@Headly Yes. The Rules state that any product you buy during the rein of the current goat is their responsibility for life. Contact meh.com for @lisaviolet 's contact information - they are very lax on Scapegoat privacy... another reason to avoid becoming a goat here. caveat emptor .
@Stallion First there was Woot!, then there was Meh. Coming to an internet near you, WTF! Leading discounter of bluetooth speaker docks with a crazy backstory
This sounds like so much pseudo-science, but I want it so bad. To the point where I'm going to buy it, even though I had not heard of it ten minutes ago. For the mattresses!
So I could get a garbage handheld vacuum for 34$ that will probably break or have trouble sucking up more than 10 hairs at a time, or I can get this 600W monster. Yeah. I guess.
Do I want this? I feel like I want this and really should buy it right now. But, will it do me any good? Is it actually useful? Someone help this Libra decide!
@PurplePawprints I think I need this, but I'm not sure. How often do I have to vacuum my bed? Seems a bit limited, even if I vacuum the couch too. But there is the cool WTF factor. Decisions, decisions.
@heartny I know. I went ahead and bought it, but I have a feeling I'll have buyer's remorse in the morning. My kids have pretty bad allergies/asthma and we have pets, so I probably should use it on their mattresses. I can see myself never bothering with it once the initial newness wears off though.
@KDemo Hey, I just read that! But when the price difference is $4 rather than $30, maybe it's worth it for something that apparently stops running when you let go of it?
@chellemonkey That looks really cool! Unfortunately, mine is a mix and as a result, has shorter hair all over, so I don't think it'll work out for us right now.
Looked at the website, but all I can find about the filter is "It is recommended to replace the filter earlier than advised if it smells due to dust particles and unwanted materials." (so disposable?) and "filter: high efficiency filter"
I was actually interested in buying this, handheld vacuums come in handy. However, the product lost with me in the end when I saw it was corded.
Seriously, what is the point of a handheld vacuum that isn't cordless? I keep my Shark Navigator hidden away in the closet 6 months out of the year purely because I don't want to be dragging around some long rope and falling down every time it wraps around my feet.
@haneyg Answer: This is just for things like bedding and sofa. Otherwise you'll be dragging the vacuum that you just did the floor with on your bed. That would be awkward besides. This product makes sense to me,
As intriguing as this sucker sounds, and as useful as it may end up being to feed my paranoid OCD nature when it comes to the nastiness that hotel linens may be, I feel far too poor this week to spend $38 on a glorified handheld flashlight. Meh to me :(
If the drawing is accurate, doesn't it look like the HEPA filter is inside the dustbin? If so, I can't imagine how that would last very long. Is that good design?
I wish the delivery was before Christmas... After all it is amazon and they could two day it. Also I wonder about replacement filters? I want to buy this so bad as a gift but not sure since delivery is so late :-(
@chattychica04 Anything you purchase, even from Amazon, this late in the game is iffy on arrival time. Buying here will get you the best price, and you know not to stress out about watching the tracking, since it probably won't get to you until New Year's. Buy it, print out a picture with an ETA for the recipient.
@irishbyblood Yes, if you spread out your ebola contaminated material, so it isn't too thick, then expose it to the light long enough. A guess down below is ten minutes, but it depends on the brightness of the light. Since safety glasses are not required, I suspect it will take even longer.
So...I bought one but I'm not sure why. I'm going to slap some googly-eyes on it, put it on vibration mode and watch the googly-eyes get all googly. Thinking about getting a second one and making them fight. Could start a vacuum cleaner fight club. Make a little... a little ring for them. Give one a narwhal horn. And just let them go. ...I think I'm just copying Robot Wars, but for idiots. Sweet.
@BootlegCraig Washing the sheets is one thing, but the mattress itself isn't machine washable. And that's if you can get your mattress to fit in the machine in the first place.
Waiting for my check to clear before I can get this. Gonna use it to suck the dirt off my skin and tan at the same time. I finally found my secret weapon in the ongoing battle against the shower.
Buzz kill: Tests have shown that you typically have to expose a surface to UV light for at least 10 minute to kill the majority of the bacteria (and up to 30 minutes to kill 99%). At that rate, it will take you several hours to vacuum your mattress/sofa/significant other. Using this 'normally' will essentially do little more than vacuuming with any other vacuum.
@Cinoclav Now you tell me. I had a feeling the UV light was BS. The funny thing is that the pro version shuts off when you let go so you can't even turn it on and leave it for 30 minutes. Still, I think it's worth the price if the vacuum is decent.
