Meh Screwed up on the Onkyo.
2When tracking updated on the Onkyo I won, something wasn't right. It updated to 7.6 lns, far too low to be the Onkyo receiver I had won. Well, today it arrives, and what do I get? A big piece of MEH. So, I get screwed, the charity I was going to donate my old receiver to (Children's hospital) gets screwed). A whole lot of MEH.
- 30 comments, 104 replies
- This topic was locked by shawn
I'm pretty sure that if you contact customer service they'll make it right - and let you keep the vacuum.
@Pavlov @CircaRigel I agree with @Pavlov. There must have been a warehouse problem or something. Shoot a note to @Hollboll and I bet they will take care of you. If i remember the last time they were selling these they posted the number of Onkyo units they had - and it was a lot.
@circarigel @mfladd is right. Shoot us an email and I'll make sure we take care of this Monday morning
@hollboll Done, and thanks.
This gives me the giggles. It reminds me of the old saying, "Karma is a bitch." Unfortunately, Meh will correct the mistake.
I love @Barney
Thanks you.
I was afraid to go there . . . My fear being that if I get started on a roll here, I may not stop . . . I've been looking so good in the eyes of @tHumperChick lately that I don't want ruin it. She'll have mini mod-God status soon.
Sorry - that should be "Thank". Duh. Fat fingers today I guess.
@Pavlov Your halo is slipping--you said @Thumperchicks name and she didn't want us to talk about this. I wasn't going to say anything else, but darn it and yes, that's me cussing, I'm still so upset about what @CircaRigel did to @Thumperchick and others at Woot, that I'm seeing purple. And right now seeing purple is not a good thing.
@Barney My point was more that while I love that you all care enough to defend me, I don't need you guys to do that. I'm not going to try to stop anyone from speaking their mind. Besides, I love purple!
@Barney, @Pavlov I've apologized to @Thumperchick and tried to make things right, I still feel terrible, if I could undo what happened I would. I've not asked forgiveness because I don't deserve it. Please just leave it at that. I do feel terrible about everything.. :'( I've had a rough time lately, and I know that's not an excuse, and I won't use it as one, but I don't need things worse than they are now.. I just want it all to stop now so we can all move on.
@HELLOALICE I have no idea what's going on here.
Mmmm, sometimes mistakes are mistakes. Check in with @halp and the universe will right itself. Although I guess we all have to agree that this particular mistake sucks.
@CircaRigel - So, why don't you just give them a chance to fix it, rather than start a new thread announcing you were screwed? You were lucky enough to win a contest, and you got a cool free vacuum anyway. How is that "screwed"?
@KDemo Now where would the drama be in doing it that way (the logical way)?
@KDemo This is the correct question.
I tried to delete the thread already, but it was past the time frame in which deletes could take place. And thanks re: customer service, I have contacted them. I understand mistakes happen. especially when fulfilling oversold fuku orders.
I too, was counting on receiving an Onkyo. Was going to gift it to my son. But alas, I all got was this espresso machine.
@Teripie Jackpot!!!!
@Teripie You poor thing.
@Teripie I know, right? I also had plans for an Onkyo. I was going to blow 10 million dust mites off the top of the cabinet where my old 32" Samsung TV resides, and smile as their tiny bodies smashed all the way down. Then I was going to purchase a new, larger TV (because I'm old and can't see as well as I used to), and hook it, the receiver and my still-in-box speakers up (because I don't hear as well as I used to), and play at max volume for a few days, to improve my pitiful attitude, with for variety. Then I was going to donate my Samsung to some deserving recipient. But alas, all I got was a lot of stuff I posted in another thread. Oh, woes.
@OldCatLady Nice music, seems like max volume would really help an attitude. Of course, nothing else is quite like the way you can actually feel the music when it's live.
Well played meh, this is why we love you.
Was the seal broken? If not, you do not have to accept it. At least that's what it says.

Better go ahead and also mention the CHARITY you were gonna donate to. I hate everything about the way you are. I'd go ahead and lay low for awhile. You are making it soo easy to be upset with you...
