My Goat day 2
8Ok so I’m really dumb with computer stuff. I do everything off my phone. I know how to add a photo but how do you take one straight from the internet and post it? It never works for me, I just get the words instead of the actual pic. The same thing with inserting a gif?
This honestly why I never wanted to be goat bc I had to admit how dumb I was.
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This may not be the most efficient way but it works for me. I’m on android. What I do is long press on the photo and choose open photo in new tab. Then when it’s in it’s own tab in the browser the URL for the photo is what’s in the address bar. I can go to the address bar and copy the address then paste it into my post. As long as it is .jpg, .png, .gif, etc at the end of the URL this works to show the picture on the forum.
@djslack that’s what I do as well.
@djslack I upload a screen shot I take of the photo.
@djslack @Kidsandliz I do that too - take a screenshot.
You’re not dumb, you just don’t know the ways yet.
/image and some words

/giphy and some words
are the easiest way to add something.
Image always gives the same result until you change the words.
Giphy will give different results with the same words everytime you edit your post. You have five minutes of editing time.
@RiotDemon Five? I thought it was just three or so. Hmm.

/giphy traditional wizard
Step 1 - admit you have a problem. You are on your journey to rid yourself of dumbhood.
This whole process is easier on a computer with a mouse IMHO, but then again, I am pushing Social Security age so there’s that…
@chienfou Same. I only use my phone for non-phone call stuff if there is no other choice available. I really hate tiny on-screen “keyboards” !
@chienfou @macromeh Ah, but I got an IPhone a while ago and discovered it allows me to " slide-type"! It’s so easy, although it doesn’t always guess the words right and then I do have to tap them in. Which I do hunt-&-peck style, very annoying, because I can type very fast on a keyboard. It’s pretty impressive what the phone “auto-suggests” although sometimes it can be very weird. Like just now it put in “sleigh” instead of “although.”