My son <3 Irk

sohmageek thought this was worth mentioning said

Now… I know We’ve had the ask Irk Video… But the other day I was pretty sick… I had thrown on the I like Irk shirt and we went to change my son… he pointed at my shirt and said “IRK” (his irk sounded more like orc, but he is working on words he’ll turn 2 in Sept, so it’s not bad) I repeated Irk (with correct pronounciation… who who knows maybe he’s trying to do what Irk does to us to him…) This went back and forth a few times.
Then he hugged my shirt. Mistakenly I tried to hug him he got upset. (Here I thought he was trying to show me love.) he went no no no, pulled my shirt closer and started giving Irk kisses, I said Irk and he shook his head yes. So…

TL;dr My son Loves Irk and wants to hug and kiss Irk, also likes Irk’s game of mispronouncing names.
You win @Matthew