@studerc Preach on. This is the kind of thing that makes me hate people. And then to say, "oh yeah, I tried to delete the thread"?

@bakeyoural No Joke...that was the final straw for me. "Waaaaaaa, I didnt get my FREE FUCKING ITEM, i better go publicly slam the company."
Oh shit, backlash?? Um...I, um...Oh, u didnt mean that. Come on guys, i dont deserve forgiveness..blah blah blah.
Go take a long walk off a short pier.
@studerc I'm in a hotel at the moment and if laughed any harder at this I'm sure the people next door would be calling the front desk. What I keep wondering is when the other 1000 people are going to get an apology for the Woot bullshit. It wasn't just Thumper that was affected y'know...
@cinoclav @studerc, for those of us outside the know...can you link us to something to fill in the blanks?
@cinoclav I tell you what, under most circumstances i am just a super nice and swell guy to be around. But there is something about @circarigel that i just fucking hate. I dont like to scare away community members as i highly value the community here...but at the same time, some people just degrade everything.
@cinoclav @studerc If there is a Meh diety, I only pray the replacement Onkyo turns out to be another vacuum cleaner. Or maybe a JBL speaker dock covered in a Built NY neoprene sleeve. Perhaps eyewerks (no @ for that troll) has a couple of those LED light thingies he could send @circarigel's way.
Oh and @studerc:

@TaRDy You could throw a pm to someone over at woot.
@studerc I get it. Completely. I generally consider myself a nice guy (who's an occasional smartass which some people take the wrong way.) I believe most people like or at the very least respect me on both sites. It goes against everything I believe to harbor so much dislike. But like a really cheap hooker, some people just rub you the wrong way...
@cinoclav Hey, I want to put it out there that I didn't intend to tell you to not talk about it - though I worded it that way. My intent was to tell you that I didn't want the pitchforks to come out in my defense. If you're pissed about what happened to you and everyone else on 3 teams - I get that. I agree. I'm sorry if I shut you down prematurely.
(Maybe a selfish part of me didn't want to deal with this shit here, too. But I don't get to make that call for everyone.)
@Thumperchick Not a problem. I've rented a plane and plan on flying a nasty banner over her house. That should cover it. :)
@cinoclav So, party at your house first, right? Then we'll get a skywriting plane as well as the banner. Many people will contribute to the glitter shitter bombs, and @Pavlov will cook steaks for all.
@studerc Isn't that how you won your contest? Haha I'm j/k, and I love this post. I even starred you so you know it's true.
@lichme Thanks for loving my showing my appreciation by starring yours as well!
I have to say, I really hope Meh doesn't bother to make this 'right'.
Also, for those who are out of the loop. Woot was having a celebration for their birthday and all members were divided up into teams for the game. They were supposed to search for clues as a team and submit a final answer as a team. Thumperchick spent hours working on a spreadsheet for her team. Circabitch had multiple accounts and was on at least three teams. She stole TC's spreadsheet, took it to another team and passed it off as her own. So, she's a cheater and a thief and she sucks.
@PurplePawprints - Thanks for explaining.
@PurplePawprints Oh, now I really hate her.
@PurplePawprints Wow, thanks for the explanation. As a relative newbie to the community, there is a lot of history that is unknown and although I generally like to form my own opinions, but hearing things such as this help cement an already sour opinion of the person in question. In short, what a bitch!
What I've seen is someone who simply feels entitled to all that she can bully out of people, without regard to how they are perceived. It's all about gain and manipulation and the very fact that she's still here is baffling. Many in the meh community seem to just want to buy silly or cool shit and have fun. That's what I have chosen to focus on, and I love ya bastids. Also, it may be really, really past my bedtime.
@PurplePawprints so that's how the game was meant to be played... I couldn't figure it out. Then again I didn't try hard :( Were the teams randomly assigned or something?
@PurplePawprints What would it take for meh to send an O-O-O-Onkyo instead?
