OG Mehtizens: What else are you still doing 10 years later?

djslack thought this was worth mentioning said

So I’m not a Day Zero guy. I didn’t find Meh until I think October of 2014. But that’s pretty close.

So much has changed. I don’t live in the same place, have the same job, drive the same car, have all the same pets, or do all the same hobbies that I did then.

I do still have the same girlfriend (now wife), have one of the same dogs, and count a lot of the same people as friends. I have a lot of the same interests, but different amounts of time to concentrate on them. I even have a couple of the same unfinished projects. Hooray for progress!

I have a new kid, and I have A LOT more junk. I wonder if there’s any connection (to Meh or the kid, or both)?

For those that have been around this long: what else are you still doing 10 years after starting to hang out in this shady back alley of daily deals?