Could you please leave talk like that away from the forums? Until now I’ve been willing to overlook this kind of talk, but frankly, it’s just so misplaced being posted to Meh, especially when it’s brought in randomly, that I’m starting to lose patience.
3.There’s a reason why @Thumperchick is frequently seen in these conversations.
@Thumperchick I’ve tried to get along with @Dizavid and help him see the error of his ways (I think we all have) but he seems to have a flagrant disregard for your authority (and probably anyone else at Meh since they ‘hired’ you) stemming from a deep seated inability to recognize that he doesn’t behave appropriately for polite company. Other than one or two actually reasonable comments he’s made the vast majority of his posts are either incitant, incitant and rude, incitant and drama-filled, or incitant and abusive. Is there a line somewhere to be crossed? At what point does someone become a pestilence upon the community and get shown the door?
Oh and for the record before you decide to play the victim and accuse me of oppressing you on political grounds, @Dizavid, you should know that you couldn’t pay me enough money to vote for Hillary Clinton in this upcoming election. I’m not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination so this commentary is not about your politics this is purely and unequivocally about your behavior, nobody else’s.
@jbartus so long as they continue to gain responses from other users, I suspect they will continue. The goal is to entice people into the community, even if that means weathering a getting to know you period. I do understand your frustration, as the outbursts are wildly misplaced here - but part of why they continue is that they get attention. Sometimes paragraphs upon paragraphs and several comments worth.
My take is to engage when something worthy of discussing is said and ignore when that isn’t the case. So far, D is about 50/50.
My edits of the name calling have been a temporary compromise to an odd situation. The choice to rescind someone’s invitation to the community is not mine to make. That goes well above my head.
TLDR: stop feeding them. Then, if after the source of negative attention dries up, they continue? It goes from there.
@Thumperchick I get the whole attention seeking behavior side of things but I feel like there’s a level where it goes beyond being attention seeking behavior and just being a pestilence. Gratuitous foul language, deliberately obnoxious offensive phrasing without any provocation, etc. crosses a line in my mind.
Normally I’d suggest warning him to knock it off but it seems pretty clear he doesn’t respect your authority. Most communities I’ve been involved in have at the very least a rule in common forbidding that kind of level of disrespect towards the moderation staff. I mean, using this post as an example, he effectively implied name calling through the portrayal he gave, he just didn’t use the specific words.
@jbartus Thanks! I’m completely volunteer, I don’t have what I would consider any given authority. My volmodding is mostly successful because the community trusts and respects me, with some exceptions I’m sure. If I were heavy-handed or became edit-happy because someone says something not-nice about me, I would quickly become ineffective. (It takes a bit more than mistaking my politics and motives to ruffle my tail.)
As to the “who then”? @MEHcus has some oversight of the forums, but his main focus is leading the customer support team, @hollboll & @galmaegi. The captain of the creative side of mediocre (& meh) is @dave, he is who steers the community. Generally, @dave is aware of the goings on here and tends to let us kids work out our issues on our own, unless he see the need for direct intervention.
Inasmuch as meh has imbued you with special powers, I would consider your actions to be an extension of their authority, the fact that you retain those powers demonstrates that they agree with how you’ve been exercising your authority lending further credence to anything you say.
You’re 100% correct that a moderator cannot maintain respect while abusing their power, but that’s a separate matter. It doesn’t apply here as evidenced by the esteem in which you are held by the community, vox populi says you’re doing great. The question is what is/should be done when you, the designated peacekeeper, have attempted to rectify an issue and the issue in question is being actively abusive and dismissive of you.
The question is, I guess, when does a user’s behavior cross the line between acceptable and unacceptable?
@jbartus I follow. Part of my reply was a subtle way of letting you know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
As far as abuse goes: this hasn’t hit that level for me. What was said is simply “liberal political leanings and doesn’t want people to be mean.” While I prefer that people be kind to one another and I don’t consider myself left-wing, I find none of that to be insulting; even if it was meant to be. You can’t insult me by insinuating that I care about people, because empathy isn’t a weakness.
@Thumperchick I was talking about the more overall picture, not this specific post. In my view he has been abusive to people in the past, yourself included.
This specific post is definitely purely an attempt to incite drama. @Dizavid has made it clear that he thinks we’re all a bunch of liberals and then he goes and posts completely non-constructively with a mocking portrayal of liberals as simpletons or dim witted. Why? I would hazard to guess that he wants to stir up more drama so he can continue being abusive and playing the victim. Underlying motive? Unknown.
I just feel like he’s running around creating drama for the sake of creating drama and contributing very little. That paired with the blatant disrespect to authority when you did correct him…
@jbartus@Thumperchick Yeah…I’ve been wasting too much time trying to make the /giphy thing work with different terms. I gave it a chance, but I CAN do better without. Sorry to disappoint.
@Dizavid@jbartus Like the sandwich industry, trying to guilt us into using multigrain bread to support the subsidized multigrain farmers. #singlegrain4life
Not me, but I called for a Reddit server hug.
I saw this earlier and laughed, then when I went back to find it it was gone… when I saw it it was at 90 something in /r/all
Good job jason!
@Dizavid Seriously?
In the dictionary next to ‘gratuitous’ is a portrait of you, I swear
3.There’s a reason why @Thumperchick is frequently seen in these conversations.
@FroodyFrog Yeah, that reason is that she’s yet another big leftie who wants to silence anything that violates her safe space.
@Dizavid I just assumed you subbed to
Let’s ask.
@Thumperchick - Are you right handed, left handed, ambidextrous, or do you use your feet in place of your hands?
@jbartus Not exactly the word I was considering. And he wonders why he’s constantly ‘being attacked.’ Sigh…
@FroodyFrog left handed.
Left-handers scare me.

