine someone expecting to be welcomed in any situation then it working opposite. I learned a ton from this, I will think twice before calling someone else out. EXAMPLE the person that responded to me on deals.woot. I would normally consider that a spammer, but I was so mad at woot for deleting some really good deals from smaller sellers, and of course some BAD purchases. I just gave the benefit of the doubt.
@socialdeals You are arguing. You are also calling people names and being nasty. If you read through the forums snark in a good humored way is acceptable, but flaming is not. You are flaming others.
@SSteve Long Live @xarous (if I knew how to post a photo of a king being appropriately king like with a proclamation I would - however although I read that thread I still didn't bother to learn how)
Overall Meh is cool, but I doubt I will be using the forum. However I have told 5 friends that are ex woot supporters. Thanks for the GREAT Deal so far mmmmmmeeeeeeehhhhhh
How do you guys feel about the new Advanced Class Guide from Paizo? I know, I know. It's a splat book, but I love some of the new classes (especially the Shaman).
@MEHcus Chocolate. Or good ice cream… You did know chocolate was a vitamin. Right? Vitamin M (as in M&M's). It is specifically good for your health, well being and future happiness.
What's DVD? Is that a new kind of streaming compression?
@Ignorant I don't know. I'm still using VHS.
@barnabee Betamax all the way.
Is this from the community, or a business?
@KDemo I don't know many that would name themselves @socialdeals, reminds me of the shady users on the good old deals.woot
@xarous - That's what I was thinking.
@xarous You are actually right, someone from meh actually responded to one of my post on deals.woot because of what a mod said. They said how meh was what Woot used to be! So yes I was invited, then I became a customer and posted, hmm.
@socialdeals - but where are the laser discs?!?!?!
Yeah, this is crap. I'm sure @JonT will kill this thread eventually
@DaveInSoCal I was invited from deals.woot of all places, sorry I came. I will still give meh a chance, but so far it is not like they said it was.
Wow, it includes red-hot mega-popular titles like "ESPN Sportscenter: Year In Review 2006" and "Kiddy Grade - The Freedom of Truth Vol. 5". Now I know what everybody on my Christmas list is getting this year!
@Starblind ME TOO!!! WHOOOHOOOO!!! Taking that off my To-Do list now......."Christmas presents for everysinglesoulIknow" - CHECK. And BOOM - THAT just happened! (Not really. I didn't even bother clicking on the link. I just wanted to be in the thread.)
@Starblind I have friends that would really like getting the hentai Kiddy Grade boxed set, but not some random disc.
You know what is really funny? I never heard of meh.com but I posted some Amazon Deals on Deals Woot, usually from several different sellers and Amazon but the Deals Woot mods always say stuff like they don't have 1000 feedback etc.
So one day someone from meh.com responded and talked about how meh was what Woot used to be, so I said let me check it out. I did had my wife buy a Blu-ray DVD player, etc., then I decided to post and see how it was. Unfortunately the people here are not cool like the claim made on my Deals Woot post!
@socialdeals I looked into it. Some random guy, best know for being a trolling moron, commented that you should check out meh.com. Please keep in mind that this guy doesn't represent meh in any way. You were not hand selected to come here and post shitty "deals". If you don't like it here, please leave. If you'd like to stay, things are pretty good over here compared to woot and we'd love to have more people in the community. But don't look at this place as an opportunity to spam shitty deals.
Your friendly neighborhood scapegoat!
@socialdeals Not to mention that the deals you did post on deals were pretty much complete and total garbage. We really don't want to see that shit on these forums. But you are again more than welcome to stick around and positively contribute to the community.
@studerc Most of the post I made on Deals Woot from Amazon were deleted, they only kept the Deals from a couple companies, so you don't really know.
@studerc SPAM? I don't get it, I post mostly Amazon Deals and the only deals they kept was from Dollar Fanatic, which I don't understand because they are owned by Amazon. I doubt they own Dollar Fanatic also.
@socialdeals Hahaha. That's cute. I won't waste my time arguing with you. Your "deals" suck don't post anymore of them.
@studerc This is all your fault.
@DaveInSoCal I KNOW :) I'm desperately trying to end it but this guy just doesn't get it, haha.
@studerc Although I think the deal sucks, I like @socialdeals enthusiasm. And frankly, I'm not entirely sure this isn't another of @snapster's experiments to see how the community reacts to a new stimulus.
