@blaineg lol I’m well familiar with the woot/meh story and the breakfast octopus. Woot just failed so hard I haven’t really been over there since meh and I don’t recall that title bar
@blaineg and I’m a little annoyed by the monkey cause I think they did a bad job at his representation and I bought and fired some monkies round the office when woot was nerd central and ffs screw u amazon. We collected those weirdos.
They sell these in the international aisle at my local grocery store. I tried all the flavors, still prefer the original.
Woot! An Amazon company.
With that weird monkey.
When did that happen? Makes me want to go pet my real woot monkies
@unksol About a year (or however long the non-compete clause was in the paperwork when Amazon bought Woot) before Meh happened.
@gt0163c possible I missed it. I thought it happened sooner
@unksol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Rutledge
@blaineg lol I’m well familiar with the woot/meh story and the breakfast octopus. Woot just failed so hard I haven’t really been over there since meh and I don’t recall that title bar
@blaineg and I’m a little annoyed by the monkey cause I think they did a bad job at his representation and I bought and fired some monkies round the office when woot was nerd central and ffs screw u amazon. We collected those weirdos.