@CircaRigel - It would be appropriate for you to apologize to @tHumperChick. I am delighted to read that you have . . . The fallout from this issue may be very severe . . . I read your words, that you "just want it all to stop now so we can all move on" - but what you need to really internalize, IMHO, is that people are going to move on when they decide to move on, and there's nothing you can do to change that fact, or hurry them along. I have REALLY sat on my hands here, on Meh, not wanting to drag this issue across forums and into this community, however, given the circumstances of the matter in question and as you do use the same alias here as you use in many, many other online venues, it may be quite difficult - if not impossible - for this not to follow you. There will be people that will not be able to forgive you - there will be people that will not be able to "move on" - possibly ever.
Your actions were, IMO, absolutely that egregiously repugnant. And, in that they were in fact found by me and others so terribly reprehensible, there will be those that will condemn you. They will judge you as a person by your actions, as they do not know you otherwise. This may not be the reality you desire, but this is the reality you must accept. However, it is not appropriate for others to disparage or denigrate your person while condemning your actions.
I find it frustrating to quantify in words to you the depth of the spiritual sorrow I allowed myself to feel for @tHumperChick as a result of your abhorrent deception. I do not want to judge you, as I have no desire to be judged in return, but I will admit that I am but human, and it is difficult to refrain from doing so . . .
I agree with @studerc above when he states that he does not wish to scare away a member of our community - but it seems as though you have accomplished alienating yourself quite successfully and fully without the help of any other person, and considering everything as a whole, I can find for you within myself currently no compassion.
I will admit I find it strange and bewildering that I would have such visceral a reaction - but then I realized that I have concluded that your actions were just that . . . wrong. I can only imagine the anger, the disappointment, the resentment and the bitterness felt by others that were impacted most greatly by you in your deceit.
I hope that someday you are able to find a way to wrestle and conquer these demons which must wretch and writhe within you, and cause you so much torment as to make you feel your actions would suffer no consequence. Eventually, perhaps you will be able to find some peace. But know it is my sincere desire that once these demons are banished, that their ghosts remain. For without them lingering, how ever will you refrain from forgetting that there are real people, with real feelings which are as real as your own on the other side of your screen? Without them lingering, without them haunting you, how easy it would be, for you to simply forget.
May you never forget.
And now, I leave you . . . I leave you free to be yourself, to think your thoughts, to indulge your taste, follow your inclinations, behave in any way that you decide is to your liking. And in saying that, I release myself and retain no further investment.
Apparently @Pavlov is the opposite of most of the people I know and when he gets really upset at someone he actually stops swearing. I don't know how he did it but that is one of the best "fuck you"s I've ever read that doesn't actually say "fuck you". I really hope he never gets that upset with me. But I have a conscience so I wouldn't ever do what she did. Holy shit Pavlov and you go man. I'm sorry this happened to @thumperchick and hurt so many people. This woman is in need of professional help.
Are you kidding me? You seriously keep bringing up the fact that you "won this and donating your older one to charity". Give a rest! Doing good things are not so great when you publicize it 100 times. I have $5 taken out of my paycheck every two weeks that goes to charity, should i post daily about it?
@bruinscbr I always called them "Jesus points".
@lisaviolet I call them “Get out of Hell Free” cards. I’m really, really, hoping that they work.
@Trillian Yeah, I've used that term, too. Grew up Catholic. Amazes me at how really horrible people can be, the awful things they do and do them knowing they'll be "saved" if they just confess and repent. (I'm thinking along the lines of the Mexican cartels and the Mafia here.) If this is truly the way things work, I hope there's some way of WhoEver telling them "hey, you weren't truly repentant, we can see everything and we know everything, even intentions, we're the Almighty, hope you brought some sunscreen".
But then I had a co-worker back in my late teens/early twenties who said to me once "maybe we're already dead and this is hell". (We worked in an office.)
I use the "Jesus points" when people brag about all the good they do. I figure Jesus sees it and I don't give a shit.
@lisaviolet Jean-Paul Sartre wrote a play that was kind of about that called Huis clos or No Exit, where the most famous line is "l'enfer, c'est les autres", or "hell is other people"...
(I should probably colour this with a statement that I do not believe in hell, but I have certainly met some people in this life who have made my existence less pleasant)
Et bien, continuons...
