@djslack@elpepe He’s got a point, except for the sage part, because sage in breakfast sausage is very Southern.
But changing the size to keep the price down is a pain. Oscar Mayer beef Frank’s now come in a 15oz package, or did the last time I checked. It could be 14oz now.
Why is this so talked about?? It’s only over priced sausage ppl. Seriously I heard meat prices are going up I will settle for canned weiners if I had a craving for sausage. Yet I never crave that so those can weiners will be my energy bunker food and this sausage right here if bought would be my retirement caviar I suppose. You get the point meh.
@whomeyesu I ordered a can of Vienna sausages and I tried eating then the other day… Wow. So much worse than I remember. There was hardly any chewing necessary.
@RiotDemon No, your doing it all wrong. Straight down the throat hoping not to taste it. If I were you I wouldn’t admit that you actually bought the can now if it was donated or maybe your stocking up for local food bank yourself. I would pat you on your back if I could.
@RiotDemon@whomeyesu Genuine advice: fry them in a pan with a tiny bit of butter. Maybe sprinkle with a tiny bit of your favorite spice as you’re doing it.
@ShotgunX@whomeyesu I bought them because I remember eating them on road trips when I was a teen. They were like $1.50 or less for one can, so it wasn’t a big deal.
Never ate them cooked. That wouldn’t of been nostalgic for me.
Reminds me of the way my girlfriend and her mom come home after shopping and the only information they give is how much of a discount they got on the massively overpriced shit they just purchased–in percentages, of course–to avoid divulging how much they actually spent.
Except in this case meh didn’t even bother telling us how much this ordinarily costs (as they typically would). I’m not even buying this and I’m already nervous.
@Oneroundrobb I’m not selling anything but meh says:
What’s in the Box?
2 - 12 oz. Summer Sausages
3 - 1.7 oz packages of Flaco Paco Pepperettes
3 - 1.7 oz packages of Kleine Schweine Pepperettes
3 - 1.7 oz packages of Petite Pierre Pepperettes
Any time i see a sausage deal I just think its from a gift basket that needs the wine and of course cheese. For the price there asking throw in a bottle of yesterdays friends wine and last weeks cheese deal. Common friends don’t let friends whine about wine. LOL
If this was just the Pepperettes I’d be all over it. The last summer sausage in my possession sat in a drawer at work for a couple of years. Actually, it’s still sitting there.
So, yeah, these are expensive. Olympia Provisions is exceptional, though. If you like this kind of stuff it’s totally worth it.
I’m not sure if I’m ordering them yet. Do I really want sausages that were shipped from here to a warehouse in Texas that also houses off brand squatty potties and then back; when I can just go to their restaurant? Coupon code says maybe… Lemme sleep on it.
More likely they are being shipped direct from the producer who has extra on their hands because people have different dining and shopping habits these days.
If you really do get 9 total Little boxes of the pepperettes, this is a great deal. That is what the description says, so I’m going to order assuming that’s true. If you only get 3 boxes total (1 each), then not as good.
But yes these are definitely high quality products from a place in Portland where I sometimes live. They are in some local stores there in the deli and are expensive. I think they are worth it and a lot different from the mass-produced stuff. When i have bought online it has shipped directly from them in an insulated box with ice packs. Not sure how meh is doing it.
@craigthom Thanks, yes, good point. I’m surprised they’re that much!
Well it depends on how much you crave corn syrup and textured vegetable protein. (sorry, don’t have a slim-jim nearby so can’t actually list what’s in it. You will notice it has a long ingredient list including a lot of unpronounceable chemicals and preservaties.) You will notice that the Olympia Provisions products usually have 3-5 ingredients, all basically simple things, and locally-sourced from small producers when possible.
@nostrom0 Some of their products are labeled to be refrigerated and some are not (i.e. optional if you want to.) I’m not sure about these. Often in the local stores that sell them, they may be in the deli refrigerater case because that’s where people expect to find them. The original idea of “provisions” would be things you could take into the woods for days at a time as a miner, hunter, etc, on your ass (er, um, mule, though they end adding to your ass eventually).
