Need recipes for that XPress Platinum you bought?
5Me too. WTF ya supposed to do with this thing? So I asked on Amazon (nobody who ordered this thing there got recipes or instructions either). Here are recipes for the 1st incarnation of this machine:
And here’s a YouTube video about this model:
As you can see, the lid isn’t supposed to fit over the base with the big bowl in it (apparently a major concern for some folks). Extend the lid of the machine fully flat to use the bowl insert, and use it in the bottom plate. The on/off switch is designed so if you switch it to “1” only the bottom plate will heat up; if you switch it to “2” both plates will heat up. Apparently if this is wide open, you can cook on both sides. I also saw somewhere that this is no longer being made so, if you want the specialty pan inserts, you should probably look on eBay. I really hope this turns out to be a great thing cuz it’s a good idea and I’ll do anything not to have to dirty pots and pans, or turn on the oven to cook a small amount of food.
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I use mine for cornbread (half a package), or cake (1/4 package), or anything that won’t do well in the microwave. I keep hoping to find the inserts in a thrift store, but apparently I’m going to have to try eBay. Pinterest has many recipes: plat
@suewalsh1 More recipes, using a different Pinterest search: platinum&rs=typed&term_meta[]=xpress|typed&term_meta[]=platinum|typed
Thanks @OldCatLady - I’d have never thought of Pinterest! And I loooove corn bread!
@suewalsh1 I use ‘2’, the half box/pouch/whatever made with egg and enough milk to make it moister than I usually do. Let it heat up, lid closed, before you paint your grease of choice (bacon…) on and fill the pans. Now I’ve talked myself into it. Lunch is soup and cornbread.
I have a GT Xpress 101 and a GT Xpress Platinum. The 101 came from woot and the Platinum was from Meh.
They are fairly useful little cookers, tho here in NYC using electricity for cooking is about the most expensive way to cook, after eating out at a restaurant and take out. Except in Summer, when using the A/C costs even more, I try to use gas for cooking whenever possible since it is effectively free free for me.
Need mo cornbread.
I kept on seeing XPress Platinum cookbooks in thrift stores before I got one, and now I keep on forgetting to check. But they’re in lots of thrift stores. Perhaps this will remind me to start looking again!
@suewalsh Then there’s a very active community on FB. I had to unsubscribe, because I was getting too many posts. I’m still a member, though.
Sorry, wrong group, and too late to delete.
@OldCatLady - Now you’ve done it - two for lunch please! Also, for moistness try adding some canned creamed corn in the muffin mix. I’ll look on FB for that group. Thanks!
@mossygreen Maybe if you find one you could let me know? I’ll look too. Thanks!
@OldCatLady Do you have an Instant Pot too?! Your FB link gave you away. Check this out: The Instant Pot Electric Pressure Cooker Cookbook: Easy Recipes… by Laurel Randolph p24, french toast in a Bundt Pan. On Amazon you can find it with the ‘look inside’ feature. I saw it on the FB link - to die for!
@suewalsh1 The print version of that book is rubbish; I got one from my local used bookstore and found so many errors that I already traded it back to them. Apparently a lot of us are aficionados; I dread the day meh finds a stash of refurb Instant Pots, because I know I’ll buy a second one and justify it somehow.