@bruinscbr Publicizing it can give others the idea to donate as well. Someone might just throw their old stuff away but after hearing someone donated theirs, that could give them the little push to do the right thing and donate it.
@lisaviolet I like the expression "Jesus points". There's a strong biblical suggestion that giving should be "in secret". (Mt. 6:3-4) the left hand shouldn't know what the right hand is doing.
@naropa @cengland0 I think there's a time for both.
To do things quietly and to share in order to get others to join in.
Is the implied comma in this thread heading after "up" or after "screwed"? Just askin'.
@studerc Your responses on this thread brightened my morning. Thank you.
As a side note, I don't think there are many people who without being prompted describe themselves as nice guys who really are. (Unless it's immediately followed by "once you get to know me")
@studerc and now I see you referred to yourself that way too and feel like a dick. Whatever. You can be one of the few.
@Pantheist What about people that think of themselves as assholes but others refer to them as nice guys?
@sohmageek I believe the universal comic strip caption applies.
Holy shit there's some drama here!!! I have no clue what this is all about, but I do admire the eloquence written here.
Attack and kill y'all!
@Teripie What a weekend, huh?!
@pitamuffin I know! Some fun!
Seems to me that the only two who know the entire story behind things are @Thumperchick and @CircaRigel, and it sounds as though they have somehow been sorting things out. Rather than making these good forums a place of mayhem, Maybe we should just let them sort it out between themselves, especially since it didn't happen here?
@Phoenix_Tears I don't have cable. This way is better for me.
@Phoenix_Tears No, @TazoWolf has the details also.
Oh, wait- CR and TW are two identities used by the same person.
@Phoenix_Tears is it terrible that this comment seems soooo out of place that i have to assume that it is really secretly @circarigel trying to deter any additional comments.
She is know for creating additional user names and shit....
Besides...the original issue was someone deciding to be a complete tool and bashing Meh for sending her a free vacuum. Most of the people here don't care too much about the Woot thing. It's just another thing to talk aboutm
@PhoenixTears This involved a lot more than just she and I. Some of the people posting here are the other people she hurt and didn't acknowledge. It would be better to have this hashed out where it happened, but I suspect the reason it's happening here is there is less aggressive moderation here.
I've been quietly reading these, and @thumperchick is right, although she's been called out a bunch on this (shit, I just did it too), our team took this personally, and for the same reasons -- TC worked her ass off and @circarigel took the fun out of it. And that sucked.
What makes me even more concerned for the lack of her moral compass, she seems completely comfortable moving in and out of (and lying about) these virtual personas. See this screenshot, where she mistakenly posted at TribbleTrouble in our team thread, then backpedaled, immediately dismissing TribbleTrouble as another user.
That's whack.
I also find it so misguided that she thought offering up electronics (and a free one, nonetheless) as an apology to TC would be adequate, or even commensurate.
I'll leave with the fact that she's tried to apologize privately to Thump and publicly on woot, but like her post in this thread, it appears to be a reaction based on public scrutiny, not on any lesson learned or sincerity. It's actions that got her here. It will need to be actions that gets her back into anyone's good graces.
Man I write a lot more where there's not a photoshop contest going on.
@ACraigL Just to note, I suggested she send her old receiver to TC. She said she planned on giving it to the children's hospital.
Nothing better than seeing people become total assholes in the name of being righteous about asshole behavior.
We don't know what's going on in Circa's life. Before you say something shirty to someone on the Internet, think "if they killed themselves because of this, would I feel bad?"
I'll admit that this post isn't tactful, but maybe she's just an emotionally volatile person. As to what happened on woot, she's gotten tons of shit for it. Did she cheat when winning the onkyo? What was the big prize her team won at woot?
And to dismiss anyone who tries to smooth things over as a fake account? You're all acting like children. Jesus.
@HELLOALICE Well said.
@HELLOALICE It's a regular pattern of behavior for her. This isn't the first time she's acted in a shitty way here. Everyone moved on the first time, but after a while, you start to realize that some people are just not worth giving a shit about. I don't care what's going on in your 'real life' if you constantly do dirty shit or have an entitled and nasty attitude. Having a tough time of it doesn't justify shitty actions.