@Cinoclav@christinerenee Is that right? What about the UV water sanitizers? I thought that was only a minute or so? Either way, your argument is valid, since you'll have to sit on each spot for at least a minute, but 30 minutes may be overkill...
@Cinoclav So dependent on the lamp strength. But definitely not your 10 minutes unless the lamp sucks balls. Wikipedia: Inactivation of microorganisms[edit] The degree of inactivation by ultraviolet radiation is directly related to the UV dose applied to the water. The dosage, a product of UV light intensity and exposure time, is usually measured in microjoules per square centimeter, or alternatively as microwatt seconds per square centimeter (µW·s/cm2). Dosages for a 90% kill of most bacteria and viruses range from 2,000 to 8,000 µW·s/cm2. Dosage for larger parasites such as Cryptosporidium require a lower dose for inactivation. As a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has accepted UV disinfection as a method for drinking water plants to obtain Cryptosporidium, Giardia or virus inactivation credits. For example, for one-decimal-logarithm reduction of Cryptosporidium, a minimum dose of 2,500 µW·s/cm2 is required based on the U.S. EPA UV Guidance Manual published in 2006.[8]:1–7
@ongware Those numbers apply to microbes in water with no visible particulates. If there is visible crud in the water, the microbes can hide behind it (although water treatment plants shine light from multiple angles, just in case). They also run the water through multiples stages, so that a few burned out bulbs won't be a problem. Most importantly, they repeatedly test the water to make sure it comes out clean.
Perfect gift for the Howard Hughes in your house. Comes with disposable face masks and tissues. The entire vacuum is microwave-safe for sanitizing after use.
God, I hope I get my order. I left woot because after NOT receiving 3 orders in a row and having to do all the legwork to track them down (BAD customer service) and eventually get a refund and NOT any of my orders, it's left me very skeptical.
@mercucio2 you will get your order- sadly, the guys who run this place are incredibly good at doing stuff, and will deny almost everyone the chance to have a valid complaint.
@alacrity Oh no, far from that. They fuck shit up all the time. But unlike Woot, they fix it to the very best of their ability and make happy customers.
Just bought the pro for $4 more, I like lavendar, didn't mean to press the Meh button, didn't know what is was for and can't reverse the press. How long does it take to receive the vacumm
@VeeDubTDI The specs don't list the intensity of the light. For all we know, it might be bright enough for the light leakage to cause skin cancer with just one vacuuming or it might be so wimpy it does nothing.
Chances are, it probably actually is effective at killing bacteria that the light can reach. The problem, is that most fabrics are opaque to UV-C. So it will kill some of the nasty stuff on the exposed side of the fibers, and almost none of the nasty stuff on the other side of the fibers. Any bacteria that is between fibers will be safe, even if you vacuum both sides of the fabric. The obvious solution to this problem, is to carpet with transparent fibers. That fishing line carpet look should be in next year.
The math works just like radioactive decay. Some period of time will kill half of the exposed population. Double the time or the brightness, and it kills three fourths of the exposed population. So, shining the light ten times as long, will kill 99.9% of the exposed population. Which could be 99.9% of the whole population, if you have the transparent carpet, and there are no grains of dirt for the microbes to hide behind.
If a toddler spills their juice in that carpet, the 0.1% of bacteria that survived will double every 20 minutes until the bacteria run out of food, water, or space. They will exceed their old population in three and a half hours.
@hamjudo Maybe if they could come up with mirror-coated fibers, it would scatter the uv around? Carpet and furniture would be extra clean and shiny. Soft funhouse-mirror carpeting! Try it naked! Clothes to match:
Did anyone else order one of these and have your order canceled today?
I was checking my PayPal balance and noticed it was higher than expected. Then I saw that the payment for this lovely item had been refunded and the transfer has been canceled.
I already contacted Meh but I got the out-of-office response so I'll have to wait to find out what is going on. In the meantime I'm just curious if I'm the only one with this problem. Like maybe something happened and they had to cancel all the orders.
@Trillian This is really weird. You gave me the idea to check my shipping status -- and it says it was shipped. Checked the tracking and it appears to be true. So maybe they are giving it to me for free? Or maybe I was double charged and one was refunded? Very confused.
@JonT Wait, sorry I didn't follow up. I went back to my PayPal account and the $38 was removed again. I don't understand it, but it seems to be OK now.
@christinerenee Paypal does that with some of my Meh orders on occasion. I think the initial charge is authorized when we make the purchase, and Paypal puts a hold on the funds for a couple days. Usually, I think Meh processes the payments when they ship, so sometimes that hold on the funds is released before then and we end up with a second charge with the first saying 'canceled'. I know that's happened with a couple things I've bought when it's taken longer than usual to ship out.
