My parents used to love this show when I was a kid. I probably ended up seeing it more than anything else for a few years. Even at six, I couldn’t figure out why all of these people dropped dead around her and she was never a suspect. I’m pretty sure we stopped watching once my parents got tired of me asking about it.
@UncleVinny Wow, I wish I knew the backstory in junior high! When I was in 7th grade we sang that song in music class and I was completely creeped out by the lyrics.
I didn’t think it made sense back then. Now it makes sense that it didn’t make sense.
@christinerenee yeah, in my family we were big MASH fans, so naturally we picked up the piano music for the theme song.
“GASP! What are these dreadful lyrics!?!” Mom took a sharpie and blacked them all out. If we’d known they were written as a joke, I’m not sure if it’d been any more acceptable.
I can’t give this enough stars.
@Deelron I will help you.
@UncleVinny piling on mine
@Pamtha starrrrrz
Just gonna leave this here…
Murder, She Wrote Guest Star Trading Cards.
@thismyusername were they in cahoots? Did @matthew get super inspired by the thread and write this afterwards?
Need to know questions here.
@RiotDemon Inquiring minds want to know.
@RiotDemon @Barney no idea, but one thing is clear, @jasontoon and @jont are total opposites when it comes to posting after departing meh.
This was fantastic.
Two songs in a row? What have I done to deserve this treat?
Seriously. I love the songs. They make my day every time.
simply amazing
I love this so much. I love you.
You’ve outdone yourself, @matthew.
Excellent pronoun usage too.

@stinks It was careful while writing its lyrics this time.
Was this written in grade school but recently remembered with the help of hypnotherapy while trying to understand why you can’t feel loved?
I noticed, though, that some words have more than three letters.
@gertiestn meh be: Get the bad guy who set up one to die, she did pen it?
I’m dying. This is hilarious.
My parents used to love this show when I was a kid. I probably ended up seeing it more than anything else for a few years. Even at six, I couldn’t figure out why all of these people dropped dead around her and she was never a suspect. I’m pretty sure we stopped watching once my parents got tired of me asking about it.
Forget Chicago, the real carnage is in Cabot Cove!!
The Killing Zone of Cabot Cove
More videos like this one, please! There must be other TV theme songs in need of lyrics.
@christinerenee I would love if @matthew came up with some lyrics to The Munsters theme song.
/youtube the munsters theme
@christinerenee I knew that the theme from MAS*H has lyrics that go “Suicide Is Painless”, but I never knew the crazy story behind how they were written:
Another interesting story from this category:
@UncleVinny Wow, I wish I knew the backstory in junior high! When I was in 7th grade we sang that song in music class and I was completely creeped out by the lyrics.
I didn’t think it made sense back then. Now it makes sense that it didn’t make sense.
@christinerenee yeah, in my family we were big MASH fans, so naturally we picked up the piano music for the theme song.
“GASP! What are these dreadful lyrics!?!” Mom took a sharpie and blacked them all out. If we’d known they were written as a joke, I’m not sure if it’d been any more acceptable.
This is top five meh video material for sure…
“A High Murder Rate Town” Fantastic. Love the original songs, @matthew ! Keep it up.