So something in the shelf stable food category gets misdelivered to your house what do you do? How much effort are you required to put into figuring out who it belongs to?
Who delivered it to you? USPS, UPS, FedEx? I recently got some random package of office supplies for someone who lived at my address YEARS ago. I dropped it off at the UPS Store to return to sender after the person didn’t respond to my Facebook messenger conversation. I tried, at least.
@medz I was always to that by law, anything delivered to your house without you having ordered it is yours- however, I generally do my level best to make sure that if I can figure out to whom [and to where] something is supposed to go, I get it there.
In your case, given that the package was sent to your actual address, and you went out of your way to try to notify the rightful person, you had satisfied honor, and it would have been morally correct to keep it.
By returning it to UPS, you certainly went above and beyond- but they [someone from there] either took it home and kept it, or [more likely] they sold it in an unclaimed merchandise auction.
@PhysAssist Somebody else’s kid dropped a granola bar wrapper on the ground at the school bus stop today. I told the kid not to do that and my kid informed them it was littering. I picked it up and later tossed it in the bin at the gas station.
@medz@PhysAssist not too much. Just more than most. The kid’s parental unit must not have been there, otherwise you might have gotten an earful for daring to correct their child. That whole “it takes a village” thing really breaks down quickly. I had plenty of people correct my stupid behavior when I was growing up. Clearly I’m permanently damaged from that.
@ybmuG Yeah. The parent wasn’t around. The kid’s response was, “I’ll pick it up later.” Like…is wind not a thing that occurs to them? SMDH
Sadly, that kid’s parental situation is seriously lacking. The mom would be the type to react with hostility for me telling the kid to stay out of the street. What am I supposed to do? Let the kid get ran over? This is why I wait at the stop with my kid. Too many idiots out there.
Funny topic today. Got a Hello Fresh box today addressed to a neighbor about 6-8 houses down. It’s been pouring all day so it is still sitting on my stoop (covered). At some point I’ll walk it down there, but it really steams me that the UPS diver can’t seem to read addresses.
For $13/hr plus he has to use his own car and fuel, can you really blame the UPS guy for not giving a shit working for the richest man on the planet and shareholders who could care less?
Welcome to the gig economy and “race to the bottom” (line) of capitalism.
@mehcuda67@mike808@rockblossom except that our UPS driver is clearly an employee, driving a company truck. The contract drivers are all FedEx. And still UPS is less reliable.
Karma. I wouldn’t like it if something being shipped to me went somewhere else either.
Is the name and address incorrect? If yes and it’s nearby (within biking distance), I’ll even deliver it. If not, it’s “return to sender”.
Is the address correct but not the name? I’ll contact the original sender if they make it easy. If not, I’ll let it sit, just in case the delivery service leaves back an “oops” note to recall it.
There’s nothing modern about ethics. Ethics are ethics. Have been for a long time. The situation might be different due to improved technology, but the underlying ethics are the same.
I would appreciate somebody taking the time to get my ramen noodles (or whatever) to me. Failing that, if they have no label and no sender, maybe somebody left them for you!
@therealjrn well said. Why is ethics a function of time? If telling the truth, taking responsibility and not taking what is not yours is not “in vogue”, that doesn’t make it any less ethical. It just means that ethics is not part of the new social norm. Otherwise ethics is only how I define it. That’s great if I like you, but look out if I don’t.
And I’m sure some PhD philosophy major will correct my definitions using some principle of the evolution of society, blah, blah, blah…
Here’s the thing - if you would be ok if someone just kept your stuff, then you can posit that philosophy honestly. Otherwise, your just an opportunist and a hypocrite and you can get off my lawn!
I saw an episode on one of those house-flipping shows and the address was being used for sketchy deliveries. They brought the boxes inside but somebody broke in to steal the boxes.
Fyi spoke to Walmart they can’t pick up and redeliver it because it is food or so they say. They said they were going to re ship more to original person and to keep it. (I don’t entirely believe that I think it is just not cost effective to have someone pick it up and redeliver)
I am going to give most it to the local food bank
@CaptAmehrican I had the same response from Amazon once, when I order a two pack of coffee, and they only mailed me one. They said they could not accept back the first box, to keep it and they would send me the appropriate 2 pack.
I couldn’t opine earlier, because I really don’t know what I would do. I would lean towards getting it to the right person, yada yada, but I am lazy (or crazy busy?).
If you can tell what company it was ordered from tell them to call the person to come get it from you. I did that when a bunch of textbooks (from amazon) were delivered to me. As the term had started the previous week I presumed the student would be frantic. Called amazon, told them to call the person who ordered it and had it delivered to their old address (amazon did confirm it was delivered to the address on file). Told them to give them my phone number too. Person showed up about an hour later to get her stuff.
Who delivered it to you? USPS, UPS, FedEx? I recently got some random package of office supplies for someone who lived at my address YEARS ago. I dropped it off at the UPS Store to return to sender after the person didn’t respond to my Facebook messenger conversation. I tried, at least.
@medz i don’t know which carrier
@CaptAmehrican The shipping label and tracking number should provide clues. In my case, the label had “UPS” on it.
@medz I was always to that by law, anything delivered to your house without you having ordered it is yours- however, I generally do my level best to make sure that if I can figure out to whom [and to where] something is supposed to go, I get it there.