@DaveInSoCal I'm gonna guess no. However overall I feel that we have been welcoming to him and I agree that I like the enthusiasm. But at the same time we are focusing on the idea that posting terrible deals isn't something we really want to tolerate here right now.
@DaveInSoCal I am not loyal to anyone, I actually work in the entertainment industry. Thanks for the positive response, I have been taking a beating!
@studerc Well at least he didn't call you a bunch of name, like he did me, when I let him know what the forum rules are (yes I actually read them a number of threads ago). But then I guess it is all your fault he was calling me names LOL. Oh my ! I just realized you only have the rest of today and tomorrow in your reign as the goat! And we haven't even had the discussion on whom should be next. The joke would be on socialdeals if it was him but the forums just might go up in flames of his own making so probably not a good idea LOL
@socialdeals You're just not getting it, so I'm going to make this very, very simple:
IF YOU'RE A SPAMMER, then knock it off because everyone fucking hates spam.
IF YOU'RE NOT A SPAMMER, and are genuinely posting these because you think they're good deals, then knock it off because (1) they aren't and (2) posting in a sketchy spam-like manner isn't doing a favour for the seller of said products or their reputation.
You posted dozens of non-deals in deals.woot and most were deleted, there is a reason for that. Spam tends to attract more spam, so the community has a good reason to give you a not-very-warm welcome. And besides, unlike deals.woot the Meh forum isn't specifically oriented toward offsite deals anyway.
So, in summary: please stop.
@Starblind I am NOT a spammer. BTW I support SMALL sellers because they tend to offer the best deals. So the deleted deals which is about 30 was ALL different merchants and Amazon, so until my poor behind is rich and owners several merchants it was not spam. Also I get you I feel the SAME about spammers, that is why I was surprised by the response. Again I am sorry, I didn't know anything about your site before that response on woot.
@socialdeals Somewhere or other there is a list of rules for the forum - one of the rules is that you can not sell anything or advertise anything where you'd have financial gain, so that is part of your problem. You broke a rule. Yes I realize the rules are hard to find as they tend to slide off the bottom of the page, but it would be wise, perhaps, before starting flogging your wares on a website is to ask first if you are allowed to do that. There is a way to be a supplier for meh - I think that link is on mediocre.com - might be in a thread too. I remember noticing it but I don't remember where.
@Kidsandliz I already said I like meh.com and I have told friends about the website. If you like them I would advise you stop your ignorance. First I didn't say I wanted to sell anything here, and MAYBE someone from here was spamming woot, which is how I came across the website. So I broke NO RULES idiot, and I didn't post any kind of affiliate code or anything like that. The only place I'm an affiliate at is Fan Duel, and I don't post from them in forums. So stop being so smart and start thinking. I didn't ask anyone to respond on MY POST on deals.woot advertising meh! So YOU are the IDIOT that is causing problems. I also stated we will shop at meh, but I don't want to use the forums below. I can list 3 out of 5 friends that have setup accounts and I think have made purchases, PLEASE STOP! BTW one of the so called woot posters or mods, I have no clue, thought it was ME that posted that meh.com spam also. So now I own everyone?
@socialdeals All of this over responding to a post is ridiculous!
@socialdeals Name calling and insults are an interesting way to make friends and influence enemies. I didn't see your post on woot. I only saw you started this one by trying to sell 40 DVD's and then react badly to people's responses to you.
@socialdeals Dude, you need to calm the fuck down. Just sayin....
@studerc I was called several names and accused of all kinds of stuff INCLUDING Deals.Woot saying I was Spamming them by advertising Meh.com. I admit I finally just lost it. I again stated I like Meh and have told friends. I will NOT be using the forum. I didn't Spam anyone, I just followed a link from Woot that promoted Meh. I don't post deals for myself ANYWHERE! So I just lost it, it is not fun being bullied.
@Kidsandliz I was called several names and accused of all kinds of stuff. Again I am NOT selling anything myself, I just followed a suggestion from someone that posted on Deals.Woot. I admit I lost it, I was so mad when I got accused here and to top it off from Deals.Woot saying I was promoting Meh.com when you guys were actually ripping me. It was weird and interesting. I learned to leave these types of forum alone. I feel bad for people I participated in ripping on slick deals, wow!
