Miracle Berry $10 for 10
6Remember the Miracle Berry? Remember the Malort… @hollboll remembers… https://www.tanga.com/deals/fd04b18e0566/mberry-miracle-fruit-tablets-10-count?sdtid=9685912&affiliate_network=tanganetwork&click_id=1c0cbf015ec26b7b78d2ce07bd98195a it’s on sale 10 for $10…
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Malort at your own risk…
If you’ve never tried them you should. It’s quite interesting!
@ilovereality I think you can get them much cheaper, but I have heard they’re good for people on chemo since they can get rid of the persistent metallic taste
I’ve been wanting to try these for a long time now! Thanks!
I still remember the Periscope stream with Miracle (or Mehricle!) Berry.