Meh Valentines, for the not-very-special people in your life.


It always felt a little weird to give every kid in your class a valentine. "Hey, kid with the curly hair who sits over by the pencil sharpener, here's a picture of the Hulk telling you 'YOU'RE SMASHING, VALENTINE!' Now I'm going to go back to forgetting you exist." I appreciate the sentiment of making every kid in the class feel included, but it's just so transparently insincere.

Now that we're grownups (sort of), we can give valentines that honestly acknowledge what we mean to each other. So we created some Meh Valentines for you to print out and give to the acquaintances who mean so little to you on Valentine's Day. Enjoy! But not too much!

Meh Valentines PDF 1

Meh Valentines PDF 2

Meh Valentines