Has anyone else received theirs yet? Mine arrived this morning, but it sounds like there is a loose object rattling around inside that I can't get to without completely disassembling it. I've removed the filter and the roller thingy, but that's as far my skills and comfort level will take me. It sounds pretty substantial, and not just a loose screw.
@narfcake my box was sealed, and I got the brush and the manual. The manual is available on their website, and the brush is like a small pastry brush, so nothing special. Odd that you didn't get them though. I really want to open the case to see what is in there, but I tried that with a toaster once and it didn't end well. I don't like to talk about it.
Mine arrived today and was sitting out at the door who knows how long, no ring. Grabbed it started it up around 10:30pm, neighbors will get over it.
It is indeed very loud but I notice no loose parts. I did find the area under the handle gets pretty hot, which isn't surprising with how powerful it is, but it seems a bit much to run for long periods.
Tried it on two recliners I vacuum occasionally and I got some out, but not a whole lot like I expected with the special whack a mole feature. It is also so large you can't really get edges and its hard to do arm rests and back and probably not real safe when the UV peeks out everywhere.
Didn't pick up much of the cat hair either despite how powerful it is. Overall not sure if it is really doing that much but is certainly sucking stuff up and the light can't hurt anything and can only be helping right? For $34, not too meh.
Finally got mine....damn, wish i had bought several to give away as gifts or for backups in case mine craps out. There has never been a vacuum with as high a geek factor...not particularly fond of domestic tasks like vacuuming myself but I took it out of the box and immediately proceeded to vacuum every piece of furniture in the house. We (well...my wife actually) vacuum all the furniture with our Dyson every week and I was amazed at how much funk this little thing pulled out. No idea if it is really killing everything with the onboard deathray since I don't work in a lab, but for the price we paid, it was a great value.... I need some more crazy cleaning products from this unpronounceable company.
Got mine yesterday and I have to admit, this is pretty cool. I have never seen anything like it ever. It can be a little cumbersome when you want to get corner of a sofa or enclosed spaces. But I tried this out on my mattress and I couldn't believe what I got out of it. I then ran it over my pillows as well. Like everyone else, I have no idea if the UV light does anything but I can live with it being a placebo. Completely worth the $34, far beyond meh in my opinion. Only wish I would have purchased another one.
I got mine at the end of December, but I finally used it last night. It picked up some dust off the furniture and the UV light likely killed some bacteria. Because it is pretty large, it cannot clean corners very well.
Condition: New
Warranty: 6 Month Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 12/30 - 1/3
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x UV-C Handheld Vacuum
1x Cleaning Brush
1x High Efficiency Filter
1x Manual
1x Lavender Air Freshener (pro version only)
Pro contents
UV light
Non-pro contents
Retail boxes
Price Check
$149.99 at Amazon for non-pro
$179.59 at Amazon for pro
$179 - $229 List here on this CNET review
90 days
@mediocrebot My day was going pretty ok... UNTIL I LOOKED AT THAT FISH PICTURE! Now I'm all sorts of mehssed up. THANKS A LOT @lisaviolet!
@ruouttaurmind I love and would like to see a feature film made about that fish picture.
Finally found a video.
Still not sure if i understand it though
@ruouttaurmind That thing was just creeping around.
@booby_poor_boy thanks for the find! Can't decide which button to click...
@mediocrebot So you guys are saying this mouse vacuums too?! I'M IN.
@unixrab Som if I buy one of these and I have a problem with it in a few months, can I still blame @lisaviolet?
@Headly Yes. The Rules state that any product you buy during the rein of the current goat is their responsibility for life. Contact meh.com for @lisaviolet 's contact information - they are very lax on Scapegoat privacy... another reason to avoid becoming a goat here. caveat emptor .
@unixrab crap- i forgot lisa was still the goat.. i owe somebody an apology
@unixrab http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--w4imaoYm--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/jzwt80k7f4dpge6kveeo.gif
@unixrab http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Cmbb2C9Z--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/o36bkogq3ugw8b5scnem.gif
@mbills2223 Agreed. What the fuck???
@mbills2223 Space ship
@The_Baron Spaceship?
Seriously, first look I thought it was a mouse
@somf69 YES!
@somf69 me too!
@somf69 Ditto. I thought so too. A rather large mouse, perhaps a rat.
@somf69 came here to say this.
@heartny I thought it was Beats headphones
This gets my WTF stamp of approval
@Stallion First there was Woot!, then there was Meh. Coming to an internet near you, WTF! Leading discounter of bluetooth speaker docks with a crazy backstory
I was hoping for a stereo vacuum, but these are only moneual.