When I have bought from this company, it’s been shipped in an insulated box (nicely made btw) with frozen packs and they have been fine and still cold.
Now if Pitney Bowes is going to park them in a semi trailer at a truck stop outside of Tulsa Oklahoma for a few weeks before delivering it, it might be a different story.
@nostrom0 Usually summer sausage and meat sticks are fine not refrigerated (at room temp). I’m not sure how they will hold up if pitney bowes is shipping them and they are spending 3 weeks in 90 degree heat, though; there might be some fat separation
@bd1215 Good luck – went to my local store 2 days ago and the filet mignon was $25 a lb, but if you found one of the day-old markdowns it was only $20 a lb. This is about 2x as much as I recall it being earlier this year.
And anyway this isn’t Slim-Jim or Oscar Mayer grade stuff. it’s locally handcrafted charcuterie (must say that with a French accent to increase value). Their meat is sourced from small regional farms.
It’s a Portland company that also has some restaurants, but those have been closed for a few months but they are still able to produce and ship the prepared food products. Yes their stuff is expensive but I notice they have had some good deals on internet sites, I think they are trying to increase their distribution.
If we do really get 9 packs of pepperettes then this by far the best deal I’ve seen.
@bd1215@pmarin Besides the fact that there’s a lot more prep involved, and that spices cost more (per pound) than meat…the pepperettes are dried, which means it takes more than a pound of fresh meat to make a pound of end product.
Not that I’m trying to convince you one way or another, but it’s certainly not an apples to apples comparison.
@Brine0 precisely. The description seems pretty clear in the stating 9 packs (each pack is 1.7 oz). If that’s true, as it’s stated, I believe this is a really great deal and already ordered. That would be a whopping discount off of retail (which is admittedly a high retail as these are artisan small-producer charcuterie)
but because Meh usually gives us only Meh deals (by definition we understand that and come back anyway), I’m a little concerned we will get only 3 packs. Because each pack has 3 tiny sausage items in it, so if they count by mini-sausage it would be 9. But then each flavor would be 1x1.7oz, not 3x1.7oz as it’s listed.
Hi All,
We’re realizing we made a mistake in the wording of the contents, and need to clarify here what is included
The Deal Includes
2 x 12 oz. Summer Sausages
1 x 1.7 oz package of 3 Flaco Paco Pepperettes
1 x 1.7 oz package of 3 Kleine Schweine Pepperettes
1 x 1.7 oz package of 3 Petite Pierre Pepperettes
@BPL5683 maybe you could get the deal page updated so it doesn’t say includes 9 […] sampler packs.
I didn’t have a problem reading this correctly last night, but maybe I didn’t read whatever other people were reading that led them to believe there were three of each box. I see that lots of people saw it that way.
@BPL5683@speediedelivery Agreed. I want a refund. It used to list 3 x 1.7 oz of each which is not up to interpretation. Now it says 1 x 1.7 oz of each, after I purchased.
Hi All, Again,
Digging into the issue further there was a major miscommunication from our vendor, which led us to revise the amounts and quantities of the offer for sale. We’ve been in communication with them over the morning, and into this afternoon and have now gotten additional clarification. They have been able to confirm the original wording on the contents of the offer were in fact CORRECT.
This Deal Includes:
2 x 12 oz. Summer Sausages
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Flaco Paco Pepperettes each
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Kleine Schweine Pepperettes
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Petite Pierre Pepperettes
In other words you’ll be getting a total of 27 Pepperettes, and 2 Summer Sausages.
Our apologies for the additional confusion, but hope this will conclude the drama of Sausage-Gate 2020
@BPL5683 thanks for clarifying, but I already sent CS a message to cancel, but it says it could take a week. We’ll see what happens. Either way at this point.
@BPL5683 You might want to fix your original message you then replied to with the corrected amount as someone folks might not read further even though you also fixed it below.
