Old family photos

lisaviolet went on a bit of a rant said

My dad was in the service and we moved every two to three years until he retired from Edwards AFB. I was 17 at the time.

My mom and I didn’t really get along, our family was one of those that put the fun in dysfunction. There wasn’t much visiting after I moved out and I avoided the family reunions because I didn’t want to be around her. (She was a mean drunk and she was drunk a lot, she had issues, I think it was self medicating, but that knowledge did not lessen the impact of her words.)

Anyway, mom and dad are both gone now and one of the cousins started a facebook group for the family. And I started going through the old photos, amazed that they made it this far, through all of our moves, from state to state, country to country. And I started scanning them (this little Epson v39 will scan more than one photo at a time!) and uploading them to the group.

It is so much fun “listening” to my surviving aunts responding to pictures of themselves as kids and teenagers. Pictures of their mom, my grandmother, who had passed away before I was born.

It makes me wish we’d had a closer family.