@socialdeals That you have been called names on woot does not justify, or excuse, calling me (or anyone else for that matter) all the lovely names you called me, being rude and inappropriate. All I did was point out what the list forum rules are and suggested you might want to find them out before you make a post that violates them. The kind of behavior you exhibited here says far more about the person being nasty than it does about the person being bashed by you. For all the good natured snark that takes place on this list, this list has not, until this thread, gotten involved in being mean, nasty and cruel.
@Kidsandliz You don't read very well. I was NOT called names on Woot. Someone only said I was promoting Meh.com which I was not, I responded to someone that promoted Meh.com on my Post. I was called names HERE, not on Woot. I don't think you understand that you accused me of something that was wrong because you didn't read was an insult, maybe you have a different style but I don't like it. Again please STOP!
@Kidsandliz BTW I don't take "snark" as being a funny, I am much older I guess. So I am not trying to make anyone upset, but I do feel like you and others bashed me, because you assumed something that was not correct. I know the rules, because I read!
@socialdeals Geesh middle school drama. I do find it interesting that you are still justifying calling me names in response to me posting the list rules and because you state others, not me, called you names. Interesting logic.
@Kidsandliz Making a statement about someone that is not factual is both calling names and an insult. You need to read your original post. Again I admit I got really upset and snapped, which may have something to do with me being older and not liking the new pop culture talk first, learn second nature you exhibited in your original post. I am done with it, please just ask someone if they are doing something you think, before you assume in the future. I know I might sound like I am trying to be a Parent, but the truth is I admit I am old fashion. You should be able to take what you give. I deserved to be responded to because I called you a name after you insulted me, we were both wrong!
@socialdeals Between your long history of misbehaviour on deals.woot and now childish namecalling towards a respected member of this forum, you've lost any initial sympathy or benefit of the doubt. First, stop insulting Kidsandliz. Second, get the fucking point that it doesn't matter whether you consider yourself to be spamming. Posting content that's indistinguishable from spam harms the community either way--one might even say it's worse if you aren't, since you're harming the seller's reputation as well. And when you up the ante with pathetic namecalling, that's even more unacceptable.
@Starblind thank you
@Starblind I don't have a long history of misbehaviour on deals.woot. You didn't read either, right? Someone SPAMMED my post on Deals.woot! I was called names and you just trying to bully. I am willing to leave this so please don't keep going. I am not trying to ruin Meh.com reputation or anyone else. I didn't post Spam, I posted what I thought would be considered a good deal. As far as deals.woot my post that got deleted was because it was SMALL merchants on Amazon, about 30 different, not because it was Spam or myself selling. If Deals.Woot wants to think I was advertising you guys, just because someone Spammed my post, that is your problem. If any other company I posted for thinks is it my fault they get a bad rep because I posted their deals, that is their problem. Again I stated I liked Meh.com, you guys are just getting carried away calling me names and accusing me of stuff. Just because you believe your "SNARK" bully tactics is acceptable, I Don't. Please don't think it is ok to bully anyone regardless if you think it is acceptable or not.
@socialdeals It becomes your problem though when you post deals and it is against the rules to do so. The rules apply to all of us. Equally. Due to cancer and some things that were beyond my control (eg laid off due to cancer and running out of money - I am only buying really, really cheap deals for christmas while I still have money to do so) I have a gofundme account I was given permission to post the url for but I haven't as I felt that even with permission (hadn't asked, rather had mentioned it with nothing identifiable to find it on another thread and a meh employee told me it was OK to post) it was sort of a violation of the spirit of the forums - even though I will be homeless at the end of October if I don't find a job soon.
@Kidsandliz Are you serious about the Homeless stuff? If so Iet me know what your gofundme username is. Again I didn't break the rules, someone invited me to meh.com, I told my wife and friends to sign up and purchase. My wife and a few others did, then I read the forums and posted what I thought would be a good deal or conversation piece. However immediately I got accused of spamming selling stuff, etc. I thought it was really sad because someone responded to my post on another site, and I gave meh a chance. Myself and my friends probably spent a half mill on woot over the years. I try to do business with Smaller Companies and Merchants on eBay and Amazon, that is the ONLY problem i have with deals.woot. They will keep up the links to bigger companies but always delete the links to smaller companies or smaller merchants.
@Kidsandliz Seriously if you are really in a bad situation share your link, I like to support people that actually need it. Regardless of this misunderstanding I still have a heart!