Hi All, Again,
Digging into the issue further there was a major miscommunication from our vendor, which led us to revise the amounts and quantities of the offer for sale. We’ve been in communication with them over the morning, and into this afternoon and have now gotten additional clarification. They have been able to confirm the original wording on the contents of the offer were in fact CORRECT.
This Deal Includes:
2 x 12 oz. Summer Sausages
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Flaco Paco Pepperettes each
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Kleine Schweine Pepperettes
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Petite Pierre Pepperettes
In other words you’ll be getting a total of 27 Pepperettes, and 2 Summer Sausages.
Our apologies for the additional confusion, but hope this will conclude the drama of Sausage-Gate 2020
Hard pass. Silver Creek Specialty Meats has Jim’s Blue Ribbon Bits and Ends on sale: 2.5 lbs for $10 ($4/lb). Pure meat crack. Get this instead. Trust me.
Boston butt
Don’t be too grossed out when you hear this name; it doesn’t mean "butt" as in “rear end.” Instead, the cut comes from the front shoulder of the pig. So why "butt"? During colonial days New England butchers tended to take less prized cuts of pork like these and pack them into barrels for storage and transport. The barrels the pork went into were called butts. This particular shoulder cut became known around the country as a New England specialty, and hence it became the "Boston butt."
@pmcgrane the jerky recently sold was shipped ups, and from a different location. I can hope this would be the same kind of situation, maybe shipped directly from the company making it
Has anyone else gotten a notification from UPS that something is coming from “Wine Country Connect?” I suspect this may be the sausage, but wasn’t sure.
If it is then it looks like it’s not going to be sitting on a hot truck for too long, as it appears to have arrived at the UPS facility in Oregon this morning at around 3:30am, and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow early afternoon.
@Brandonshire yup that’s the sausage. I received it today. It hadn’t even said that it shipped when I checked yesterday. I’m in Portland, but still kinda surprised by the quickness.
If anyone is wondering, these seem to have come directly from Olympia Provisions in Portland, via UPS with a Wine Country Connect return label. They were packed in what I’m assuming is a moisture control padding (it’s like 10-ply paper towels). The best buy dates on all the sausages is October of this year.
@Oneroundrobb It’s interesting it’s all loose stuff in a box. I was thinking of giving some stuff of my 2x order to my Dad on Sunday. May still pick out a few and lash 'em together. The company does list a huge order of “Everything we sell” on their website (for like $1100). So I guess it is all ad-hoc packaged.
@Oneroundrobb no moisture control on mine. just bubble wrap. And the wax casing was broken on both as they rolled around inside the box. Kinda sketchy.
I am eating it and it is good. Red wax seal is adorable/phallic. Cheap compared to buying anything from them. Expensive compared to buying cheap meats. Their restaurant in pdx is incredible and I hope it doesn’t die from the plague
I got mine. It was a little warmer than I would have ideally liked, but it was shipped UPS within this decade, so there are no complaints. Would buy again.
@pmcgrane Right, and I understand provisions are meant to be carried out in the field without refrigeration, but there is fatback in a well-made sausage which can melt and change the texture. The same reason why you slightly chill your meat and grinding attachment: chunks versus mush.
Mine were awesome, with the fat seemingly unharmed, and I would buy again. But just because it can be food-safe without refrigeration, doesn’t mean it can’t negatively affect the product. That wasn’t the case here.
Be careful opening the box. Mine had a handful (~ 20-30) of ants. No signs that they got into the actual products, the seals on everyone seem solid. Between the packing peanuts sticking to the wax and the ants, it took a bit of sorting/wiping things down before putting them into some plastic sealed bags to make sure all the ants don’t get anywhere else in my house.