As long as @Thumperchick doesn’t have left handed utensils and drinkware, we should be safe.
@cinoclav I was ah… being polite
@Thumperchick I’ve tried to get along with @Dizavid and help him see the error of his ways (I think we all have) but he seems to have a flagrant disregard for your authority (and probably anyone else at Meh since they ‘hired’ you) stemming from a deep seated inability to recognize that he doesn’t behave appropriately for polite company. Other than one or two actually reasonable comments he’s made the vast majority of his posts are either incitant, incitant and rude, incitant and drama-filled, or incitant and abusive. Is there a line somewhere to be crossed? At what point does someone become a pestilence upon the community and get shown the door?
Oh and for the record before you decide to play the victim and accuse me of oppressing you on political grounds, @Dizavid, you should know that you couldn’t pay me enough money to vote for Hillary Clinton in this upcoming election. I’m not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination so this commentary is not about your politics this is purely and unequivocally about your behavior, nobody else’s.
Also @Thumperchick Left handers unite!
@FroodyFrog @Thumperchick handed kitchen utensils
Several letters from here come to mind.
@FroodyFrog H I T?
@jbartus so long as they continue to gain responses from other users, I suspect they will continue. The goal is to entice people into the community, even if that means weathering a getting to know you period. I do understand your frustration, as the outbursts are wildly misplaced here - but part of why they continue is that they get attention. Sometimes paragraphs upon paragraphs and several comments worth.
My take is to engage when something worthy of discussing is said and ignore when that isn’t the case. So far, D is about 50/50.
My edits of the name calling have been a temporary compromise to an odd situation. The choice to rescind someone’s invitation to the community is not mine to make. That goes well above my head.
TLDR: stop feeding them. Then, if after the source of negative attention dries up, they continue? It goes from there.
@caffeine_dude His mom blocks reddit on his computer.
@Thumperchick I get the whole attention seeking behavior side of things but I feel like there’s a level where it goes beyond being attention seeking behavior and just being a pestilence. Gratuitous foul language, deliberately obnoxious offensive phrasing without any provocation, etc. crosses a line in my mind.
Normally I’d suggest warning him to knock it off but it seems pretty clear he doesn’t respect your authority. Most communities I’ve been involved in have at the very least a rule in common forbidding that kind of level of disrespect towards the moderation staff. I mean, using this post as an example, he effectively implied name calling through the portrayal he gave, he just didn’t use the specific words.
@jbartus I am whole-heartedly shocked that someone thinks I have authority.
/giphy respect my authority

