16maybe it bothers me more than it should.
bought a dozen mini-drones during the mehrathon to give away at my apartment. box arrived and i unpacked them all. printed out a note saying “share with your neighbors, please only take one”. took them out to the main lobby and set them out. it’s not a heavily trafficked area - most people come in through one of the side or back entrances. took the elevator down one floor to recycle the boxes. came back up (literally about 1 minute) and 3 of them were already gone. walked down the hall to my apartment, sent off a couple emails, grabbed the bags of trash and walked down to the main lobby to put them down the trash chute. all of the drones, and the note, were gone.
even during these times, fucking greedy assholes are still fucking greedy assholes.
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Put out a note saying exactly that
That sucks! I hope the greedy ones got ones that didn’t work.
That bothers you less than it should. Fuckers.
That was a really nice thing for you to do. I hope the first few people appreciated it.
This is like the steroidal version of people taking all the Halloween candy…ridiculous.
They took the note?!
@mehcuda67 they took the fucking note! like they didn’t want evidence of anything ever being left out.
Wicked cool of you! Karma will catch up with that A-hole, that’s on him! I’ll tell you what a good friend told me a few years back and I just love it. “When you give, give with both hands”. Never had another regret about letting anything go and no worries about what happened to anything I ever gave away when it left my hands. I do realize that this isn’t what you’re upset about, it’s kinda like apples and oranges. I just thought it’d be a nice thing to share.

@Lynnerizer completely agree with your sentiment and that’s the case for me as well when i give things away. but stuff like this, as Peter would say, “really grinds my gears”.