Summer Sausage
Serving Size: 2 oz (57g)
Servings Per Container: 6
Calories: 221 | Calories from Fat: 185
|Per Serving|Daily Value %|
|Total Fat (g)|21|32|
|Saturated Fat (g)|9|45%|
|Cholesterol (mg)|19|6%|
|Sodium (mg)|287|12%|
|Total Carbohydrate (g)|3.5|1%|
|Suga (g)|1|
|Protein (g)|8|16%|
|Calcium (mg)|3%|
|Iron (mg)|3%|
Flaco Paco Pepperettes
Petite Pierre Pepperettes
Kleine Schweine Pepperettes
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Wednesday, July 15th - Monday, July 20th
Well said
But its not pasta
I never pay for my meat
@dagirlgenius coupon code??
isn’t it like 100F in texas right now?
@username It should ship just slow enough to be jerky by arrival.
Wouldn’t 24 oz of summer sausage be…not 2 lbs? 1.5 lbs even?
@kugnome it looks like a total of 2.4lbs between the summer sausage and the pepperettes.
@kugnome Maybe it’s fun size.
@kugnome Maybe it’s 24 oz of meat plus 8 oz of wax.
@kugnome it’ll be less than that by the time it arrives 2 months from now…
“The sausage is mildly spiced with garlic and mustard and then dipped in wax so you know it’s classy”
Why would I eat wax?
@JT954 The alternative with a lot of cured meats is that it’s encased in a “harmless white mold.” So…
@JT954 It’s classy! Don’t you want to be classy?
@JT954 You don’t eat the wax, you burn the sausage like a candle to keep the vegans away.
@bigmeh @JT954 It also keeps away vampires.
@JT954 @SpocKirk The price is looking more reasonable now that we discover it does all these things.
@JT954 No, stick a wick in it and use it as light while you eat in the dark. Its romantic! Your significant other will look at you in a new way!
Getting your sausage dipped in wax is a thing?
@mehcuda67 yes. yes it is.
@mehcuda67 Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.
@mehcuda67 I believe the movie was 9 1/2 weeks
@mehcuda67 Wax play (Heard it from a friend.)
@mehcuda67 You’ve never done that? You don’t know what you’re missing. And then you stick a wick in it and light it up…
Dang metric system! 2lbs = 24oz
@hanson <bugsbunnyno.gif>
@hanson you saw that too, huh
I get that plenty of people enjoy summer sausage, but this is still a rip. I bid $18 max
@thechinglish your loss… this isn’t your typical Wal-mart bulk meat-like-substance.
@pmarin pfft the summer sausage at the farmers market is $9 a 12oz log this is just marked up underspiced trash
$15/pound for sausage? Meh.
@bigmeh like Slim Jims.
@bigmeh $16/lb is way over my limit for protein.
Looks like about 50ish on theire their site.
Kinda expensive. I know a guy who’ll give me decent meat for half that.
@awk Heh. Hehhhhh heh I bet you do
@awk @winfield beat me to it
This is what happens when you cut funding to education… Internet copywriters think 12 ounces = one pound.
@elpepe this is also the work of the bacon industry and the Jimmy Dean sausage company.
/youtube Jimmy Dean sausage complaint
@djslack @elpepe ha ha! That voice mail!
@djslack @elpepe He’s got a point, except for the sage part, because sage in breakfast sausage is very Southern.
But changing the size to keep the price down is a pain. Oscar Mayer beef Frank’s now come in a 15oz package, or did the last time I checked. It could be 14oz now.
I want that meat inside me so bad…but forty bucks for something that’s only gonna last five minutes is kinda out of my price range.
@ShotgunX I sure hope your actually hungry and for what kind of sausage? Black, mild, spicy, germain you ask…
@whomeyesu Why do I have to choose just one, when I have two hands, and am more than willing to use them at the same time?
@ShotgunX I knew that was where this was going shame on you
This conversation is legendary
The 90 day warranty is worrisome. The only sausage I know with a warranty comes with a cool pseudonym, like Magic Mike.
@hchavers Is a 90 day warranty on food like trying to claim cigars on fire insurance?
I’ll give meh props for doing something different, but if I’m going to order summer sausage or landjaeger online it’s going to be usinger’s
@jmoor783 It inspired me so much I bought 9 pounds of meat from Usinger’s for $75 shipped!