@lisaviolet I wanted to sing like barbra S. when I grew up. I don't know what happened. I sure did practice.
@HELLOALICE Under normal circumstances, I'd agree with the entirety of your post wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, in this instance, the behaviour has been shown to be repeated and pathological - and not just limited to Meh and woot!, the person in question has been involved in some bizarre Internet behaviour since at least 2008/2009, and earlier. And for a lot of us, it isn't our first run in (so to speak) with the "many faces of CircaRigel".
And with just a few keystrokes, you can find out a lot - and yes, even what is going on in her life (as she chooses to share it, openly).
In 2009, she has an entire back and forth with HERSELF (in the video, interestingly, she's dressed as a physician) on / in the comments section of a Youtube video, alternatively posting as CircaRigel and TazoWolf - they're BOTH HER. TribbleTrouble and her many other "personalities" can be easily found there also.
So I really don't find it odd that @studerc postulates that PhoenixTears (Phoenix_Tears) is also actually her, as that username also appears online historically in various venues and can be directly attributed to her also. Google is your friend, and failing that, The Internet Wayback Machine ( never forgets. So dismissing it was absolutely appropriate. If he hadn't done it, I sure as shit would have.
My posting above was completely wasted on her. I now - after a bit more research - believe that she is completely 100% "off her damn rocker".
You are correct, there's nothing deceitful in her winning of the Onkyo. I hope she enjoys it.
But for some people, there just ain't enough meds in the entire fucking world.
I'm done.
(drops mic, exits thread for good)
@HELLOALICE While I understand that we tend to dogpile when something like this happens, her personal life does not excuse her actions. No one here has threatened her in any way. As a matter of fact, the people that suggested she take a break from posting here didn't even tell her to leave forever. Bullying someone into self harm is a horrible thing, it's also a terrible strawman to throw out when that's not what happening.
@PurplePawprints I don't see ANYONE not giving a shit. I see people calling her a bitch and comparing cheating on some games on the internet to being a monster.
@Thumperchick "Bullying someone into self harm is a horrible thing, it's also a terrible strawman to throw out when that's not what happening."
You don't know what's happening, so don't use that bullshit "strawman" argument. There's no decent excuse for the way people are talking to her in this thread, or the things they're saying. You never know when hurtful words can be internalized and turn into self-harm. You don't. There's no litmus test for when bullying becomes dangerous. It's bullying. You're all bullying her in this thread, some aggressively and some passive-aggressively. I love @Pavlov but there's nothing kind about telling someone he hopes they're haunted by their past mistakes for the rest of their life, regardless of cursing or not.
I just think we're all so much better than this. SO much better.
@Thumperchick P.S. I just read your top-thread reply and I think that was well-said. I hope people heed your words and stop attacking her.
"You don't know what's happening" either; so your whole accusation is an actual strawman - making up a worst case scenario to discredit someone when you don't have a better argument is the epitome of a strawman.
If you have a point, then say it - don't sensationalize it into something it's not because doing so doesn't strengthen your potentially valid point, it weakens it.
If you think the dogpiling is pushing the line into bullying, say that. Someone will agree, someone won't. But if you're going to toss out suicide as a logical direct consequence of telling someone what they did was shitty, you're blowing hot air and you know it.
@HELLOALICE If someone said "I hope you go kill yourself", that would be shitty. People saying "the things you do and say are shitty" to someone who does and says shitty things is not. It's also not bullying. It's holding a person accountable for their actions. While I suppose it's true any negative thing could lead to someone hurting her/himself, you can't really expect people to feel responsible for the actions of others, particularly when it's both someone they aren't close to and when there has been no indication that this person is prone to that sort of behavior.
On a side note, I did enjoy the irony of you calling someone calling your strawman a strawman bullshit.
@Thumperchick Damn it. You are faster than me. Every. Fucking. Time.
