@iluvmingos@pooflady it was “Happy Hollisters” for me. I think Daddy bought me the whole set and I remember being so excited waiting for the new issues. Thanks… that was a long-forgotten trip down Memory Lane!
We had toys, but we spent most of our time playing things like Robin Hood, Cowboys and Indians, King of the Hill, riding our bikes, etc.
I’m female, but my next door neighbor, a guy, always wanted to be Lady Marian when we played Robin Hood. Guess I should have paid more attention to that…lol We were maybe, 6 or 7?
We also lived close to a wooded area and would build forts or climb trees, etc.
I was the only female in the neighborhood. I’m surprised I didn’t grow up to be a line backer. lol
It is LEGO. LEGO bricks. The insane cost aside, how can this not be blasting every other option out of the water?
I had LEGO bricks from my father. Yes. That still connected with my sets. Now–kidless–my LEGO sets are being rebuilt by my neices and nephews, all while they get new ones with, still, connecting bricks.
If it were not so expensive due to their paying employees and EU insisting on things like retirement age, and their exact tolerances that have lasted generations, LEGO is the only answer.
@macromeh I’ve always loved that skit! And, coincidentally, i STILL play with Bag O’ Glass, every time i take out the garbage after breaking a tumbler.
My bicycle. The places we could go. Which includes as a 9th grader my 6th grade sister and I rode our bikes 30 miles to an amusement park, spent the day there and rode home. We were pretty tired but we knew if we called our parents it was our problem. We’d have just been told you rode yourself there you can ride yourself home yourself.
My toy soldiers or my cap pistols……. Until I discovered books. I remember the first one I checked out. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I must have read it twenty times in the two weeks I had it from the library!
I belive he was a Gund. So probably Muttsy of that era. He is obviously supposed to have leather on his paws. His fur was longer but I once got my hands on a pair of folding scissors and decided he needed a trim. His nose and eyes are chipped from running up and down hallways with that jagged texture. That would take your skin off your knuckles too
Books! I don’t remember any special toys, but I remember a lot of trips to the library.
@iluvmingos Yes! And i loved book mobile day in school, when our orders came in… Never missed it!
@iluvmingos I still have 50 Bobbsey Twin books. Nobody wants them.
@iluvmingos @pooflady I never read anything from that series; i was big into Nancy Drew. And Stephen King.
@iluvmingos @pooflady it was “Happy Hollisters” for me. I think Daddy bought me the whole set and I remember being so excited waiting for the new issues. Thanks… that was a long-forgotten trip down Memory Lane!

@iluvmingos @ircon96 @pooflady Nancy drew. Hardy boys. Tom swift.
Grandpa and Grandma had a lot of the older hardbacks. But they were still making new ones so the local library was regularly raided.
Those old terminals with the orange text…
Lincoln Logs.
Croquet set
I had a cowgirl suit with fringe and cowgirl boots and my gun.
I still sleep with plushies. Don’t judge me!
@PooltoyWolf I would, but I’m worried my sweat would turn them yellow like my pillows.
@brennyn I keep a blanket between us! Heh.
Apparently I liked to build stuff:
Erector set
Lincoln Logs
Wooden Blocks
I had a huge box of random Lego blocks. Endless hours and infinite possibilities.
We had toys, but we spent most of our time playing things like Robin Hood, Cowboys and Indians, King of the Hill, riding our bikes, etc.
I’m female, but my next door neighbor, a guy, always wanted to be Lady Marian when we played Robin Hood. Guess I should have paid more attention to that…lol We were maybe, 6 or 7?
We also lived close to a wooded area and would build forts or climb trees, etc.
I was the only female in the neighborhood. I’m surprised I didn’t grow up to be a line backer. lol
I’d sit and shuffle cards for hours.
@brennyn Do you work in Vegas now?
It is LEGO. LEGO bricks. The insane cost aside, how can this not be blasting every other option out of the water?
I had LEGO bricks from my father. Yes. That still connected with my sets. Now–kidless–my LEGO sets are being rebuilt by my neices and nephews, all while they get new ones with, still, connecting bricks.
If it were not so expensive due to their paying employees and EU insisting on things like retirement age, and their exact tolerances that have lasted generations, LEGO is the only answer.
@KNmeh7 Indeed. Welcome, true believer.
@KNmeh7 Legos are good
I’m not intentionally calling them legos to bait you or anything.
@KNmeh7 @unksol
Love it!
@KNmeh7 @xobzoo idk why it picked that one/it ran out of time trying to find the original LEGO/Legos corrections and couldn’t watch the whole thing.
I think this could be it.
But a recurring thing.
So many of my favorites! In my day, if you didn’t risk your life on a regular basis, what was the point?
@macromeh I’ve always loved that skit! And, coincidentally, i STILL play with Bag O’ Glass, every time i take out the garbage after breaking a tumbler.
My bicycle. The places we could go. Which includes as a 9th grader my 6th grade sister and I rode our bikes 30 miles to an amusement park, spent the day there and rode home. We were pretty tired but we knew if we called our parents it was our problem. We’d have just been told you rode yourself there you can ride yourself home yourself.
I wish I could remember one that was “my favorite”.
OG Optimus Prime from the 80’s.
/giphy Optimus Prime Cartoon

That rock in the yard with a sword stuck in it.
Other kids? I am pretty sure the statue of limitations has run out.
Actually, my parents got me Brix Blocs, Lego knockoffs they could afford.
/giphy statue of limitations

Sticks and Dirt. (Mud) were my favorites. Unlimited potential, just add imagination.
@accelerator Oh, yes, a timeless classic. Available at low cost everywhere there are sticks and mud. No warranty expressed or implied.
Even better, playing in dirt with Tonka trucks.
Creepy Crawlers, with the hippy flowers set and the dragon chain link set. Had big bottles of plastigoop to experiment with
Lots of craft stuff. Building pyramids from marbles and glue. Magic Rocks.
My toy soldiers or my cap pistols……. Until I discovered books. I remember the first one I checked out. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I must have read it twenty times in the two weeks I had it from the library!
Probably my set of matchbox cars… legos were up there too though.
Gi-Joe / Transformers were the best in the 80s/90s
Gilbert Erector Set was probably my favorite toy; I spent an awful lot of time reading tho.
As a little kid? Pup.
I belive he was a Gund. So probably Muttsy of that era. He is obviously supposed to have leather on his paws. His fur was longer but I once got my hands on a pair of folding scissors and decided he needed a trim. His nose and eyes are chipped from running up and down hallways with that jagged texture. That would take your skin off your knuckles too
/image stomp brush wall texture

But he’s still in one piece
An abandoned Bumblebee transforming Volkswagen underneath a row of potted plants. You find the strangest things sometimes.