This is so reminding me of a Thursday on W.W.
I’m very glad they warned us about the wax coating, I surely would have gone through at least a pack before realizing I was eating a meaty candle.
/giphy meaty candle

Why is this so talked about?? It’s only over priced sausage ppl. Seriously I heard meat prices are going up I will settle for canned weiners if I had a craving for sausage. Yet I never crave that so those can weiners will be my energy bunker food and this sausage right here if bought would be my retirement caviar I suppose. You get the point meh.
@whomeyesu I ordered a can of Vienna sausages and I tried eating then the other day… Wow. So much worse than I remember. There was hardly any chewing necessary.
@RiotDemon No, your doing it all wrong. Straight down the throat hoping not to taste it. If I were you I wouldn’t admit that you actually bought the can now if it was donated or maybe your stocking up for local food bank yourself. I would pat you on your back if I could.
@RiotDemon @whomeyesu Genuine advice: fry them in a pan with a tiny bit of butter. Maybe sprinkle with a tiny bit of your favorite spice as you’re doing it.
@ShotgunX @whomeyesu I bought them because I remember eating them on road trips when I was a teen. They were like $1.50 or less for one can, so it wasn’t a big deal.
Never ate them cooked. That wouldn’t of been nostalgic for me.
@RiotDemon @ShotgunX Don’t knock spam until you tried frying it…no i’ll still pass by that section.
@RiotDemon @whomeyesu

i did that too
i have some more if you want them
/giphy gross
Reminds me of the way my girlfriend and her mom come home after shopping and the only information they give is how much of a discount they got on the massively overpriced shit they just purchased–in percentages, of course–to avoid divulging how much they actually spent.
Except in this case meh didn’t even bother telling us how much this ordinarily costs (as they typically would). I’m not even buying this and I’m already nervous.
How much does this stuff normally cost? I’m used to getting more food than that for $40. (Food that I like just as much.)
@Pamela looks like a three pack of their pepperettes is $20.
Edit: summer sausage is $15
@Pamela @RiotDemon Shipping is also $15 unless your total order is at least $50.
@RiotDemon so are y’all selling 3 packs of each 3pack, 9 packs total, $60 value? Or one of each 3pack, $20 value? Plus 2 summer sausages, $30 value?
@Oneroundrobb I’m not selling anything but meh says:
@RiotDemon sorry, didn’t realize mods were volunteers.
@Oneroundrobb no need for apologies. Just wanted to make you aware.
Any time i see a sausage deal I just think its from a gift basket that needs the wine and of course cheese. For the price there asking throw in a bottle of yesterdays friends wine and last weeks cheese deal. Common friends don’t let friends whine about wine. LOL
I’d hope so
@DoctorOW Hahaha good one
If this was just the Pepperettes I’d be all over it. The last summer sausage in my possession sat in a drawer at work for a couple of years. Actually, it’s still sitting there.
@vaticdart In your defense, they never specified which summer.
$40 slim jim’s, what a time to be alive.
So, yeah, these are expensive. Olympia Provisions is exceptional, though. If you like this kind of stuff it’s totally worth it.
I’m not sure if I’m ordering them yet. Do I really want sausages that were shipped from here to a warehouse in Texas that also houses off brand squatty potties and then back; when I can just go to their restaurant? Coupon code says maybe… Lemme sleep on it.
More likely they are being shipped direct from the producer who has extra on their hands because people have different dining and shopping habits these days.
@afurball well I guess we’ll find out.
/giphy thinkable-enamored-nail

@afurball it appears you were correct.
Dunno why they didn’t put up the price comparison.
Summer sausages are $15 on the company site
3 pack of the pepperettes are $20
2 x $15 (sausage)
3 x $20 (3 x 3 pack samplers)
$90 regular price. So a pretty good discount on pricey specialty meat. But not good enough.
Why can’t I find an expiration date? It must be there… Its always there, somewhere. but so are comparison prices, so…
I’m a little weary that Pitney Bowes will beat my meat during shipping.
