OG Mehtizens: What else are you still doing 10 years later?
13So I’m not a Day Zero guy. I didn’t find Meh until I think October of 2014. But that’s pretty close.
So much has changed. I don’t live in the same place, have the same job, drive the same car, have all the same pets, or do all the same hobbies that I did then.
I do still have the same girlfriend (now wife), have one of the same dogs, and count a lot of the same people as friends. I have a lot of the same interests, but different amounts of time to concentrate on them. I even have a couple of the same unfinished projects. Hooray for progress!
I have a new kid, and I have A LOT more junk. I wonder if there’s any connection (to Meh or the kid, or both)?
For those that have been around this long: what else are you still doing 10 years after starting to hang out in this shady back alley of daily deals?
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oi, it’s been a decade that’s for sure.
but for now, i can say i’ve got a house full of rambunctious, if aging, pets + a decent job and I spend a lot more time on the WA coast.
My life is pretty much the exact same as it was before, except with the possibility of working from home. Literally nothing has changed otherwise. I even look the same, as if I’ve barely aged at all.
In approximate order of importance:
A dramatic increase in number of grandkids.
Retired (at least from a paying office job).
Some additional hobbies (a couple inspired by meh)
Having to pay for my own travel.
Some of the same projects.
@mikey Put ignition kills on your cars!!! One morning my dood came to me and said, “Mom the ghetto van is broken.”. To which I said, “And how would you know that?”. Eyes wide and hand clamped over mouth she realized she had told on herself. She never did figure out why she couldn’t sneak off with it as I was careful when I unarmed it (also had a hood lock so she couldn’t disconnect it from the battery if someone ever figured out for here what the deal was).
When I had it put on a minivan of about 18 years old from the era of the peeling paint they nearly laughed me out of the shop and asked me, Who would steal that wreck?" I told them, “My daughter.”. They said, “Good point.”.
If asked about a year ago, I could have responded “still occasionally wearing my complimentary Meh customer-appreciation socks”. Sadly, the heels finally developed un-darnable holes last summer.
@lowearthorbital Hopefully today they will be selling new ones and hopefully today they will revive the tradition of sending VMP’s (and not members) the occasional gift that was part of the original deal.
@lowearthorbital Darn it!
Same family (wife and kids)
Same Pets (3 of the 6 cats anyway)
Same Job.
Same car (kind of, I also have a new car which is the one I actually drive).
Same outlook on life
Same shirt.
New house
New Bamboo underwear from Meh.
Some things change but more stays the same.
10 years on, still Meh-ing, just not as hard core, same job (like @mikey remote before remote was cool, although I did get a new boss and a promotion) same husband putting up with my random purchases from Meh, new car, new dog, new chickens, new house in a new town and new state.
Still lurking here. Same spouse. Same job but now guaranteed hours. Same pets although I expect that to change soon as one is really declining fast this year. She is 17 so not unexpected but…
New to me house that I can walk to work instead of drive 25 minutes. Smaller but still full of “good” stuff. Gained a pile of weight and lost ambition to do something about it.
I mean, damn…a lot happened in those 10 years. Lots of threes.
3 kids (Now, 9,5, and 1)
Moved into 3 different houses and three different towns.
3 different jobs working with some truly great people.
Been a wild ride.
Hoping things begin to calm down a little!
Kids now adults on there own (sort of), got retirement gig, lost both parents, moved to “forever home” near the beach!
I hung up my calculator and gave up my desk job a few years ago and started a home remodeling business. It was always something I enjoyed, and then became something I did for others for a little side money. Before long I was making triple what I made at my desk job while remodeling part-time. We decided it was time to let go of the steady income and go full time. I don’t miss my desk job most of the time although I do miss the quiet from time-to-time.
I get more sleep, have less stress and feel better in the mornings than I ever have. I wish I hadn’t waited until I was almost 40, but the 20 years spent working for someone else taught me a lot about how to treat the people you rely on. I think we’re all better for it.
I have far less free time now than I did 10 years ago, but I somehow manage to spend more time with my family. The kids are all in high school now so time for that is fleeting.
Let’s see…across 10 years obviously too much to include everything. But maybe the “mehlights”…
I’ve got about 4700 more meh button clicks than I started with, and probably broken a couple hundred meh button click streaks. And of course thanks to a expired credit card that I didn’t think about, I lost my coveted VMP, but I know I’m certainly not alone in meh’s rigid punishment of that “sin”.