@HELLOALICE I love you too sweetie - my point, which may have been made a bit too strongly at the end, was that I hoped that she never forget the lesson learned (if she chose to learn it). I didn't intend to be passive-agressive in my posting, although I can see how by some it might be read as such. I really was just speaking about my own feelings and how I hoped that people not denigrate her person in sharing any condemnation of her actions. In retrospect, maybe I should have just said, "That was some seriously fucked up shit - don't do that!", and just left it at that.
Aren't we all haunted by past embarrassments? I have yet to meet anyone other than a psychopath or sociopath that is not . . .
Bullying is the repetitive use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. That isn't happening here.
@Thumperchick What fucking accusation? Did you actually read my comment? I said:
I think that's a pretty good thing to say to yourself before you comment. And wow, you actually don't think this is bullying? Why? Because you think bullying can't be "justified"?
I'm not blowing hot air and you're being really insensitive. This thread is full of people saying CircaRigel is a bitch, crazy, a cheater, a thief, people saying "she sucks" and "I fucking hate her" that she's full of demons and needs professional help. Don't pander to the masses with your logical fallacy bullshit. This is about human decency and there's little to none of it in this thread.
Oh, and did you miss @studerc saying "Go take a long walk off a short pier." ? Is my comment magically OK now that someone actually did tell her to kill herself, tongue-in-cheek or not? Is where you draw the line?
I can't fucking believe I have to defend myself for saying people should be kinder to each other. For a goddamn internet game on a DIFFERENT WEBSITE.
You should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves, not only for ganging up on someone in this thread the way you've done, but for actually thinking it's fucking justified. I can't even. Is this the you want? If you think she's ruined something, do you want to stoop to her level? I've never seen such vitriol from this community and it's all over a stupid woot game. Jesus christ. I'm going to take a bath.
There's nothing ironic about it, because I wasn't calling her argument a strawman argument. I was saying it was bullshit that she was calling my comment a strawman argument. Sorry to ruin your enjoyment.
@HELLOALICE There isn't much more I can say that will make my point clearer and it's apparent that no matter what anyone responds with, you see it the way you see it. That bath seems like a splendid plan.
@HELLOALICE The use of the word "demon" was figurative (a metaphorical literary use) - it was not intended to be taken literally. I did not mean to say that she was possessed and in need of an exorcism. Only that she find a way to excise from herself that which allowed her to consider that her deception would not be met with consequence to herself (guilt) or to others (whatever their feelings may be).
It seems this may be a distinction either poorly communicated by me or poorly understood by others. My apologies to you and any other that may read my comment and not make the intended distinction.
@HELLOALICE Clearly, I would never wish or desire anyone to harm themselves in anyway whatsoever. Implying anything different than that is insulting. Take my phrase at whatever value you wish but you and I and everyone here knows that treating the comment as a genuine threat or desire is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Using it to fuel your fire against the accusations is equally disappointing.
@Pavlov I immediately recognized your comment as being a literary device. I don't think you would ever accuse anyone of being truly possessed, other than maybe yourself or @MrsPavlov.
@HELLOALICE I still agree with you.
@HELLOALICE Nope, just the opposite. I was only mildly entertained by this thread before- you've been the star of it for me for awhile now.
@HELLOALICE Clearly, what I meant was that no one cares about what's going on in someone's personal life, or care much about that person, when their actions toward others are shitty. That's what I meant by 'not giving a shit'. Obviously, people still care about the actions.
Also, let me just say, once again, for a lot of people, this isn't just about an 'internet game'. Again, this isn't the first rodeo. I, at least, have chosen to only bring the current stuff specifically into the thread. If others have forgotten about the previous things, there's no need for a refresher at this point.

@studerc Yeah, whatever. My bad. Clearly your comment was a ray of fucking sunshine. "Gosh, I didn't say she was actually a bitch, like as in, like a dog, why do you have to get so salty about it? We're all just joshing, isn't this funny? Look at CircaRigel, she's laughing so hard she's crying, this is a swell time."
Kiss my ass, all of you. None of you (save @Pavlov, to some extent, though he's banking heavily on me "misinterpreting"--obviously I didn't think they were literal fucking demons, jesus) will apologize for being assholes yet you're all shitting all over Rigel for--wow, what, being an asshole? Ugh.