@socialdeals Well thank you. I appreciate it. I have hesitated to post the link here even with permission as I am probably not the only one here who is struggling.There is no way to contact people privately via this forum so here is my link (I use my nickname on most forums. Gofundme requires your legal name. There I have shortened my last name to avoid google searches on me from finding this page and then sinking a job opportunity due to cancer. If you want my full name use the link on the page to email me privately. Feel free to post far and wide too.) http://www.gofundme.com/78d3nc Thanks again.
@Kidsandliz Do you really want socialdeals posting your link "far and wide"? Given their history I expect they'll post it in a very spammy manner and it won't be long before someone reports it to Gofundme. It's your life and it's your link, but that sounds like a bad idea to me.
@Starblind Yeah I need to be careful it is not looked at as spam… Thank you for that thought.
@socialdeals A good point was just made that if my gofundme page is posted far and wide it might get reported as spam and then they'd cancel it and keep the money and they'd likely not allow me to make a new one. Then I'd really be doomed. As a result I'd appreciate it if you'd not do that. I can't take the risk that good intentions will get my page labeled as spam. Hadn't thought through the potential risk of it being posted all over the place. Thanks in advance for honoring my request.
@socialdeals BTW you came in arguing with many black triangles that used to be the backbone, the lifeforce of deals.woot. We could sniff out shills and spammers with ease. If you are a paying customer, thanks for making @snapster richer. If you are a business trying to get affiliate links or some sort of revenue by adding topics of non-so-great "deals" here the please don't. Meh.com might be what Woot was....before deals.woot, before shirt.woot, when it was a deal-a day-site and had a fun and favorible community. You are not adding to the fun. Good day sir.
@xarous I'm not arguing with anyone, just imagine someone expecting to be welcomed in any situation then it working opposite. I learned a ton from this, I will think twice before calling someone else out. EXAMPLE the person that responded to me on deals.woot. I would normally consider that a spammer, but I was so mad at woot for deleting some really good deals from smaller sellers, and of course some BAD purchases. I just gave the benefit of the doubt.
@socialdeals You are arguing. You are also calling people names and being nasty. If you read through the forums snark in a good humored way is acceptable, but flaming is not. You are flaming others.
@Kidsandliz Well, since @xarous dropped a "Good day sir" on him, I doubt he'll be further sullying our community with his presence.
@SSteve Long Live @xarous (if I knew how to post a photo of a king being appropriately king like with a proclamation I would - however although I read that thread I still didn't bother to learn how)
Overall Meh is cool, but I doubt I will be using the forum. However I have told 5 friends that are ex woot supporters. Thanks for the GREAT Deal so far mmmmmmeeeeeeehhhhhh
@socialdeals I still feel this way, I hope the bashing stops or I will change my mind!
@medz Now thats funny!
DVD? The fuck is this?

Damn, I was thinking about going on vacation somewhere in the San Diego area. I was thoroughly excited to see some truly awesome SoCalDeals.
Disappointed as usual. meh...
@Cinoclav I still recommend San Diego as a place to spend all your hard earned money. I mean "go on vacation." :)
@DaveInSoCal I was expecting a reply from you! Lol
Which experiment is this?
@barnabee The one that went awry?
@barnabee The study of dog-piling and its effects?
Just talk about this for a while.
How do you guys feel about the new Advanced Class Guide from Paizo? I know, I know. It's a splat book, but I love some of the new classes (especially the Shaman).
@hart Well, it looks more interesting than the class guide from the college I went to, at least.
Or you could just talk about this for a while.
@MEHcus Chocolate. Or good ice cream… You did know chocolate was a vitamin. Right? Vitamin M (as in M&M's). It is specifically good for your health, well being and future happiness.
@MEHcus I don't wanna taco-bout it.
@hollboll Hisssssssss
@Kidsandliz oh it's his taco? Gotcha.
Let's talk about something else
@Moose Like what?
@Kidsandliz all the good things and the bad things that may be.
@Moose Can we talk about how she's not going to be able to move with her hair tied to the damned chain link?
Out of the tornado and into The Magical Land of Oz. I think I got whiplash.
@KDemo sue @studerc for whiplash
@Kidsandliz - Why, @studerc, why?
@KDemo My bad. Things really got outta fucking control. I guess I wont let things go up to 11 again. We didn't really need that extra boost from 10...
@editorkid f'n A, Cotton. f'n Aaaaaaa.
@studerc Interesting strategy, let's see if it pays off...
Seems like things have blown over for the most part, but just in case, let's put any remaining pitchforks away.
And remember: No BULLSHIT
@JonT meh