Or Mehtomo. Anyway, it'd be fun to add each other and get uh, closer as a community. And get sweet sweet Miitomo coins for being popular.
All joking aside, it's pretty fun and you should give it a try =) Here's my code. Add me and answer some silly questions.

@dash I downloaded the app and made a little guy but scanning the code just recreates your mii, it doesn't make us friends
I'm still trying to download it. I'm being throttled to hell because T-Mobile is a trash company.
@DrunkCat Ha. I love T-Mobile. At least for personal service. I never go over 5gb in a month. Well, I think I did once but I was streaming a mehtric boatload of Netflix that month.
@Bingo Three hours and 54%
@DrunkCat Damn. How much data do you have per month before they throttle you? My plan is 5GB and like I said, I basically never go over it. I average between 3 and 4
@Bingo I too poor to afford anything over 3GB. It's more so their coverage that draws my ire.
It'd be better to just link your twitter and follow each other, it'll suggest friends who also have it and we'll pop up.
Here's my twitter. Follow me, and we'll Miitomo together. (Total bullshit that the QR Code just clones the Mii! Unreal!)
yeah the QR codes are just for sharing miis you make. Nintendo doesnt want you being friends will people you dont know so they dont end up shutting it down like they did swapnote.
follow me i need miitomo friends plz
@Crud Followed. See above, or here to follow me.
Grr figures the QR code won't add friends. Anyway I've followed everyone on in the thread so far on Twitter. Mine:https://twitter.com/RonRoncorwin
@Dash Followed.