Mourning wood...

carl669 went on a bit of a rant said

so, last wednesday, an incredibly large branch/arm broke off our tree and fell in the neighbor's yard. luckily, his dogs weren't outside and there was no damage to his house or the fence. he did lose his tomato plant though.

on friday, we had people come out to take the tree down since we saw quite a bit of frost damage from where the branch broke off and were worried it went all the way through the trunk. since we would have had to pay extra for them to haul it, we ended up with about 5-6 cords of wood in our yard.

i know there are people that will haul it for free, but, this was a very special tree that we hated to have to take down. so, it just feels right that we should keep most of the wood and burn it ourselves. the problem is, i don't have an axe. any fellow 'mehricans experienced in the ways of splitting wood? any recommendations for a splitting axe? i've seen reviews on the fiskars x25, but i'd like to get some input from the community.

and, before anyone says it, no, i don't want a wood splitter. i'd prefer to do this manually. i find this kind of manual labor incredibly relaxing and i actually have fun doing this kind of thing. yes, i'm a glutton for punishment.

besides, @hollboll just told me she can't change my shirt order from medium to large and now i have to go find some muscles to show off under a medium shirt.