Oh! The mother shaming! So wrong! Do you think she was egging her little monkeys on to jump on the bed? “Next in line for the broken head. Begin jumping… NOW.” No no no! I’ll bet she scolded them, told them to stop, even threatened them to stop, but guess what: lil’ monkeys gonna jump as soon as mama monkey leave the room! I suppose she should also be blamed for every cavity her little monkeys get?! Sheesh! Blaming the mama - that’s bananas!!
I loved that song as a kid and would giggle at the monkeys dismay. As an adult who has recently sang the song to my niece, I was horrified at the idea of “hey just because each of the other monkeys seriously injured themselves, don’t worry get back up there and jump again” WTF
@lseeber OMG, my pre teen loves! Saw them in Forest Hills Tennis Stadium in 6th grade. Jimmy Hendrix opened for them…needless to say that didn’t work out to well for Jimmy. I am proud to say my friend and I didn’t boo him. We were just very confused by him. Did he just play the guitar with his teeth??? Would have loved to have seen him a few years later!
Mama should have invested in Japanese style futons instead.

/image Japanese futon
Where do the monkeys go after jumping on the bed?
@paulg1982 I just asked my 9 year old–she said up your butt.
Oh! The mother shaming! So wrong! Do you think she was egging her little monkeys on to jump on the bed? “Next in line for the broken head. Begin jumping… NOW.” No no no! I’ll bet she scolded them, told them to stop, even threatened them to stop, but guess what: lil’ monkeys gonna jump as soon as mama monkey leave the room! I suppose she should also be blamed for every cavity her little monkeys get?! Sheesh! Blaming the mama - that’s bananas!!

@jahvada yeah!
As the momma of a current bed jumping monkey… they don’t listen… so find out the hard way…
Why isn’t is “monkies” or “monkeies”? I do know why it’s not Monkees though - that’s only for guitar graphics.
@jahvada Probably the same reason Key doesn’t become Kies
@jahvada - because… that’s standard English pluralization…?
In most cases, “y”, preceded by a vowel is pluralized by simply adding an “s”
I loved that song as a kid and would giggle at the monkeys dismay. As an adult who has recently sang the song to my niece, I was horrified at the idea of “hey just because each of the other monkeys seriously injured themselves, don’t worry get back up there and jump again” WTF
@lseeber OMG, my pre teen loves! Saw them in Forest Hills Tennis Stadium in 6th grade. Jimmy Hendrix opened for them…needless to say that didn’t work out to well for Jimmy. I am proud to say my friend and I didn’t boo him. We were just very confused by him. Did he just play the guitar with his teeth??? Would have loved to have seen him a few years later!
@smilingjack Holy mac! Hendrix opened for the Monkees?! That’s kinda like Queen E opening for Kate Middleton.
@lseeber He quit the tour a few days later. Who put that show together???
@smilingjack Good night. I’m surprised he agreed to it in the first place.