That bath didn't help much, clearly. I'm signing off from meh for the night. Hope nothing great is for sale tonight.
@HELLOALICE Amazingly, you've managed to be meaner and more rude to several people in this thread than anyone ever was to CG. By all means, take your outrage with you for you the night.
@Thumperchick > Amazingly, you've managed to be meaner and more rude to several people in this thread than anyone else was to CG.
Are you trolling?
Is this whole thing a troll?
The meanest thing I've said is that you're all being assholes. You think that's meaner and more rude than the stuff said in this thread about CG? Seriously? What's even happening in this thread?
@Thumperchick Are you even reading my comments? What was so mean? "You're all better than this"? "You're being really insensitive"? "You should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves"? That? Is that the stuff that's meaner than calling someone a bitch, a thief, a liar, crazy, and hated? Really? That's worse? Or are you just trying to win an argument on the internet?
@Thumperchick My whole goddamn fucking comment was that I can't believe all you people are being so mean to someone and I can't believe this entire thread is happening in and not 4chan. And you think I'm the one being the meanest? The rudest? In the whole thread? Are you joking? Are you just baiting me right now? I didn't think you were like that.
@Thumperchick Since I'm the meanest, rudest person in the thread I'll end my comment-vomit appropriately. God, I'm so disappointed in all of you. Am I overreacting? Maybe. But it's because I expected so much fucking more than everyone jumping on someone when we're all usually so nice, and then to have everyone act like they're so justified.. ugh. So yeah, taking my outrage and leaving this. Don't cry about it, I know I'm just, like, SO MEAN.
@Thumperchick Amen. Thank you. I couldnt agree more!
@HELLOALICE you are mean, really fucking mean. And hypocritical, really fucking hypocritical. Im disappointed, i didnt think you were really like this. I hope you look back on this thread and realize how out of line many of your comments have truly been.
@studerc Come post llamas with us. It's much more cathartic.
@Thumperchick i have hasnt been helping!!!!!!
@mfladd I hope no more posts get this bumped into th TL:DR mode. It's the best way to come into this thread.
I decided to write this long ass post because a lot of people are speaking for me and it was weird. That was my fault for not speaking up myself when this was brought up here. (I did throw some stars to people whose posts made me laugh, or resonated with me.)
Some of my valiant defenders are really missing my point. I'm fine. Really. I saw shenanigans, I called her out on it for transparency, the other teams were made aware of the issue. As a result, she was essentially booted from participation for the rest of the week - and will likely not be added to private team docs for games going forward.
To me, that seems appropriate, fair, and ended it for me. An apology from her was never expected, at least not from me.
It certainly wasn't a requirement for me to move forward with the game with my kick ass teammates - who worked really hard all the way to going into the livestream. We recovered, rallied, and played the game. The fact that we lost had nothing to do with her. We lost to one of the teams she wasn't on. (Team Char, they did a great job.)
What I'm trying to say is that CR's actions, while crappy, were not something that would still be taking up head-space except for the fact that no one wants to let it go. Please stop with how outraged you are that she did this to me. It didn't just happen to me. I stood up for myself and am content with the results. Some people are rightfully pissed that her apology wasn't to everyone that she cheated. I get that! Do you really need an apology from someone when you won't actually accept it? Probably not. Wanting her to "pay" for what she did is just going to leave you more pissed off and I like you guys too much to see that happen. It's not worth it.
At this point, she burned whatever goodwill and sympathy she had built - on 2 sites. Instead of letting this be the thing that makes us argue with each other, how about just not engaging with her if she pisses you off? A black hole is a lot harder to scream into than a responsive audience.
@Thumperchick - Well said.
Having abandoned woot years ago, I'm not affected by her actions, but no one needs to carry around a lot of hate, it poisons their own life.

@CircaRigel The apology that everyone was looking for was not the one you gave. Telling people it's done when it's not done for everyone makes it seem like you're being selfish about the whole thing and it's biting you in the ass. Humility in the face of a screw up is usually the best course.
