Meh Valentines, for the not-very-special people in your life.
23It always felt a little weird to give every kid in your class a valentine. "Hey, kid with the curly hair who sits over by the pencil sharpener, here's a picture of the Hulk telling you 'YOU'RE SMASHING, VALENTINE!' Now I'm going to go back to forgetting you exist." I appreciate the sentiment of making every kid in the class feel included, but it's just so transparently insincere.
Now that we're grownups (sort of), we can give valentines that honestly acknowledge what we mean to each other. So we created some Meh Valentines for you to print out and give to the acquaintances who mean so little to you on Valentine's Day. Enjoy! But not too much!
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These will fill my Valentine's box nicely... As a kid in school, I wouldn't have a filled box. And when I did get a requisite, insincere Valentine from a girl I had a crush on, I totally overreacted.
Of course, the adult Valentine's Day Card Shaming has now transferred into gifts sent to the office (Flowers, Chocolates, Bears, PJs, etc.)
@BillLehecka People send PJs? Really? I hope it's true because that just blew my mind. (I'm not really sure why, but it does).
@BillLehecka Thank you. I didn't even know that existed. I don't know why I should be surprised... I mean, we can send glitter to our enemies, why not PJs to our sweethearts?
@JonT It says I choo-choo choose you.... and there's a picture of a train!
@JonT You can see the exact moment when Ralph's heart breaks..... there!
@primrosewater and since meh bought who knows what they plan to send or do in the future...
I like JibJab Valentines.
@Cinoclav now that is disgusting. Where is my downvote button? LOL
@Cinoclav "No ass to mouth."- Clerks2
@Cinoclav Where's the iPad?
@Cinoclav Southpark EULA episode... classic
I don't have a kid young enough to take Valentine's cards to school anymore, but if I did, I think it would be pretty funny to send him with these. I can only imagine how much trouble he (and then I) would get in.
When I was a kid, Valentine's Day at school was the worst of the "holiday" parties. I would agonize over which card to give to which kid. Heaven forbid the geeky kid thought I liked him! Really, though, what a strange custom to force upon little kids.
@pitamuffin Yeah. I was that kid who got all the mixed signals. It was terrible.
Artwork on the Meh Valentines is by the great @Rumple. I should have said that earlier, but I didn't know his username.
@JasonToon Good work @Rumple
Valentine I Don't Wish You Any Specific Harm is my favorite. I don't feel like my husband would enjoy it as much as I do, though, so to the store I go.
@ABitterWoman I bought my husband a card from Dollar Tree that says something like: "To my husband... My forever Valentine!" I followed it up with some evil laughter. I'm not sure what kind of reaction I'm going to get.
@ABitterWoman Do NOT go to the store to get your hubby a card. He'll appreciate one these more on "our" holiday on March 14:
Thank you mediocre @JasonToon and the great @Rumple. I will give these to coworkers Tuesday to demonstrate how much I love them.
@JonT - please pick one of these and print it out on the printers and sign it from me to you. Thanks!
Awww ...where's the one for Comrade @snapster and his jackbooted forum thugs ?? ahhhh...there it is... hey @snapster!
@earlyre nobody seemed to like that one (but i could give myself a star from my phone..) so hows about this one?
Lots of love from Pikachu, Peppa and George!