All that scenty air freshenery stuff just makes it worse.
I cooked something on the stove. Now it smells like smoke and meat. Or alternately, like coffee.
I’d open a window, but the only good candidate is actually a door directly facing neighbors and the parking lot, and I’m not going to put on pants for this, so… here we are.
@unksol I see. I wrote that poorly. Cooking things is the solution. The problematic smell is just some random musty apartment odor that I probably can’t detect in the first place, according to the writeup.
@nogoodwithnames yeah, was going to say something exactly to this effect. Find the cause and clean it. All those other options are gross, amateur $#!t.
really the only thing that causes our apartment to get smelly is if i cook something that lingers - an all day braise or some kind of meat seared hard on the stovetop. (no stove vent or fan etc, low ceilings, and carpet in the kitchen means it happens sometimes, but dinner is usually worth it.) i keep the doors to the bedroom and bathroom shut, but for the kitchen and living room i will febreze before bed - the tide fabric refresher, not the aerosol stuff. also if it’s not the dead of winter i will of course open windows and/or set the window a/c fan to vent.
i do also have diffusers in the bedroom and living room, as well as a wax melter i use daily, and i have some handmade incense i burn once in a great while, but those are just for fun basically. they don’t get rid of foul smells, and masking one scent with another is usually pretty
Clean the litter box, empty the trash, find and dispose of the dead mouse.
If my house stinks, one of those 3 will be the culprit.
So, as others said, find the source and eliminate it.
Or, alternately, burn the fucking place down.
Haven’t resorted to that one, yet.
Clean and open a window
@TheGreatNico How does cleaning a window help deodorize the place? Do you have a particularly stinky window??
@shahnm Well, I’m sure the one right above my toilet isn’t exactly sterile…
@shahnm bug out.
Open some windows.
Clean out the stink.
Grab the Poo-Pourri spray.
Yes I know it’s not supposed to be an air freshener. But I do it anyway.
I am pretty tidy, so this is not an issue. If the issue is a guest, then they need to leave!
All that scenty air freshenery stuff just makes it worse.
I cooked something on the stove. Now it smells like smoke and meat. Or alternately, like coffee.
I’d open a window, but the only good candidate is actually a door directly facing neighbors and the parking lot, and I’m not going to put on pants for this, so… here we are.
@InnocuousFarmer if it smells like smoke and meat or coffee why would you need another air freshener on top of that one.
@unksol I see. I wrote that poorly. Cooking things is the solution. The problematic smell is just some random musty apartment odor that I probably can’t detect in the first place, according to the writeup.
Take out the trash
All the good answers are already said, well except the “fart” answer. Mine does.
Increase the fan speed on the air cleaner I purchased from
Turn on the exhaust fan?
Figure out why and actually address the issue? No? Too adult?
@nogoodwithnames yeah, was going to say something exactly to this effect. Find the cause and clean it. All those other options are gross, amateur $#!t.
@nogoodwithnames @ronnyd I just assumed getting rid of the source of smell was a given.
Light a match
open a window
Turn up the music
@edguyver14 No, No. That is what you do when your car is making a dangerous engine or wheel sound!
@andyw that is always a very effective way to ignore important vehicle maintenance!
Clean up the cat poop.
Throw out the rotten potatoes that were forgotten about. Open a couple windows.
@infornography rotten potato smell is really something.
really the only thing that causes our apartment to get smelly is if i cook something that lingers - an all day braise or some kind of meat seared hard on the stovetop. (no stove vent or fan etc, low ceilings, and carpet in the kitchen means it happens sometimes, but dinner is usually worth it.) i keep the doors to the bedroom and bathroom shut, but for the kitchen and living room i will febreze before bed - the tide fabric refresher, not the aerosol stuff. also if it’s not the dead of winter i will of course open windows and/or set the window a/c fan to vent.
i do also have diffusers in the bedroom and living room, as well as a wax melter i use daily, and i have some handmade incense i burn once in a great while, but those are just for fun basically. they don’t get rid of foul smells, and masking one scent with another is usually pretty
Find the source of the smell and eliminate it.
Nonchalantly move away and blame it on the dog.
Give the dog a bath.
Turn up the air purifiers.
Put something yummy smelling in the oven and wait for about 15 minutes until the whole house smells good again.
Clean the litter box, empty the trash, find and dispose of the dead mouse.
If my house stinks, one of those 3 will be the culprit.
So, as others said, find the source and eliminate it.
Or, alternately, burn the fucking place down.
Haven’t resorted to that one, yet.
Go into bathroom. Spray poo pouri, light scented candle. Do business. Spray Smoke Odor Exterminator Spray.
Go somewhere else
Fart less
@ThatsHeadly Pfft. Like that’s gonna happen.
@ThatsHeadly @therealjrn
/giphy beano pills

Turn on the essential oil diffuser