In your case, given that the package was sent to your actual address, and you went out of your way to try to notify the rightful person, you had satisfied honor, and it would have been morally correct to keep it.
By returning it to UPS, you certainly went above and beyond- but they [someone from there] either took it home and kept it, or [more likely] they sold it in an unclaimed merchandise auction.
@PhysAssist Somebody else’s kid dropped a granola bar wrapper on the ground at the school bus stop today. I told the kid not to do that and my kid informed them it was littering. I picked it up and later tossed it in the bin at the gas station.
My only flaw is that I care too much…
@medz @PhysAssist not too much. Just more than most. The kid’s parental unit must not have been there, otherwise you might have gotten an earful for daring to correct their child. That whole “it takes a village” thing really breaks down quickly. I had plenty of people correct my stupid behavior when I was growing up. Clearly I’m permanently damaged from that.
@ybmuG Yeah. The parent wasn’t around. The kid’s response was, “I’ll pick it up later.” Like…is wind not a thing that occurs to them? SMDH
Sadly, that kid’s parental situation is seriously lacking. The mom would be the type to react with hostility for me telling the kid to stay out of the street. What am I supposed to do? Let the kid get ran over? This is why I wait at the stop with my kid. Too many idiots out there.
Funny topic today. Got a Hello Fresh box today addressed to a neighbor about 6-8 houses down. It’s been pouring all day so it is still sitting on my stoop (covered). At some point I’ll walk it down there, but it really steams me that the UPS diver can’t seem to read addresses.
That’s a lot of rain!
@rockblossom well I delivered it. They weren’t home so they’ll never know it was misdelivered, though I will contact UPS. They seem to be the worst.
@rockblossom @ybmuG I’ve heard on more than on occasion that the correct pronunciation for UPS is “Oops”.
@mehcuda67 @rockblossom @ybmuG
For $13/hr plus he has to use his own car and fuel, can you really blame the UPS guy for not giving a shit working for the richest man on the planet and shareholders who could care less?
Welcome to the gig economy and “race to the bottom” (line) of capitalism.
@mehcuda67 @mike808 @rockblossom except that our UPS driver is clearly an employee, driving a company truck. The contract drivers are all FedEx. And still UPS is less reliable.
Karma. I wouldn’t like it if something being shipped to me went somewhere else either.
Is the name and address incorrect? If yes and it’s nearby (within biking distance), I’ll even deliver it. If not, it’s “return to sender”.
Is the address correct but not the name? I’ll contact the original sender if they make it easy. If not, I’ll let it sit, just in case the delivery service leaves back an “oops” note to recall it.
There’s nothing modern about ethics. Ethics are ethics. Have been for a long time. The situation might be different due to improved technology, but the underlying ethics are the same.
I would appreciate somebody taking the time to get my ramen noodles (or whatever) to me. Failing that, if they have no label and no sender, maybe somebody left them for you!
Also, see Karma
@therealjrn well said. Why is ethics a function of time? If telling the truth, taking responsibility and not taking what is not yours is not “in vogue”, that doesn’t make it any less ethical. It just means that ethics is not part of the new social norm. Otherwise ethics is only how I define it. That’s great if I like you, but look out if I don’t.
And I’m sure some PhD philosophy major will correct my definitions using some principle of the evolution of society, blah, blah, blah…
Here’s the thing - if you would be ok if someone just kept your stuff, then you can posit that philosophy honestly. Otherwise, your just an opportunist and a hypocrite and you can get off my lawn!
@therealjrn @ybmuG
Moral: Don’t be an insensitive clod!
I saw an episode on one of those house-flipping shows and the address was being used for sketchy deliveries. They brought the boxes inside but somebody broke in to steal the boxes.
Didn’t you just buy that property?
Fyi spoke to Walmart they can’t pick up and redeliver it because it is food or so they say. They said they were going to re ship more to original person and to keep it. (I don’t entirely believe that I think it is just not cost effective to have someone pick it up and redeliver)
I am going to give most it to the local food bank
Wait…WalMart delivers?
@CaptAmehrican it makes sense, especially from a chain of custody POV. You could have done something to the food.
Also they would have to ship it back to their DC, receive it back, re stock and then pick, pack and ship. Lot of work involved with a return.
@therealjrn clearly not well
@CaptAmehrican Ha ha
@CaptAmehrican that makes a lot of sense and clearly you did your part.

/giphy Kudos!
@CaptAmehrican SCORE! Although I would have eaten it without guilt at that point.
@CaptAmehrican I had the same response from Amazon once, when I order a two pack of coffee, and they only mailed me one. They said they could not accept back the first box, to keep it and they would send me the appropriate 2 pack.
I couldn’t opine earlier, because I really don’t know what I would do. I would lean towards getting it to the right person, yada yada, but I am lazy (or crazy busy?).
If you can tell what company it was ordered from tell them to call the person to come get it from you. I did that when a bunch of textbooks (from amazon) were delivered to me. As the term had started the previous week I presumed the student would be frantic. Called amazon, told them to call the person who ordered it and had it delivered to their old address (amazon did confirm it was delivered to the address on file). Told them to give them my phone number too. Person showed up about an hour later to get her stuff.
"dear penthouse forums,
it all started when amazon delivered a college student’s textbooks to me by mistake.
@carl669 @Kidsandliz Was there a drone involved?