@OnionSoup I think you mean you’re leary. Or maybe wary.
But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe you’re just tired.
@Trinityscrew one of those yeah… I probably was a little tired when I wrote that, it was middle of the night… Lol
If you really do get 9 total Little boxes of the pepperettes, this is a great deal. That is what the description says, so I’m going to order assuming that’s true. If you only get 3 boxes total (1 each), then not as good.
But yes these are definitely high quality products from a place in Portland where I sometimes live. They are in some local stores there in the deli and are expensive. I think they are worth it and a lot different from the mass-produced stuff. When i have bought online it has shipped directly from them in an insulated box with ice packs. Not sure how meh is doing it.
Way above my impulse purchase threshold.
I just checked the Kroger site for Slim Jim prices, since so many are assuming this is a lot more expensive.
Box of 14 regular Slim Jims
Regular price: a bit over $16 a pound
Sale price: under $14
Long single serving: $22 a pound
Premium Smokehouse or Thai: $21 a pound
@craigthom Thanks, yes, good point. I’m surprised they’re that much!
Well it depends on how much you crave corn syrup and textured vegetable protein. (sorry, don’t have a slim-jim nearby so can’t actually list what’s in it. You will notice it has a long ingredient list including a lot of unpronounceable chemicals and preservaties.) You will notice that the Olympia Provisions products usually have 3-5 ingredients, all basically simple things, and locally-sourced from small producers when possible.
Are these not supposed to stay refrigerated???
@nostrom0 Some of their products are labeled to be refrigerated and some are not (i.e. optional if you want to.) I’m not sure about these. Often in the local stores that sell them, they may be in the deli refrigerater case because that’s where people expect to find them. The original idea of “provisions” would be things you could take into the woods for days at a time as a miner, hunter, etc, on your ass (er, um, mule, though they end adding to your ass eventually).
When I have bought from this company, it’s been shipped in an insulated box (nicely made btw) with frozen packs and they have been fine and still cold.
Now if Pitney Bowes is going to park them in a semi trailer at a truck stop outside of Tulsa Oklahoma for a few weeks before delivering it, it might be a different story.
@nostrom0 Usually summer sausage and meat sticks are fine not refrigerated (at room temp). I’m not sure how they will hold up if pitney bowes is shipping them and they are spending 3 weeks in 90 degree heat, though; there might be some fat separation
@pmarin I’m in. Nothing I love more than a hot, sweaty sausage fest.
Well, $39.00 for a total of 39 ounces… $16.00 a pound.
I would rather spend $16.00 a pound for Filet Mignon.
@bd1215 Good luck – went to my local store 2 days ago and the filet mignon was $25 a lb, but if you found one of the day-old markdowns it was only $20 a lb. This is about 2x as much as I recall it being earlier this year.
And anyway this isn’t Slim-Jim or Oscar Mayer grade stuff. it’s locally handcrafted charcuterie (must say that with a French accent to increase value). Their meat is sourced from small regional farms.
It’s a Portland company that also has some restaurants, but those have been closed for a few months but they are still able to produce and ship the prepared food products. Yes their stuff is expensive but I notice they have had some good deals on internet sites, I think they are trying to increase their distribution.
If we do really get 9 packs of pepperettes then this by far the best deal I’ve seen.
@bd1215 @pmarin Besides the fact that there’s a lot more prep involved, and that spices cost more (per pound) than meat…the pepperettes are dried, which means it takes more than a pound of fresh meat to make a pound of end product.
Not that I’m trying to convince you one way or another, but it’s certainly not an apples to apples comparison.
So is it 9 packs of pepperettes or 9 total?
@Brine0 precisely. The description seems pretty clear in the stating 9 packs (each pack is 1.7 oz). If that’s true, as it’s stated, I believe this is a really great deal and already ordered. That would be a whopping discount off of retail (which is admittedly a high retail as these are artisan small-producer charcuterie)
but because Meh usually gives us only Meh deals (by definition we understand that and come back anyway), I’m a little concerned we will get only 3 packs. Because each pack has 3 tiny sausage items in it, so if they count by mini-sausage it would be 9. But then each flavor would be 1x1.7oz, not 3x1.7oz as it’s listed.
