Ooh! Yogurt machine for sale! Yogurt making expert here, AMA!


Probably one of my favorite things in the world - yogurt!

Thinking about buying? Wondering if you need the machine or want to go without? (Both work great!) Wanting to know how to make yogurt? In need of some yogurt making recipes? Want to discuss the pros and cons of different bacteria strains? Want to talk about why "Greek" yogurt is just a gimmick (...but it's still tasty and health...)?

I'll be back in the morning to answer any questions. Sorry, gotta sleep. In the meantime, check out my yogurt blog for some instructions on how to make yogurt (without a machine, but it's basically the same steps with) or some super tasty recipes.

A couple recipe ideas for using homemade yogurt:

Pancakes (yogurt substitute - does not use butter or oil). Definitely my favorite pancake recipe

Yogurty Orange Julius - I invented this recipe, and am sure proud of it. It's amazing. I would drink it every day if I could.

Blueberry Yogurt Muffin Top Cookies