@choral_music Bravo.
I was really hoping for something stupid to commemorate Stephen Colbert's last episode. Meh.
@axleman1011 - Are you Eastern? Has anyone seen it yet? Trying to stay up late enough tonight.
@KDemo It didn't even occur to me that it would air at a different time for everyone else... yeah it ended at exactly midnight when meh rolls over
@axleman1011 A bag of Pistachios and an eagle nut cracker would've been great.
@KDemo It's worth staying up for. I thought it was a pitch perfect ending.
@Kyser_Soze I would have bought 5
@axleman1011, @christinerenee, I kind of passes out, then woke up for the second half. I agree, it was inspired.
Does this suck? I can't tell.
@heartny Well, I certainly hope so.
Perfect. I needed a cool new mouse.
Get your wife a vacuum for Christmas, she'll be thrilled.
@jjohns71 Between this and the Ninja blender, we'll never have more kids together!
@jjohns71 But not just a vacuum. ..this one vibrates too...
@JerseyFrank sounds like a win, no more lice!
I can't even pronounce the name.....what the heck does it do ? Is it Dyson related ! Never mind......meh.
@barney Lavender is sort of purple, innit?
@ruouttaurmind I love purple.
does it come in georgia red?
@roqbthepirate I love purple.
@roqbthepirate No. apparently not.
I think I want this but I have no idea what it is.
@christinerenee my thoughts exactly!
@christinerenee Me three
@christinerenee Me four
@christinerenee ditto
@christinerenee me ditto six
@christinerenee Did you buy it?
@dashcloud I did end up buying one. I think I understand what it is now.
This sounds like so much pseudo-science, but I want it so bad. To the point where I'm going to buy it, even though I had not heard of it ten minutes ago. For the mattresses!
@mossygreen Yeah, mattresses. That was my first thought. Do you think you could take it on the road for staying in a hotel?
@christinerenee Oooh, I didn't even think of that. And bedspreads!
I'm going to have my roomba tow it around the house.
@alexbalcer you win!
"Korea JoongAng Daily" ....are they owned by Rupert Murdoch?
@somf69 Nah. But they have deep ties with Samsung. That count?
So I could get a garbage handheld vacuum for 34$ that will probably break or have trouble sucking up more than 10 hairs at a time, or I can get this 600W monster. Yeah. I guess.
Does it use a standard HEPA filter or something proprietary for which we will never be able to find a replacement part?
@RandomQuark At around 5:15
@RandomQuark Since there's no such thing as standard, you're probably going to have to get creative when it comes to replacement parts.
@Alien88 haha i was just watching this Carewin ......... not this company but I same exact product
@RandomQuark http://www.amazon.com/Moneual-RYDIS-Vacuum-Cleaner-Filter/dp/B00PKQOT8S
Do I want this? I feel like I want this and really should buy it right now. But, will it do me any good? Is it actually useful? Someone help this Libra decide!
Also, why is there no estimated delivery date for these?
@PurplePawprints there is in the full description Estimated Delivery: 12/30 - 1/3
@remo28 Dammit! I have to stop assuming things will be in the same place every time. haha Thanks!
@PurplePawprints I think I need this, but I'm not sure. How often do I have to vacuum my bed? Seems a bit limited, even if I vacuum the couch too. But there is the cool WTF factor. Decisions, decisions.
@heartny I know. I went ahead and bought it, but I have a feeling I'll have buyer's remorse in the morning. My kids have pretty bad allergies/asthma and we have pets, so I probably should use it on their mattresses. I can see myself never bothering with it once the initial newness wears off though.
@PurplePawprints me too but I figured the price was decent and jumped into the fiiishy waters
Wait, I have a question: what about filters? Reusable at all?
@mossygreen - In the single review for the pro model on Amazon, it mentions a washable filter. It also says the non-pro model is a better idea.
@mossygreen the video @emci13 posted mentions the pre filter as washable. dunno about the HEPA
@mossygreen You can just buy 2 of these babies and when one has a dirty filter, vacuum it with the other.
@KDemo Hey, I just read that! But when the price difference is $4 rather than $30, maybe it's worth it for something that apparently stops running when you let go of it?
@Rossome You are smart.
@mossygreen Overstock says it's a washable HEPA filter - http://www.overstock.com/Home-Garden/Carewin-UV-Sanitizing-Handheld-Bedding-Vacuum-Cleaner/8930657/product.html
@mossygreen site says to replace filter early if it smells and here's what it looks like: http://moneualusa.com/index.php/shop/u60-pro-u60-filter.html
@mossygreen a smart ass is more accurate
@mossygreen filtes on Amazon for $10. http://www.amazon.com/Moneual-RYDIS-Vacuum-Cleaner-Filter/dp/B00PKQOT8S
@ohmattski That's amazing.