@Brine0 looks to me like it pretty explicitly says 9 packs in several places, and 3-1.7 oz packs of each flavor.
@Brine0 @pmarin they updated the listing to make it a little clearer.
/giphy passing-miserable-degree

used my pasta drop coupon
once i did that, it was a no brainer
Hi All,
We’re realizing we made a mistake in the wording of the contents, and need to clarify here what is included
The Deal Includes
2 x 12 oz. Summer Sausages
1 x 1.7 oz package of 3 Flaco Paco Pepperettes
1 x 1.7 oz package of 3 Kleine Schweine Pepperettes
1 x 1.7 oz package of 3 Petite Pierre Pepperettes
Our apologies for the confusion.
(Check this link for another correction!)
@BPL5683 Everyone who ordered should get a notification and a chance to cancel if they want. Maybe an automatic cancel with a chance to reorder?
@BPL5683 maybe you could get the deal page updated so it doesn’t say includes 9 […] sampler packs.
I didn’t have a problem reading this correctly last night, but maybe I didn’t read whatever other people were reading that led them to believe there were three of each box. I see that lots of people saw it that way.
@djslack Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve revised the wording.
@BPL5683 @speediedelivery Agreed. I want a refund. It used to list 3 x 1.7 oz of each which is not up to interpretation. Now it says 1 x 1.7 oz of each, after I purchased.
@BPL5683 @speediedelivery @trifecta please hang on a moment. It’s being verified.
Hi All, Again,
Digging into the issue further there was a major miscommunication from our vendor, which led us to revise the amounts and quantities of the offer for sale. We’ve been in communication with them over the morning, and into this afternoon and have now gotten additional clarification. They have been able to confirm the original wording on the contents of the offer were in fact CORRECT.
This Deal Includes:
In other words you’ll be getting a total of 27 Pepperettes, and 2 Summer Sausages.
Our apologies for the additional confusion, but hope this will conclude the drama of Sausage-Gate 2020
@speediedelivery @trifecta - Please see the update. We received further clarification, and can now confirm we’re shipping what was originally stated.
@BPL5683 has Pitney Bowes taken over running everything for Meh now?
@BPL5683 thanks for clarifying, but I already sent CS a message to cancel, but it says it could take a week. We’ll see what happens. Either way at this point.
@trifecta do you still want your order since it is back to the original listed?
@RiotDemon Yes
@BPL5683 You might want to fix your original message you then replied to with the corrected amount as someone folks might not read further even though you also fixed it below.
Are these refurbished or new?
@sflesch refurbished pig is even better than new pig - no smell, no noise, no feeding required, and cleanup is a breeze!
Hi All, Again,
Digging into the issue further there was a major miscommunication from our vendor, which led us to revise the amounts and quantities of the offer for sale. We’ve been in communication with them over the morning, and into this afternoon and have now gotten additional clarification. They have been able to confirm the original wording on the contents of the offer were in fact CORRECT.
This Deal Includes:
2 x 12 oz. Summer Sausages
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Flaco Paco Pepperettes each
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Kleine Schweine Pepperettes
3 x 1.7 oz packages of 3 Petite Pierre Pepperettes
In other words you’ll be getting a total of 27 Pepperettes, and 2 Summer Sausages.
Our apologies for the additional confusion, but hope this will conclude the drama of Sausage-Gate 2020

Thanks for clarifying again.
/giphy sausage-gate
beats the schrodinger’s toothbrush-gate
@BPL5683 @Cerridwyn I wear my toothbrush shirt with pride
Hard pass.
Silver Creek Specialty Meats has Jim’s Blue Ribbon Bits and Ends on sale: 2.5 lbs for $10 ($4/lb). Pure meat crack. Get this instead. Trust me.
@mike808 Double that price once you pay shipping, though…
@Pagefault You’re not ordering enough.
