7Just read the newsletter about the new site Hadn’t seen any way to discuss the products on the new site.
I think this is a great step towards breakout out of the “darn, I didn’t really want what was being offered today” but hopefully not a full w**t-cluster that happened after the Amazonians suffocated the magic out it.
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I bought a wine opener from there a few months back. Worked fine the one time I used it, lol.
@RiotDemon Now that’s what I call a good mediocre review!
@RiotDemon I bought a couple of those to give as gifts. They’re waiting for Xmas.
@RiotDemon i bought that wine opener because you linked it back here or mentioned it. I too used it once and it functioned accordingly.
Hoping we can get some elements of community there. Not thinking forums are the best match. It’s a very diverse project and selection but it’s fun to have something else to extend VMP benefits to.
@snapster And so it begins.
@DrunkCat ha. context:
@snapster It’s the forum equivalent of “in bed”.
@snapster why can we only buy one product at a time on --not quantity of one, but multiple types of products. For example, the art would be awesome for my son’s room, but, being a lazy person, I don’t want to keep checking out over and over again. Also, it gets very difficult to hide multiple packages for the jolly old elf to distribute later in the year!
@snapster If MorningSave is meant more for normal people then I recommend having someone always on hand to operate its Twitter and especially its Facebook accounts. As is my impression, “normal people” don’t seem to venture much out of Facebook and Twitter these days.
@snapster Unrestricted forums would kill that fucker dead.
You guys are sure flogging the shit out of public domain prints . . . and no frame to boot.
@mikibell yes, this. There were lost sales from me, cause I was too lazy to go through the checkout process again.
@mikibell it’s simply a trade off in a couple areas:
Cart negatives
Consumer: inventory holds required while item is in cart (or) sellouts of items in your cart.
Store: bored or interrupted shoppers abandon their cart.
Cart positives
Consumer: convenience of staying in a gathering mindset allowing selection to influence previous items put into cart (i.e. putting shit into your cart and taking it out)
Store: more things ordered, easier aggregation of items into a single box
We’re not there yet, but it’s possible to come very close to the positives of a cart using a frictionless item selection and cancellation policy combined with auto-aggregation of items in shipping. Basically that would be a virtual cart with no need for final approval. Amazon is pretty close to this in some areas. Of course in digital delivery, every app store is like this. Someday the kids will ask what the hell that “cage on wheels” icon is and why is this store wanting me to instruct that I want something twice. It’s redundant.
Back in the days of beloved Cowboom, didn’t they have a shopping cart hold-time limit of 15 minutes or something?
Oh yeah. Fuck Best Buy. (Almost forgot.)
@snapster Oh, that’s what this tweet was about:
@snapster The cart is useful for you to wander around with the item until you decide if you really want it or not while you browse other items.
Now, Amazon got it right and it allows you to have both the cart, and the 1-Click giving you the best of both worlds.
Hi all … I’m probably walking in on a discussion that has nothing to do with my comments (so what else is new) but I love the new site ! I go on every day that I remember to and everything that I have purchased there has been great and heavily used with zero problems or complaints. I buy a ton of duplicates on there … one for me one for my Mom in Phx and she is in heaven. I’ve been trying to turn my friends onto it and they seem to be more willing to go there and check it out than Meh anymore. (Their loss) Maybe it’s because I am home dealing with my medical nonsense and have more time on my hands but I think it’s awesome and yet another example of how good you guys are as a team and a far from just mediocre company. It used to be just black Friday that everyone called and told me to look for them for this or that. Now it’s four five six times a week that someone is calling or texting or emailing me asking me if I have seen this or that thing on one of ‘my sites’ that I’m addicted to (Meh MorningSave) and to let them know. I like it makes me happy to hook people up with stuff that they’re looking for and especially at the price that you guys offer them as. (Thanks Meh/Mediocre) I’m a fan … so sue me
Are you shill or non-shill? Or is this comment from a post-shill/non-shill universe?
Just got confused …
@Amila99 I feel like it’s a sarcastic shill by Meh.
@madmaxmedia But if it isn’t - could Mediocre please sell some cheap end-of-sentence periods and paragraph breaks on MorningSave? It’s something the customers obviously need.
@rockblossom She’s way too excited about the great deals at Morningsave to be dealing with punctuation.
Runaway Train there.
@Amila99 I like you!
@rockblossom I just, made my Mornin;gsave pur,chase yes!terday. And my? punc,tuation has-n’t suff.ered in the, least:
Glad you are such a merciful soul.
I love purple.
@Barney Yeah, but fucking off until purple is probably NOT a good idea.