At least on New Zealand home shopping, it's marketed for furniture and bedding.
Buy this and it's almost like owning a less cool looking version of the car from minority report but with 2x the bacteria fighting power.
So it is a corded giant mouse-like thing that sterilizes and (optionally) sucks and vibrates, while passing lavender scented gas...
Yeah. Makes total sense.
@baqui63 Totally. And yet I kind of want one....
yes answer the filter question PLEASE @JonT
@sp3ar read above
@PecosBill yeah i am slow per usual to read previous posts blame @lisaviolet for not talking sooner........
Didn't need one. Bought one anyway. That writeup alone was worth 38 simehleons.
They are getting really creative with these speaker dock designs. I don't know how you'd hear your music over the sound of the vacuuming though.
I didn't know you were suppose to vacuum your clothes. I am confused.
@dino2269 With as much as our yellow lab sheds, my husband and I should take turns vacuuming each other every 5 minutes.
@ABitterWoman Ummmm... some might say that's called...
I love purple.
@ABitterWoman I'll see your yellow Lab and raise you a chocolate Lab. Our two monsters have shed enough in the last year to build three more Labs.
@edlada huskies. HUSKIES. I think they might be how Tribbles started.
@Thumperchick I will back up this statement. Also, you can donate husky fur to this place http://www.sos-srf.org/FurSpinning.html and they spin it into yarn and make items to sell to rescue huskies!
@chellemonkey That looks really cool! Unfortunately, mine is a mix and as a result, has shorter hair all over, so I don't think it'll work out for us right now.
I got two, one for use and one replace the first one when it breaks.
Looked at the website, but all I can find about the filter is "It is recommended to replace the filter earlier than advised if it smells due to dust particles and unwanted materials." (so disposable?) and "filter: high efficiency filter"
@Pantheist and here is what it looks like if anyone knows if you can get another in this shape: http://moneualusa.com/index.php/shop/u60-pro-u60-filter.html
@Pantheist If you smell the filter, do you end up with dust mites up your nose?
@heartny Yes, but at least they'll be dead.
@Knightp Hopefully the dust mite eggs won't hatch up there. Ewwww.
@heartny Dust Mite has no eggs. They give birth to additional dust mites by "exploding" -- http://www.cracked.com/article_19295_the-7-sleaziest-mating-rituals-in-animal-kingdom_p2.html Has the details on how they reproduce.
@rogerducky wow, I on'y read the mites and the ants but shudder that was both interesting and disturbing
@heartny Now that was funny.
I was actually interested in buying this, handheld vacuums come in handy. However, the product lost with me in the end when I saw it was corded.
Seriously, what is the point of a handheld vacuum that isn't cordless? I keep my Shark Navigator hidden away in the closet 6 months out of the year purely because I don't want to be dragging around some long rope and falling down every time it wraps around my feet.
@haneyg The problem with cordless: batteries eventually die.
@narfcake then you have to buy a new battery. Cord saves money and provides more power.
@Vargas That's only if the batteries are designed to be replaceable, which many are not.
@haneyg Not only is it corded, but the one Amazon review makes it sound like the cord is a bit too short to be useful.
@Knightp Right here in the full product specs : Cord length: 12 ft
@narfcake $$$$$$batteries$$$$$
@haneyg Answer: This is just for things like bedding and sofa. Otherwise you'll be dragging the vacuum that you just did the floor with on your bed. That would be awkward besides. This product makes sense to me,
@haneyg 600 watts. If it was battery powered it would weigh 12 pounds or last 2 minutes...
@haneyg easy! Put a car battery in a backpack with a 600w inverter. No more tripping on cords!
As intriguing as this sucker sounds, and as useful as it may end up being to feed my paranoid OCD nature when it comes to the nastiness that hotel linens may be, I feel far too poor this week to spend $38 on a glorified handheld flashlight.
Meh to me :(
Cutaway view of this:
It's sold under a different brand too: http://www.amazon.com/Best-Home-Fashion-Handheld-Furniture/dp/B00HJG0Q5M/
@narfcake The dustmite leader has a pitch fork!
@mehvermore best part of this event so far
@Keyeno this thing kills lice?! Does @JerseyFrank know??
@Kleineleh That would awesome! Once it arrives Ill sneak up on some kids at the bus stop and try it on them.
@JerseyFrank Fun fact. In Larry Niven's "Escape from Hell" the people that made those ads end up in one of the lower circles of Hell...