It will keep in the fridge for a couple months easy. Remember, curing and smoking sausage was how meat was preserved before refrigeration.
I was very intrigued until I read the ingredients…if I’m about to eat beef hearts it better be this…

@llangley And rump roast isn’t just fancy for “beef ass”?
@llangley @mike808 Here’s what I think is weird:
“pork butt is the American name for a cut of pork that comes from the upper part of the shoulder.”
@Kyeh @llangley @mike808
@llangley @mike808 @RiotDemon Yeah, I looked it up after posting that, and it makes sense, but it still sounds funny to me.
You all are making me sick. I want to opt out of this sausage fest.
The chit-chat here made me think it is a good value. I ordered 2x! I assume it might arrive before September …
If it arrives earlier I might be able to take it to the beach!
Considering it obviously takes about 3 weeks for Meh shipments to arrive, I hope it doesn’t go bad without refrigeration or being in a hot truck.
@pmcgrane the jerky recently sold was shipped ups, and from a different location. I can hope this would be the same kind of situation, maybe shipped directly from the company making it
@kevinrs It now looks like it is being shipped quickly via UPS Express — mine to arrive Weds, allegedly.
Has anyone else gotten a notification from UPS that something is coming from “Wine Country Connect?” I suspect this may be the sausage, but wasn’t sure.
If it is then it looks like it’s not going to be sitting on a hot truck for too long, as it appears to have arrived at the UPS facility in Oregon this morning at around 3:30am, and is scheduled to arrive tomorrow early afternoon.
@Brandonshire yup that’s the sausage. I received it today. It hadn’t even said that it shipped when I checked yesterday. I’m in Portland, but still kinda surprised by the quickness.
If anyone is wondering, these seem to have come directly from Olympia Provisions in Portland, via UPS with a Wine Country Connect return label. They were packed in what I’m assuming is a moisture control padding (it’s like 10-ply paper towels). The best buy dates on all the sausages is October of this year.
and no pitney blows
@Oneroundrobb It’s interesting it’s all loose stuff in a box. I was thinking of giving some stuff of my 2x order to my Dad on Sunday. May still pick out a few and lash 'em together. The company does list a huge order of “Everything we sell” on their website (for like $1100). So I guess it is all ad-hoc packaged.
@Oneroundrobb no moisture control on mine. just bubble wrap. And the wax casing was broken on both as they rolled around inside the box. Kinda sketchy.
I am eating it and it is good. Red wax seal is adorable/phallic. Cheap compared to buying anything from them. Expensive compared to buying cheap meats. Their restaurant in pdx is incredible and I hope it doesn’t die from the plague
@maaaa I’m not into cured meats, but my brother is and he said Olympia is one of the best in the biz and it was a good deal so i bought it.
Having eaten two boxes of their pepperettes, i may now be into cured meats.
I got mine. It was a little warmer than I would have ideally liked, but it was shipped UPS within this decade, so there are no complaints. Would buy again.
@KNmeh7 all the packaging does say it doesn’t need to be refrigerated until opened
@pmcgrane Right, and I understand provisions are meant to be carried out in the field without refrigeration, but there is fatback in a well-made sausage which can melt and change the texture. The same reason why you slightly chill your meat and grinding attachment: chunks versus mush.
Mine were awesome, with the fat seemingly unharmed, and I would buy again. But just because it can be food-safe without refrigeration, doesn’t mean it can’t negatively affect the product. That wasn’t the case here.
Be careful opening the box. Mine had a handful (~ 20-30) of ants. No signs that they got into the actual products, the seals on everyone seem solid. Between the packing peanuts sticking to the wax and the ants, it took a bit of sorting/wiping things down before putting them into some plastic sealed bags to make sure all the ants don’t get anywhere else in my house.
The little things are not so good, although I think the German one is best. However, the large summer sausage is quite nice!!!
Mine was packed as other in USA saw it, with fluffy paper. It was shipped via UPS 2nd Day, which is pretty fast from Oregon.