My Best IRK
41Listen, @thechinglish has gotten me hooked on Meh. Over the last couple years, I’ve been impressed by his IRKs, even the actual regrettable ones. Once he got an air fryer, and that convinced me to join in on the Meh community. Why an air fryer? I don’t know. I’ve always wanted one. Could I buy one? Sure, I guess, but now I want to score one in an IRK.
I’ve gotten probably 8 IRKs, which @thechinglish and I reveal over FaceTime. It’s a ~thing~. The packages have always been too small and/or too light. Pick it up, shake it, “Nope, not an air fryer.” Every. Time. I’m prepared to spend more money on IRKs than an air fryer is actually worth. It’s a running joke at this point.
UNTIL TODAY. I saw this at my door. I sent out texts. “COULD THIS BE THE DAY?”
I was jumping all around and borderline yelling! (Sorry to my downstairs neighbors.) I felt like a little kid again. SO EXCITED! Today is seriously better than Christmas.
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Now go and fry some air before marihuana becomes legal in your state
nope… no pics.
@chienfou ya I phucked that up somehow oops. Reposted pics below
thanks… given the responses I thought maybe it was a “404” on my end!
@chienfou @hanxiety I don’t know what you guys are talking about, I see images up there
@hanxiety @Ignorant
He fixed it. Links were broken
Hi I’m new to the internet
@hanxiety welcome to the internet. the boss at the end is really fucking tough.
Lucky You. I have only been able to sang 1. it was horrible, it had stuff for a female, BTW I am not!
That’s awesome! I’ve had my eye on that style for awhile now. The Cuisinart dishes this time around was still a pleasant surprise.
@er1c I know! They sent them a cat! That’s bonkers!
@er1c @njfan That should be the cat’s name - Bonkers
I mean, despite having an air fryer, an Instant Pot with an air frying attachment, and an oven that can essentially do the same thing, and never quite doing any of the above (ok, pretty much doing the oven part), I will admit to a fair amount of jealousy) due to not getting any of the recent IRKs.
Congratulations though!
Isn’t it amazing how grown people can be totally transformed by a $5 box of who knows what! It’s like cracker jacks for adults!
@Lynnerizer “grown people”…also “people”
@Lynnerizer Hey anytime I can act like kid again at 75, I’ll take it although my wife says I have never grown up and always act immature.
Wow, you got a woman, a cat and an appliance in that box!
So awesome!
A five foot high bubble gum machine!
@pooflady Who was that who got that early on? I can’t remember. Didn’t it also have stale bubble gum in it?
@Kidsandliz Yes, that was me! You could drop one on the cement floor and it shattered. Also had a little money still in it. I emptied it and bought a bunch of gum balls. The grandkids liked it. Finally sold it.
@pooflady That would have been a rather large item to find a place to put. Glad you were able to sell it. Hope you made more than the $5 you spent on it LOL
@Kidsandliz I think I ended up paying about $30 for the gum balls. Sold it for $80.
@pooflady Ching ching (grin).