If the drawing is accurate, doesn't it look like the HEPA filter is inside the dustbin? If so, I can't imagine how that would last very long. Is that good design?
@RandomQuark That's how shopvacs work. :)
Does anyone know how long the light should last?
@RandomQuark I was wondering the same thing.
I needed a replacement hand vacuum anyway. Sucks that it's corded but I'll live with it if it's as good as it says it is!
I wish the delivery was before Christmas... After all it is amazon and they could two day it. Also I wonder about replacement filters? I want to buy this so bad as a gift but not sure since delivery is so late :-(
@chattychica04 Amazon? This is not Amazon. If you want quick delivery you can pay full price at Amazon, though.
@chattychica04 meh is NOT Amazon ... unless @snapster just got bought out ... again. Since there's no rapping troll video, I'm guessing no.
@narfcake you only get to eat one octopus...
@chattychica04 worst part of this event so far
@chattychica04 Anything you purchase, even from Amazon, this late in the game is iffy on arrival time. Buying here will get you the best price, and you know not to stress out about watching the tracking, since it probably won't get to you until New Year's. Buy it, print out a picture with an ETA for the recipient.
What about that Ebola I spilled? Use this sucker and they ded?
@irishbyblood Yes, if you spread out your ebola contaminated material, so it isn't too thick, then expose it to the light long enough. A guess down below is ten minutes, but it depends on the brightness of the light. Since safety glasses are not required, I suspect it will take even longer.
So...I bought one but I'm not sure why. I'm going to slap some googly-eyes on it, put it on vibration mode and watch the googly-eyes get all googly. Thinking about getting a second one and making them fight. Could start a vacuum cleaner fight club. Make a little... a little ring for them. Give one a narwhal horn. And just let them go. ...I think I'm just copying Robot Wars, but for idiots. Sweet.
@epicpoptart I read this in the voice of Rick of Rick and Morty. good job.
@epicpoptart my roomba just got a new submissive playmate, that'll sanitize the mess after... merry christmas, roomba!
So this is for vacuuming your bed? Wouldn't it be easier, cleaner to just wash your sheets? If it's for vacuuming your furniture, who does that?
@BootlegCraig Washing the sheets is one thing, but the mattress itself isn't machine washable. And that's if you can get your mattress to fit in the machine in the first place.
@BootlegCraig I vacuum my furniture... Pet hair doesn't come out all by itself.
Waiting for my check to clear before I can get this. Gonna use it to suck the dirt off my skin and tan at the same time. I finally found my secret weapon in the ongoing battle against the shower.
I live in a tiny studio apartment.. this is perfect. I think. Whatever I want one.
In for one.. cleaning my couches.
does not support 220v?
Cat poop on new rug more than justifies this. I'm Quite In.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga That's my boy!
I love purple.
Where does your phone plug into? I don't see where it docks.
Are you supposed to remove underpants before vacuuming them? Asking for a friend...
Buzz kill: Tests have shown that you typically have to expose a surface to UV light for at least 10 minute to kill the majority of the bacteria (and up to 30 minutes to kill 99%). At that rate, it will take you several hours to vacuum your mattress/sofa/significant other. Using this 'normally' will essentially do little more than vacuuming with any other vacuum.
@Cinoclav Now you tell me. I had a feeling the UV light was BS. The funny thing is that the pro version shuts off when you let go so you can't even turn it on and leave it for 30 minutes. Still, I think it's worth the price if the vacuum is decent.
@Cinoclav @christinerenee Is that right? What about the UV water sanitizers? I thought that was only a minute or so? Either way, your argument is valid, since you'll have to sit on each spot for at least a minute, but 30 minutes may be overkill...
@Cinoclav So dependent on the lamp strength. But definitely not your 10 minutes unless the lamp sucks balls. Wikipedia: Inactivation of microorganisms[edit] The degree of inactivation by ultraviolet radiation is directly related to the UV dose applied to the water. The dosage, a product of UV light intensity and exposure time, is usually measured in microjoules per square centimeter, or alternatively as microwatt seconds per square centimeter (µW·s/cm2). Dosages for a 90% kill of most bacteria and viruses range from 2,000 to 8,000 µW·s/cm2. Dosage for larger parasites such as Cryptosporidium require a lower dose for inactivation. As a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has accepted UV disinfection as a method for drinking water plants to obtain Cryptosporidium, Giardia or virus inactivation credits. For example, for one-decimal-logarithm reduction of Cryptosporidium, a minimum dose of 2,500 µW·s/cm2 is required based on the U.S. EPA UV Guidance Manual published in 2006.[8]:1–7
@ongware Umm - is there a TL:DR edition of that? Cause I have a college degree, but not in mathematics.