I’m now being paid just to wake up every morning, and my new “boss” is the same person I’ve been having a passionate love affair with for several decades now.
I’ve got a few new aches and pains, a couple more daily prescriptions, carry around a few tiny, gold pellets in my “down there” as a souvenir of my journey. And of course a couple extra lbs’s to blend into the crowd with.
But nothing super major, so just “meh”. Some things stay the same…I still find some small bit of excitement in seeing what mediocre product meh offers for the day. Lately, with all of the non-sexy expired food and pet items though, the excitement is rapidly followed by disappointment, which shows up in my previous orders list.
Well, them’s the mehlights…NEXT!
I still live in the same place, eat the same stuff, have the same packratting problem to work on, and have two of the same cats from back then. Most other things have changed. I don’t even have the same name.
I’m curious if any of my fellow zero day folks have managed to keep a meh click streak since the start? Cause that’s dedication!
same job

same haircut
all my hair
new wife
new house (in 4 days)
less stuff (purging before moving is always nice)
a tween kid (the sarcasm level is extraordinary)
more travel
only memories of my dog
Well, fuckity fuck, motherfucker!
Congrats on wife, house, and snarling almost-teenager!
Condolences re dog.
I didn’t make my first purchase until 2016, 10 years after my first BOC from Woot… BOC II (also referred to as ‘Rise of the Priority Pucks’… well at least by me.) According to my inability to keep an organized inbox, it seems my first email that wasn’t deleted was from November, 2014. I present that email it all it’s glory!
The Mediocre Lab Report 001
Esteemed benefactor of the mediocre sciences: the doctors of mediocrity at Mediocre Laboratories invite you to peer at this review of our recent studies. This first-ever Mediocre Lab Report newsletter is mostly about Project Pavlov, the Meh.com experiment you may have helped us launch on Kickstarter. We found some findings that we hope you find fine. (And don’t miss the HUGE-ASS NEWS at the end…)
The First Hundred Days
Clipboards in hand, we looked back on the first hundred days of Project Pavlov, also known as Meh.com. One conclusion we drew: we need a newsletter. See more in the Meh forum thread.
Social Unrest
Another unfortunate necessity we were forced to accept: Meh has reluctantly gotten onto Twitter and Facebook. Sorry. They’re the most unnecessary wastes of social capital since @MediocreLabs. Unless you like deals or something.
Very Mediocre-er People
Our VMP program, which currently lets you ship all the Meh.com purchases you want for a monthly fee of $5, is now even more mediocre. You can now subscribe to VMP directly from Mediocre.com & we’ll be adding some special VMP-only events, like this one we hope you’ll find fitting.
As we add additional events & benefits, you’ll automatically be eligible if you maintain your active VMP status. You can still cancel at any time but sadly, your membership ends the moment you cancel. We’ll refund your most recent monthly billing if you haven’t bought anything since then. But think of what you’d miss out on! Better to just make sure you stay Very Mediocre forever.
You Want Your Meh TV
If you’ve missed our daily laff-a-minute videos on the Meh front page, congratulations. You’ve got hundreds of laffs and minutes to dig into. Start with this top 10 list of our favorites. If you’re already a slave to the Meh video vibe, vote for your favorite or tell us which classics we’ve overlooked.
Fuku Brags
What lurks inside our periodic $5 Fukubukuro bags is always a mystery, as you can see in the forum posts from the last time we did it. It could be a box stuffed with 29 throw pillows that weren’t even used to make a kickass fort. Or maybe oversized gumball machines, still holding the pocket change that was once used to purchase their contents. We also had the clever idea to send a locked safe & clues that would reveal the combination. We thought we were so witty & fun…until the batteries fell out of the safe in transit so it was impossible to open. We did end up finding a key to open, so we sent that inside of a locked & voice activated pink journal. We also led some lucky buyers on a fun scavenger hunt, if you call sifting through 1000s of paper bags for days and days fun. And yeah, we sent some guy a TV once, but TV is boring so, like, whatever, man.
Scapegoats on Parade
Every month, one forum Mehtizen steps forward to humbly absorb the flames and @rrows of the disgruntled populace for anything that goes wrong. Who among the commonfolk will be elevated (or the opposite of elevated) to this esteemed (or the opposite of esteemed) post? Still confused? Learn more in the Meh forums.
