Well, I could see it from a practical point of view to get rid of random crap. But that would cut in to our fukubukuros so I’m voting giant douche on this one.
@f00l So based on this I can only assume you don’t want people bitching. Therefore you are no longer allowed to bitch. And don’t you go trying to hide it in the prolonged prose you’re so famous for.
@snapster Okay, here’s the plan. (1) On December 14, 2016 plan on
having the first ever meh clearance sale (or whatever you want to call
it because meh). (1) Make sure the graphics are gaudy enough (If they
induce nausea you’re almost there) (2) Old rule: it’s up until it
sells out. (This is important) (3) At midnight Eastern start it out
with the first of 10,000 speaker docks. (4) In 24 hours stop the
event even though you only sold 13 speaker docks. The first meh
version of the woot-off is history. Everyone is happy. If you really
want to break it up than have a fuko make an appearance at 8:08 am.
Only sell one.
No need. Just put your overstock in a fuku bag: Situation 1)Meh.com has a MEH-rathon selling an LED strip and a quad-copter for only $10. Situation 2) Meh has a super fuku bag for only $10.
End result of Situation 1: Customer scoffs at the sale items and writes something snarky in the comments. End result of Situation 2: Customer receives a quad-copter, and LED strip, and some stickers in his/her super fuku bag and writes about how exciting it was to get such a great deal.
The point of doing it here is not to imitate Amazon and do it really well.
The point is to do it Really Badly. So Badly it becomes {Meh^[Mediocre]}.
@f00l does not engage in Circular Logic. Always-Right Grandmother proclaimed that would be Bad Manners, tho let it be noted, Alway-Right Grandmother honored that rule most often by the breaching of it. It’s a Grandmother Thing. They get to do that, and That’s Cool.
@f00l is sometimes accused of elliptical logic. @f00l is indignant.
“I have been faithful to thee, Logic! in my fashion.”
I enjoy the woot-off’s and it’s the only way I can get a BOC…and I haven’t been able to get a fuko bag here…even with the subscription. It always made it fun for me over there…even when I had to get up at 1 am before it was sold to Amazon. I’m up for a Meh-Off for sure
Just post a list somewhere of all the crap you want to clear out of the warehouse and the prices you’re willing to dump it off on us.
We shop, you send, the warehouse gets semi-cleared out, and use the next Fuku Free For All as an excuse to dump the last of the crap on those lucky suckers who score Fuku bags.
Edit–wait a sec. You do that already with the Morning Save!
I still say it should be a like 24/7/365 woot-off. The difference is the item must stay up until it completely sells out. This could take days or minutes. Some days, you might see 50 items, other days only 1. You have to do your part and buy 3 to see the next item. No pre-set timers. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
Kinda YES
Come to think on it, kinda NO.
/image nope

/giphy hell no

Nah, I’m good.
@Moose Maybe make that a poll with some really smart ass “no” answers?
You’re welcome
@Kidsandliz @ilovehollboll what
@ilovehollboll Is someone trying to move in on my woman?
/giphy them be fighting words

i thought we were calling it an ambivalanche?

/giphy ambivi-disaster
@carl669 Nope. We settled on “Mehltdown” because of the cool graphics that could be associated it.

/giphy nuclear gauges
I don’t care.
Pretty sure we all agreed of Fuk-Off.
Part of me says yes, but the other part says hell no!
I am more interested in a MorningSave-Off
yes please
@baqui63 @jbartus @compunaut @carl669 @narfcake i thought this thread was one of y’all resurrecting the Meh. Steel Cage Match
since i ‘stole’ @studerc exchange thingy, Meh.be i was a little paranoid
/giphy paranoid

Is the demand for knives, speaker docks, and drones that high a meh-rathon is warranted?
Well, I could see it from a practical point of view to get rid of random crap. But that would cut in to our fukubukuros so I’m voting giant douche on this one.
What about once a year
I’m voting No based on the giant ginormous “cacaphony of creeps” who would show up and bitch bitch bitch.
@f00l So based on this I can only assume you don’t want people bitching. Therefore you are no longer allowed to bitch. And don’t you go trying to hide it in the prolonged prose you’re so famous for.
No I’m an bitcher bitching for exclusivity.
As in:
Cuss Words From Siri
Whine Bitch Fuckity Whine Whine
Bitch Bitch Fuck Whine Bitch
Fine w newbies and speaking out by folks who usually lurk. Just can do without being flooded by a ginormous Cacaphony Of Creeps.
I can hide my stuff anywhere I want. Can hide my Prolix Puffed Up Prose under a bushel if I want. An Exploding Bushel.
Beware of Bitching Bushels.
@f00l I know it’s in there somewhere and rest assured I will find it!
On Sept 19th I posted the following suggestion:
I hate it when the quotes reformat the text. Hey guys, fix that will ya?
No need. Just put your overstock in a fuku bag:
Situation 1) Meh.com has a MEH-rathon selling an LED strip and a quad-copter for only $10.
Situation 2) Meh has a super fuku bag for only $10.
End result of Situation 1: Customer scoffs at the sale items and writes something snarky in the comments.
End result of Situation 2: Customer receives a quad-copter, and LED strip, and some stickers in his/her super fuku bag and writes about how exciting it was to get such a great deal.
@wickhameh And your point?

/giphy what’s the point
What the hell, Why not?
I might be OK with a Crapathon or a Fuko-You as long as everything offered is
1). Really Shitty Garbage
2). Wildly Overpriced. Like 20x what someone on Amazon is charging for a much better version of the same thing.
Amazon already does the 2nd thing really well, so there’s a logic loop in that second criter (that’s singular for criteria)
The point of doing it here is not to imitate Amazon and do it really well.
The point is to do it Really Badly. So Badly it becomes {Meh^[Mediocre]}.
@f00l does not engage in Circular Logic. Always-Right Grandmother proclaimed that would be Bad Manners, tho let it be noted, Alway-Right Grandmother honored that rule most often by the breaching of it. It’s a Grandmother Thing. They get to do that, and That’s Cool.
@f00l is sometimes accused of elliptical logic. @f00l is indignant.
“I have been faithful to thee, Logic! in my fashion.”
@f00l likes a criter or two. Now and then.
/giphy critter

/giphy I can’t decide!

/giphy nope

/giphy no

/giphy meh

How many years must we wait?!?
/giphy i’m waiting

Bad idea even if just on Black Friday

/giphy no
I enjoy the woot-off’s and it’s the only way I can get a BOC…and I haven’t been able to get a fuko bag here…even with the subscription. It always made it fun for me over there…even when I had to get up at 1 am before it was sold to Amazon. I’m up for a Meh-Off for sure
Just post a list somewhere of all the crap you want to clear out of the warehouse and the prices you’re willing to dump it off on us.
We shop, you send, the warehouse gets semi-cleared out, and use the next Fuku Free For All as an excuse to dump the last of the crap on those lucky suckers who score Fuku bags.
Edit–wait a sec. You do that already with the Morning Save!
I still say it should be a like 24/7/365 woot-off. The difference is the item must stay up until it completely sells out. This could take days or minutes. Some days, you might see 50 items, other days only 1. You have to do your part and buy 3 to see the next item. No pre-set timers. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
But only bluetooths.
J/K bring on the good stuff…
Yay blue light special!