@Pamtha yeah- the bottom line is: it's all in yer head- this sucks with a light-show.
@ongware Those numbers apply to microbes in water with no visible particulates. If there is visible crud in the water, the microbes can hide behind it (although water treatment plants shine light from multiple angles, just in case). They also run the water through multiples stages, so that a few burned out bulbs won't be a problem. Most importantly, they repeatedly test the water to make sure it comes out clean.
In for TWO. One of each, so I can see which is the bigger sucker- pro, less-than-pro, or me. (I think I know the results already.)
@gregormehndel I can also predict the results of that sucker test.
The back story makes me want to buy one. The fact that I have a handheld vac already keeps my $38 in my pocket... for now.
Perfect gift for the Howard Hughes in your house. Comes with disposable face masks and tissues. The entire vacuum is microwave-safe for sanitizing after use.
Bought one! Tried to resist! Mythical-Overactive-Month!
God, I hope I get my order. I left woot because after NOT receiving 3 orders in a row and having to do all the legwork to track them down (BAD customer service) and eventually get a refund and NOT any of my orders, it's left me very skeptical.
@mercucio2 This is NOT the woot you are looking for.
@mercucio2 You will get your order, it just might take a while. Also @tybalt2 told me to tell you "a plague upon your house".
@mercucio2 you will get your order- sadly, the guys who run this place are incredibly good at doing stuff, and will deny almost everyone the chance to have a valid complaint.
@alacrity Oh no, far from that. They fuck shit up all the time. But unlike Woot, they fix it to the very best of their ability and make happy customers.
@Cinoclav "it's not a flaw- it's a feature"
Just bought the pro for $4 more, I like lavendar, didn't mean to press the Meh button, didn't know what is was for and can't reverse the press. How long does it take to receive the vacumm
@wrx2themaxx Meh button is for your enjoyment without repercussion, even when ordering. Estimated Delivery: 12/30 - 1/3
Great job on the write-up, this one was definitely not mediocre.
@Soxad agreed! It was a super interesting read, you can tell @JasonToon likes to flex his investigative journalism muscles.
I'm thinkin' my roomba just got a submissive playmate...
I believe this vacuum is endorsed and recommended by Dr. Steve Brule...

That last pic is disturbing, and yeah - that baby UV lamp isn't going to sterilize very much at typical vacuuming speeds. Gonna pass on this one...
@VeeDubTDI The specs don't list the intensity of the light. For all we know, it might be bright enough for the light leakage to cause skin cancer with just one vacuuming or it might be so wimpy it does nothing.
Chances are, it probably actually is effective at killing bacteria that the light can reach. The problem, is that most fabrics are opaque to UV-C. So it will kill some of the nasty stuff on the exposed side of the fibers, and almost none of the nasty stuff on the other side of the fibers. Any bacteria that is between fibers will be safe, even if you vacuum both sides of the fabric. The obvious solution to this problem, is to carpet with transparent fibers. That fishing line carpet look should be in next year.
The math works just like radioactive decay. Some period of time will kill half of the exposed population. Double the time or the brightness, and it kills three fourths of the exposed population. So, shining the light ten times as long, will kill 99.9% of the exposed population. Which could be 99.9% of the whole population, if you have the transparent carpet, and there are no grains of dirt for the microbes to hide behind.
If a toddler spills their juice in that carpet, the 0.1% of bacteria that survived will double every 20 minutes until the bacteria run out of food, water, or space. They will exceed their old population in three and a half hours.
@hamjudo - I'm gonna call you Mr Science. You have all the answers and explain them so even I understand. Thanks Mr Science.
@hamjudo +1 just because I'm a Nuclear Med Tech and I appreciate half lives.
@hamjudo Maybe if they could come up with mirror-coated fibers, it would scatter the uv around? Carpet and furniture would be extra clean and shiny. Soft funhouse-mirror carpeting! Try it naked! Clothes to match:
My fiancée was excited by the possibility of this lowering allergens in our bed, so I'm in for one of these crazy spaceship vacuums.
@PanicSwitch Umm... good luck? on lowering your allergens and raising her excitement, I mean.
@mehjohnson We get excited pretty easily in our house, what can I say
I like to think I paid for the research on the back-story and received a free vacuum. resounding-abiding-stem
Did anyone else order one of these and have your order canceled today?
I was checking my PayPal balance and noticed it was higher than expected. Then I saw that the payment for this lovely item had been refunded and the transfer has been canceled.
