No Stars? WTF?

f00l had some videos to watch said

In the thread on using the /Google slash command, I tried this one:
"/Google meh goat"

And I got a YouTube video of a herd of goats trained to say “MEH” on command, in a kind of call-and-response chorus.

No Stars? For the Perfect Video? Are you kidding me? (Ha, ha, “kidding”, get it?)

OK, I’m giving you all another chance.

I’ll talk slow. Promise.

This is a video on YouTube.
Of a herd of goats.
Who have been especially trained, it seems
They are saying “Meh”.
When prompted by someone off camera
The goats act as a chorus
In a Call-And-Response Mini-Mini-Goat-Operetta

I take no credit for this act of genius, but Gilbert and Sullivan must be proud.

Here, let me Google that for you

/google meh goat
a herd of goats speaking meh~ together Funny - YouTube

And repeat.

No Stars? Yeah, Right.