MorningSave added to MehStalker


Hi there!

Quick Link:

With the recent whoops email that was sent out regarding MorningSave, I was pondering, what exactly is on MorningSave? I rarely check it, except for when I get emails for it. I went to the site and it made me log in (lame), just to see what was for sale.

I found out, there was actually some cool stuff on there. I’m not gonna buy it, but it’s cool, and it’s there. In the interest of being lazy, I have added the sales from MorningSave into MehStalker under the main sale item. This will flag any deals that were recently added, and warn of any deals that are expiring soon. It will also show a quick overview of items for sale (including 10% off pricing for VMP) if you hover over the picture icon.

I’m still working on stuff to make it more pretty, and it will be updated in the android app whenever I get around to it, but probably not soon. Full searchable history (starting today) will be populating until Meh decides to break it. Happy spending!