I already contacted Meh but I got the out-of-office response so I'll have to wait to find out what is going on. In the meantime I'm just curious if I'm the only one with this problem. Like maybe something happened and they had to cancel all the orders.
@christinerenee Mine is showing as shipped, so they didn't cancel all of them. Sorry!
@Trillian This is really weird. You gave me the idea to check my shipping status -- and it says it was shipped. Checked the tracking and it appears to be true. So maybe they are giving it to me for free? Or maybe I was double charged and one was refunded? Very confused.
Hey @unixrab - Notice something here?
@Cinoclav PAYPAL!!??!
@unixrab I'm guessing she's like most Paypal account holders and has a Paypal debit card. I use it for everything.
@christinerenee huh, well our CS team will get back to you as soon as they can and figure out what happened.
@JonT Wait, sorry I didn't follow up. I went back to my PayPal account and the $38 was removed again. I don't understand it, but it seems to be OK now.
@unixrab Where there's a will, there's a way.
@christinerenee Paypal does that with some of my Meh orders on occasion. I think the initial charge is authorized when we make the purchase, and Paypal puts a hold on the funds for a couple days. Usually, I think Meh processes the payments when they ship, so sometimes that hold on the funds is released before then and we end up with a second charge with the first saying 'canceled'. I know that's happened with a couple things I've bought when it's taken longer than usual to ship out.
Has anyone else received theirs yet? Mine arrived this morning, but it sounds like there is a loose object rattling around inside that I can't get to without completely disassembling it. I've removed the filter and the roller thingy, but that's as far my skills and comfort level will take me. It sounds pretty substantial, and not just a loose screw.
@Trillian i just got it.. No rattling sound.. But i only got the unit. No cleaner, refresher, manual...
@halmir @Trillian: Got mine today, regular version. No rattles, but no cleaning brush or manual either. The seal on the box was unbroken.
@narfcake my box was sealed, and I got the brush and the manual. The manual is available on their website, and the brush is like a small pastry brush, so nothing special. Odd that you didn't get them though. I really want to open the case to see what is in there, but I tried that with a toaster once and it didn't end well. I don't like to talk about it.
Got mine today and just now plugged it in, looking for strange noises. Seems okay, but it's loud as hell.
@Teripie Yeah, mine was so loud when I turned it on to test it that one my dogs flipped out and I had to turn it back off before he peed on the floor.
@PurplePawprints But now you can sanitize the floor after he pees on it!
@Trillian I have a feeling I'll be having to use it for that frequently. We've had him less than a month and he's scared of everything.
Mine arrived today and was sitting out at the door who knows how long, no ring. Grabbed it started it up around 10:30pm, neighbors will get over it.
It is indeed very loud but I notice no loose parts. I did find the area under the handle gets pretty hot, which isn't surprising with how powerful it is, but it seems a bit much to run for long periods.
Tried it on two recliners I vacuum occasionally and I got some out, but not a whole lot like I expected with the special whack a mole feature. It is also so large you can't really get edges and its hard to do arm rests and back and probably not real safe when the UV peeks out everywhere.
Didn't pick up much of the cat hair either despite how powerful it is. Overall not sure if it is really doing that much but is certainly sucking stuff up and the light can't hurt anything and can only be helping right? For $34, not too meh.
Finally got mine....damn, wish i had bought several to give away as gifts or for backups in case mine craps out. There has never been a vacuum with as high a geek factor...not particularly fond of domestic tasks like vacuuming myself but I took it out of the box and immediately proceeded to vacuum every piece of furniture in the house. We (well...my wife actually) vacuum all the furniture with our Dyson every week and I was amazed at how much funk this little thing pulled out. No idea if it is really killing everything with the onboard deathray since I don't work in a lab, but for the price we paid, it was a great value.... I need some more crazy cleaning products from this unpronounceable company.
@Roadkill They make robot vacuums too, so we just may see them here in the future. They lack the death ray though.
Got mine yesterday and I have to admit, this is pretty cool. I have never seen anything like it ever. It can be a little cumbersome when you want to get corner of a sofa or enclosed spaces. But I tried this out on my mattress and I couldn't believe what I got out of it. I then ran it over my pillows as well. Like everyone else, I have no idea if the UV light does anything but I can live with it being a placebo. Completely worth the $34, far beyond meh in my opinion. Only wish I would have purchased another one.
It is slightly bigger than a mouse and it vibrates, what more could I ask for.
@Tlinget A gerbil?
I got mine at the end of December, but I finally used it last night. It picked up some dust off the furniture and the UV light likely killed some bacteria. Because it is pretty large, it cannot clean corners very well.