According to Irk’s pre-production research (which is never extensive), the phrase is used in that sense regionally, but that is not its original sense.
You know what bother’s me? When people use “YMMV” when offering a review or sharing their personal experience with something. As in “your mileage may very” when the thing they’re describing has nothing to do with mileage. It can be on an international forum where some people don’t even know what miles are. “Bruh, this 10oz bag of lightly salted pecans was just enough to satisfy my afternoon craving, but YMMV.” YMMV is one of those things that people think saves them time, but it doesn’t. Unless you’re a professional product reviewer, how often are you actually typing that? It causes more confusion than it helps. If you insist on shortening things to the point of be incoherent, why not just YRMV? Your results may vary. Results would apply to almost any situation a person would want to use this. Maybe YMMV originated on some car part forums or something. If so, how did it become prolific? Maybe people just use it to troll others because they KNOW it’s annoyingly irrelevant? Maybe (but not likely), maybe it bothers me more than it should. YRMV.
ways to skin Schrödinger’s catNah, you could legitimately be bothered even more by that one, Irk.
That phrase and “keep your eyes peeled” really bother me, so I’m with Irk.
IIRC Irk, the phrase is referring to a catfish.
According to Irk’s pre-production research (which is never extensive), the phrase is used in that sense regionally, but that is not its original sense.
Am I the only one who totally loves Irk’s meandering walk off screen?
@cinoclav Troll mic drop.
The phrase doesn’t bother me more than that poodle-exercise-routine gif.
The fluff is the best part of a cat. Why would you get rid of it?

/giphy fluffy cat
You know what bother’s me? When people use “YMMV” when offering a review or sharing their personal experience with something. As in “your mileage may very” when the thing they’re describing has nothing to do with mileage. It can be on an international forum where some people don’t even know what miles are. “Bruh, this 10oz bag of lightly salted pecans was just enough to satisfy my afternoon craving, but YMMV.” YMMV is one of those things that people think saves them time, but it doesn’t. Unless you’re a professional product reviewer, how often are you actually typing that? It causes more confusion than it helps. If you insist on shortening things to the point of be incoherent, why not just YRMV? Your results may vary. Results would apply to almost any situation a person would want to use this. Maybe YMMV originated on some car part forums or something. If so, how did it become prolific? Maybe people just use it to troll others because they KNOW it’s annoyingly irrelevant? Maybe (but not likely), maybe it bothers me more than it should. YRMV.
Ah, but sophisticated elites say…“is there more than one way to remove epidermis from a feline?”

/giphy is there more than one way to remove epidermis from a feline?
@eeterrific Is there an unsophisticated elite?
@TimWalter Well…some people consider D. Trump to be an elite…