We now have an OFFICIAL MEH THEME SONG and it’s launching to a Meh.com site near you sometime this week at midnight Eastern! We don’t normally get all caps-lock excited but just this once… these guys that did the song for our little crummy site experiment, well, let’s just say THEY MIGHT BE giants in the world of popular music! Swing on by and you can hear a little teaser.
In conclusion, Project Pavlov remains inconclusive. Other experiments remain in a state of “we’ll get around to it eventually when shit calms down a little.” But our team of Mediocre pseudoscientists, up to their beakers in flasks, vows to keep the Bunsen burning until every last cylinder has graduated. Don’t miss that song, though, seriously. You’ll love it.
@capnjb Haha! I’m that guy they sent the TV to! Although if I remember, they actually sent them to 2 of us.
I still Meh but at a mediocre level. My F5 game is weaker than it used to be.
Still here since the start. Still have the same job with the hospital. I’ve moved 3 times, most recently last month after finally buying my own house for the first time. That’s been exciting and kinda terrifying.

I picked up playing harmonica and have started playing with a few bands in the area. That’s been an absolute blast.
The one thing that’s the same? I’m still using the same 65" TV I received in my Kickstarter Fuku. It’s still going strong! Still the most amazing thing I’ve ever won/received and I’m still incredibly grateful for it.
Anytime anyone comes over and comments on the TV, I always have to tell the story of the great $5 TV I got from this crazy website, Meh.com.
And here it is in what should likely be the last place it ever gets installed - in the living room of my new house. Thank you thank you thank you Meh and @snapster for all the good times over the years. Here’s to another ten!
Similar, but some things and parts go slower now.
@f00l and how
So I don’t remember a lot of what was going on ten years ago, but things aren’t as different as I’d like them to be…
Hopefully still living.
Out of College
Rotated out of 3 jobs still looking for the perfect one.
Got Engaged
Lost too many pets
Bought a House
Accumulated too many things…
Still an MVP
I do wish they would bring back all the stylized variations of the Meh Shirts. I have about 60 shirts in probably close to 50 varieties (Stealth Meh has multiples for those who know).
Not as active as I Wish I was but Meh is still a part of my daily routine.
Still married to the same guy. Still parenting the same 3 kids (although 10 years ago I was barely pregnant with number 3). Still growing the same 401k pool. I’m still going to the same church… and none of parents or siblings have passed on.
What’s different… Ummm we’ve moved, i’ve changed jobs (twice), all different vehicles, got a dog, different friend group, own a different business and am Reading different books.
Daaaaamn. Ten years.
The only thing I’m still doing the same as I was ten years ago is being ill and in pain a lot.
Things that have changed: we moved from Washington to California. Then we moved from California to Colorado. (omg so much better than CA- we hated it there) Now we have a wee ranch type setup and it’s lovely.
This is cool- a guy my husband knows took this photo of our house from a couple ridges over. Kinda explains what we love about living here.
What am I still doing…hmm…
Still papercrafting. Still have cats. New is an old dog.
New in the past ten years is going outside at night and counting the satellites (ISS is going over for about seven minutes tonight, maximum height is 78°, cool!).
Really, I’m not doing much differently. And I’m okay with that.
Still lurking on the site, but not as active as others in the forums. Made my first purchase in August 2014 and still have that Powernow charger (although the flashlight doesn’t work anymore). I believe I got 4 Irks and the 2nd edition of the Fukubokuru. I was also coined the weirdo for buying handheld fans that ran on portable battery chargers (don’t knock them; they are great for hurricane power outages along with beef jerky I also just happened to buy from Meh beforehand).
Did a seasonal gig at one retailer (which ironically closed down this year) and now work at the same retail company that I did before I moved (also in August 2014). I also got a credit card for the first time after years and years of hearing how they are evil (they are not if used right) and my very first new car which I paid off last December.
On the downside the last 10 years have also been the worst physically: Kidney stone, work accident where I fractured my left heel and currently have 2 screws (still feeling pain from it), C Dif (caused by medication for the calcanius heel fracture), and most recently covid for the first time back in May.
Still getting through the day and love reading the comments even on days where I don’t buy anything. Still have my Meh socks (you better believe I will buy them if sold today to go with the pens and chopsticks I purchased earlier) and proudly wear my Mediocre Flask and digital storm shirts.
@JT954 I always argue that debit cards are riskier than credit cards, just don’t be an idiot with it.