13I just found out that Spangler candies was able to start making sweethearts for Valentine’s Day again this year. I missed those damn things so much!!! They even found the original recipe. Now I have to go to every store possible to try and buy some. Did anyone know they were back?
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I didn’t even know they were gone.
@RiotDemon wow

/giphy you’re missing out
@willdavi apparently not since I didn’t miss them.
@RiotDemon I came here to say this.
Booo! Candy corn is the superior terrible candy: All Will Be Corn
@fibrs86 they aren’t terrible!
Yay! They’re the best! When are Necco wafers coming back?
@sammydog01 I couldn’t find anything on those. I think they’re swamped with the production of the hearts
@sammydog01 @willdavi I have two rolls of Necco wafers left. I’m saving at least one of them to do a side-by-side when the new ones show up. I checked the spangler website for updates about Necco wafers, and the page hadn’t been updated since last spring or so.
@Limewater @willdavi I hope they keep the clove ones.
So these are Necco wafers in some sort of valentine color/shape? I’ve never seen this, but I did really like the wafers.
@stolicat yes, in candy heart form
@willdavi ah ,just googled it, it’s the classic conversation heart! I didn’t know the species was endangered as I bought a bag last year (must’ve been CVS overstock - did taste a little musty).
@stolicat you bought a bag last year?!?? You’re so lucky
@stolicat @willdavi Brach’s makes them too. They look the same but are totally not the same. And they’re supposed to taste musty.
@sammydog01 @stolicat @willdavi kinda chalk like. Even though they don’t taste that great, ya gotta eat them!
@sammydog01 @stolicat brach’s are not very good. I’m glad they have competition now
@stolicat @willdavi BRACH’S SUCK DICK
@sammydog01 @stolicat @willdavi
Re Brachs:
/giphy Oh dear.

Yyeeaaa! Looking forward to sharing them with my niece
Bought some conversation hearts for the grandkids last week. Most of them were blank. Others were illegible. Kind of disappointing.
@walarney if you bought sweethearts they said that might happen because they were in such a rush to get them out, they didn’t have time to fix the printer
@walarney @willdavi Holy carp, “they were in such a rush to get them out, they didn’t have time to fix the printer”, really? Talc + corn starch + sugar?? While “cute” these things are, objectively, horrible as far as edible sweets go - yeah, even worse than Candy Corns. (How about some decent chocolates, if you have to do Valentine’s Day candies?)
@cbl_wv @walarney @willdavi

Didn’t seem like much of a loss… Could just buy the kids chalk instead although it might cost more.
Commissary didn’t have them. Guess I’ll have to check cvs and Walgreens. I’m putting off going in there because I don’t want to get sick.
I have an old Fashioned candy store. My supplier told me the Necco factory had very old and outdated equipment…from the 1940’s I believe. A couple of other candy companies looked to buy, but it was not cost effective to continue making the wafers. But now I’m curious about the conversation hearts and am gonna look into it.
Necco wafers are brittle and stale. Not a good candy at all.
@medz Disagree. The licorice (black) wafers and the chocolate (brown) ones are my favorites.
Did you read about the sanitary conditions of the old Necco wafer factory?
@radi0j0hn no. How bad was it?
@radi0j0hn @willdavi I lived by the old factory. It smelled nice. From the outside anyway.
Walgreens has them!!! Only the boxes though. 54 cents a piece. They are so good!!!
@willdavi they taste like childhood!
@tinamarie1974 @willdavi ah, you found them - I was just going to send you this pic of what I picked up at the local Walgreens …

@tinamarie1974 @willdavi just the little boxes, as you noted. They were surrounded by shelves of the musty Brachs version.
@stolicat @tinamarie1974 @willdavi
Cool. Now I have something to use that free $10 Walgreens GC I got for buying $30 (2x15) of Netflix GCs. It’s in the weekly flyer. Bonus for using Discover 5% CB. Repeat for more savings.
And more sweethearts.
@stolicat I wish they had the big bags! Did yours have any sayings on them?
@willdavi just strange little hieroglyphs and the obligatory deformed one. But they taste real good.

@stolicat @willdavi I remember the printing to be a bit better. Am I waxing nostalgic?
/giphy waxing nostalgic

@tinamarie1974 @willdavi The articles posted earlier mentioned that they were having trouble getting the printers to work properly after they moved them. At least they’re trying.
Having now eaten them all, I had forgotten how good the flavors are! The Brachs all taste like stale mints …
@stolicat @willdavi well I guess I am just glad they are back. Hopefully they can figure out the printers for next year
Don’t waste your time or money if you are expecting them to taste like Necco wafers. Good for a sugar rush, but stale as stale can be-what to you expect from a airtight cardboard box . Hope all of your filling are in tight before you start to eat a box.