/giphy drop the hammer

@Thumperchick if you don’t, who does? Personally I think you do a bang up job of keeping things orderly here.
@jbartus Thanks! I’m completely volunteer, I don’t have what I would consider any given authority. My volmodding is mostly successful because the community trusts and respects me, with some exceptions I’m sure. If I were heavy-handed or became edit-happy because someone says something not-nice about me, I would quickly become ineffective. (It takes a bit more than mistaking my politics and motives to ruffle my tail.)
As to the “who then”?
@MEHcus has some oversight of the forums, but his main focus is leading the customer support team, @hollboll & @galmaegi. The captain of the creative side of mediocre (& meh) is @dave, he is who steers the community. Generally, @dave is aware of the goings on here and tends to let us kids work out our issues on our own, unless he see the need for direct intervention.
@Thumperchick I meant the who rhetorically.
Inasmuch as meh has imbued you with special powers, I would consider your actions to be an extension of their authority, the fact that you retain those powers demonstrates that they agree with how you’ve been exercising your authority lending further credence to anything you say.
You’re 100% correct that a moderator cannot maintain respect while abusing their power, but that’s a separate matter. It doesn’t apply here as evidenced by the esteem in which you are held by the community, vox populi says you’re doing great. The question is what is/should be done when you, the designated peacekeeper, have attempted to rectify an issue and the issue in question is being actively abusive and dismissive of you.
The question is, I guess, when does a user’s behavior cross the line between acceptable and unacceptable?
@jbartus I follow. Part of my reply was a subtle way of letting you know that it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
As far as abuse goes: this hasn’t hit that level for me. What was said is simply “liberal political leanings and doesn’t want people to be mean.” While I prefer that people be kind to one another and I don’t consider myself left-wing, I find none of that to be insulting; even if it was meant to be. You can’t insult me by insinuating that I care about people, because empathy isn’t a weakness.
/giphy delusional

@Thumperchick I was talking about the more overall picture, not this specific post. In my view he has been abusive to people in the past, yourself included.
This specific post is definitely purely an attempt to incite drama. @Dizavid has made it clear that he thinks we’re all a bunch of liberals and then he goes and posts completely non-constructively with a mocking portrayal of liberals as simpletons or dim witted. Why? I would hazard to guess that he wants to stir up more drama so he can continue being abusive and playing the victim. Underlying motive? Unknown.
I just feel like he’s running around creating drama for the sake of creating drama and contributing very little. That paired with the blatant disrespect to authority when you did correct him…

/giphy observation
@medz you can gif better than that.
@Thumperchick @medz Curse you @medz for changing your post!
It originally did not say delusional… I think it was assumption which is why I said observation.
@jbartus @Thumperchick Yeah…I’ve been wasting too much time trying to make the /giphy thing work with different terms. I gave it a chance, but I CAN do better without. Sorry to disappoint.
@medz It’s a carryover goat thing, isn’t it?
I still picture @thumperchick like this:


/giphy stabby bunny

/giphy thumper chick

/giphy sad face
@jbartus There are entire industries built by liberals who want to act like victims, pal.
@Dizavid @jbartus Like the sandwich industry, trying to guilt us into using multigrain bread to support the subsidized multigrain farmers. #singlegrain4life
/giphy donald trump masturbating in a room full of penguins

I was just curious what would show up. The internet is truly magical.