BTW, the apology I think would have been best looks something like this:
@JonT. I call for an official thread lock and/or thread deletion.
This has gotten out of hand.
Arguments on both sides have expressed very valid points. Now, things are spiraling out of control. @Pavlov even broke his promise to leave the thread! :)
@circarigel and @phoenixtears clearly did something not so awesome. Opinions have been expressed and in my opinion they have also been exhausted on the original purpose of the thread.
Let's put an end to this.
@studerc Seconded. I really like Alice, so I wanted an opportunity to reply - and we have no PM method here at Meh . . . the only option I had was to re-enter the thread. But, come Monday, when people return to work and forum usage spikes, this thread may spin well out of bounds. I trust @JonT and Meh to use their best judgment and apply the necessary and appropriate amount of moderation as always, but given the choice and if it were up to me, I'd lock it, but not delete it.
@studerc I'm for a lock, if only to prevent the inevitable necro months from now.
@studerc That's so big of you to do that after you've said your piece.
For what it's worth, I agree. Nothing good can come of this thread. But maybe next time instead of being the one to start the fire and then pee on it to put it out, you keep this thread in mind and don't start it in the first place.
@HELLOALICE you need to chill the fuck out and keep your pointless vendetta in check. Look think I fucking started this? Not even close. I get it, you are mad and you are entitled to be mad. But attempting to shame my name and place the blame for this on me is fucking ridiculous. Reflect on the things that have been said, you certainly have not been without sin here and have arguably been more rude and pointed to me than i have ever been to circa. You preach understanding and kindness and in return talk trash? Insinuating that I want her to commit suicide? How fucking dare you.
@studerc Quote my trash talk. Did you not see that I said your comment was tongue in cheek? Please, what in my comments are actually so bad, go ahead, if they're so horrible surely it'll be so embarrassing for me if you quote the nasty parts. That's what you like to do, right? Embarrass people?
I'm glad I was able to be the scapegoat for y'all in this thread, absolving you of all wrongdoing. God forbid you reflect on your own comments.
I've been on the receiving end of group bullies like you lot. It fucking sucked. And they always feel justified. You can get as pissy at me as you want, I'm glad I said something. Maybe you're extra pissed because you feel bad for being one of the bullies, but go back and actually read my comments. Let me know how horrible I am. You guys are good at that.
@HELLOALICE I was gonna post something, but it's simply not worth it. I'm done.
Kill! Kill!!
You mean lock it up? Like this?
(It's a garden gnome in an eviscerated Fuku fan. I'm thinking about calling him CircaWolfTroubleTears. Too soon?)
I somehow think Tom Brady is going to get suspended by the NFL even more for this.... #spreadsheetgate
Given the massive amount of wackiness from CircaRigel/PhoenixTears/HELLOALICE/Voldemort/etc in this thread, why not send the Onkyo receiver directly to the "children's hospital" instead? You know, to save them the trouble of unboxing it and taking it over there and all.
@Starblind I know right? What kind of nut job speaks up when people are bullying someone? Wow, I'm the shittiest person ever.
@Starblind She wasn't even planning to donate the new receiver. She had pulled her pedestal out because she was going to donate her much older one to charity when she received the new one.
@PurplePawprints Yep and do we have numbers for how many Children's Hospitals are in need of receivers anyway? At least a new one they can sell for a Money, not so much so an old one
@PurplePawprints Ohh, I see that now. Wow, that... that is much worse actually. Wow.
@Pavlov Well shit. @starblind has had us all so distracted with that damned great game, that we've completely forgotten to blame him for stuff!
@Starblind...damn it, youre sooo clever! :)
@Pavlov It's all going according to plan.
@Pavlov Blaming @Starblind for someone's Multiple Online Personality Disorder may be giving the goat too much power
Hey, @JonT- HAPPY MONDAY! Guess how we spent our weekend?
Hey @CircaRigel, sorry about the shipping mixup. We’ll get it straightened out on Monday.
As many are saying there's nothing real productive going on in this topic, so I agree that locking it is a good idea.