6Moviepass has solved all their financial problems and is ready for new business. Who’s in?
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Moviepass has solved all their financial problems and is ready for new business. Who’s in?
/giphy multipass

/giphy I don’t believe you

I wonder if they are going to offer a discount for those of whose current subscriptions are expecting.
@moondrake Mine ran out on November 29 and they cancelled it instead of rolling it over. They are offering a plan for $120 a year where you can see any 3 2D movies at the theaters that take moviepass. I think they still can’t do math.
@moondrake @sammydog01 I’m assuming they’re still doing their absolute trash nonsense of limiting the viewing times and days too.
So they don’t end up having anyone who hits that 3 movie mark.
I had one showing for one random movie that was going to line up perfectly at 10:30 on a Wednesday and then they told me it was sold out. SPURNED.
@moondrake @vinuash Nope, the new higher level pass is good every day for every show. Yep, the Tooth Fairy told me so.
Oh, and since people bitched to their credit card companies when they couldn’t see movies, you can only pay with an ACH transfer from your bank account. I wonder if they want my social security number, mother’s maiden name, and the name of the street I grew up on too?
@sammydog01 That’s slightly disturbing. The fact they don’t want to deal with companies like AMEX when they fuck you over is a red flag. AMEX makes everything right.
@mfladd AMEX makes everything right even when it’s wrong. As a merchant, I don’t even bother to respond to AMEX charge disputes anymore, no matter how strong my case. In more than a dozen attempts, with full documentation, customer ID check, customer signature and card swipe I have yet to prevail in a AMEX chargeback. So now I don’t even bother.
@sammydog01 Hahaha Nooooooooooo. I’m so glad I canceled in October. Good riddance.
I literally just cancelled this today, hahaha
@vinuash I was going to give it another month when I realized I hadn’t seen less than 2 movies any month but they bounced me and told me to re-enroll. Too much work.
Mine cancelled on the 28th. The last month I didn’t see a single movie because of their shitty scheduling. The month before I squeaked in one during the last week.
I’m a little skeptical.
@RiotDemon I hadn’t been able to see anything for two months. It was a gamble for the 30 minute drive to the theater.
Ended up switching to Cinemark’s (much shittier) movie club thing which gives 8.99 tickets and have been using that.
@RiotDemon I haven’t seen anything since they crashed and burned. I don’t watch movies on other people’s schedules.
@RiotDemon A little skeptical?

/giphy a wee bit
@RiotDemon @vinuash I’m a senior. Movies are like $7.25 at Cinemark for me. On Tuesdays they are $5. I wrote them and suggested they create a Seniors Club, three M-Th matinee movies a month for $8.99. They haven’t responded. The ticket taker at Alamo told me they had a plan in the works, but I haven’t heard anything more. Alamo is my least favorite theater, but if they came up with a decent plan I’d join.
@moondrake @RiotDemon @vinuash I almost always see the first showing on a weekday. I would love a plan for that. I got a pile of Regal gift cards for my birthday, so bye bye Moviepass.
The bank ACH payment is so no money had to go into an escrow account for the credit payment system I read on Reddit. I’m still on month to month, I just check in to whatever crappy movie they allow and grab a ticket to what I really want to see… Same price so not sure why it matters and if they cancel me I’ll be not upset.
@reg036 The people who make the movies get paid by attendance so it matters a lot.