Outstanding meh! Thx 4 the Turbo mode upgrade.
13Thanks meh!
My last 3 orders have come via FedEx delivered right to my door.
My case of hand sanitizer got here lickity-split. Now all I need is 22 friends to give them away to. I’ve got 1 in my car and 1 in my gym bag. It smells a little to “floral” to me, but as long as I keep my sense of smell that means I don’t have the covids, right?
- 5 comments, 16 replies
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Mehbe not
Can you still breathe?
@Cerridwyn So far. : ) I’ve started walking on the treadmill and it hasn’t killed me yet. I do take an allergy pill every day.
Better get started on that whole “22 friends” thing.
I hear doing that job is a real bitch tho.
@f00l May I put you down for a bottle then?
And … I’m a real bitch. So I suppose I qualify for the offer.
Sounds like one of those pyramid schemes. Can I get in at the first tier so I can make big bucks?
@speediedelivery You bet! Except we don’t use the word “pyramid” with this deal. We prefer to use “Triangles of Power” or ToP for short.
To start your very own ToP just take the easy step of gathering your 22 closest friends, then they gather their 22 closest friends, and then THEY gather 22 of their closest friends! And so forth.
Pretty soon you’ll be ToP of the world! Although we aren’t selling anything, you’ll need to lay in a good supply of Bellapierre Hand Sanitizer (conveniently available at your nearest mediocre website) to thank the members of your ToP.
Must be nice. Ever since they switch to using that Pitney Bowes company, deliveries have been taking weeks. And the tracking is all over the place. USPS snail mail would be faster. Or FedEx ground. Anything other than Bowes.
@EvilTuna Yeah…that PB shipping is a mess isn’t it? Hopefully they are moving away from them.
In other news my percussion vibrator is out on the truck for delivery today! OUTSTANDING!
(Video post via Reddit as noted by @RiotDemon)
@RiotDemon @therealjrn Creepy… I approve.
@EvilTuna @RiotDemon @therealjrn omg! Mine shipped yesterday via Fed Ex. I am pretty excited
@EvilTuna @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
@EvilTuna @RiotDemon @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 So with all the current situations ongoing, there have many TV spots with various authorities making statements and many have signers accompanying them on-screen. I have taken to watching the signers and the extreme/humorous facial expressions they use can be quite comical. Do the exaggerated expressions actually help communicate when signing? Or is it just part of the performance/style of some signers?
@EvilTuna @macromeh @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
I’ve wondered that myself. The Tacoma vid is obviously a goof, but we have one here locally that seems to inject editorial content into the signs lol.
@macromeh @therealjrn yeah, that video is not real. However, sign language largely relies on body language. sadly even though I took it for 3 years in high school, I barely remember any of it.
/youtube sign language rap God concert
This lady is a great interpreter. I’ve seen several clips from her.
@macromeh @therealjrn also, this guy is awesome.
I came here to pontificate about which engine is shown in the header
@PooltoyWolf Go on…
@PooltoyWolf @therealjrn BMW N54
@cinoclav @therealjrn Oh hey thanks!