@CrossIT The three cards we strive to use: 1) Costco Amex: 3% gas, 2% travel/dining, 1% elsewhere, 2) SAMs Mastercard: 5% gas, 3% travel/dining, 1% elsewhere and 3) Discover: (various versions with different paybacks), Quarterly special 5% cashbacks - this qtr is Amazon + Home Improvement.
@PurplePawprints That is not ideal cash flow management if I'm understanding your point. All our credit cards include at least 20 days float. Pulling the money from your bank acct the next day is giving away that float. PayPal loves you.
We have a cash back credit card loaded at the back end of our PayPal account so we get that float and the cash back.
@RedOak Ah, you have the new Costco AmEx. I managed to get in on the old card: 1.5% on everything above a certain amount. The card is rigged so that I do not get $80 of the flat 1.5%, but I've done the math on my purchases, and contrary to Costco's assertion, I got more back with my card than if I had the new card. Too bad Costco and AmEx have parted ways; I'm waiting to see what kind of deal we get with the Costco Visa.
1.5% cashback when used as a credit card (no PIN) Immediate access to funds at any ATM
Send money to family, friends, and Nigerian scams. Buyer Protection
Can be used at any bank/business bearing MasterCard logo.
The longer you are a member total withdrawal through ATM can be up to $4000.00 daily
Friendly Native English-speaking phone support. No eBay membership needed.
MTAN (Mobile Transaction Authentication Number) via SMS is free.
PayPal Credit offers a line of credit, often interest-free for 90 days or more (dependent on merchant). This is subject to credit approval.
Allows any business to accept credit/debit cards at a reasonable fee. This is NOT your grandmother's PayPal (most horror stories are from it's early days)...from what has been stated seem to be from over a decade since.
This has been my experience since I became a member in 2002. As with any early form of electronic transaction (especially one owned by a non-financial institution) they were covering new ground. Much of what I hear now are from the days of no-phone-service, knee-jerk or overly slow (or backwards) resolution.
PS: I'm not a shill for PayPal, and would still use my card for time-sensitive (Fuku, popular products, etc) that would require immediate payment (unless Meh could make PayPal an immediate (no "side-trip to PayPal) transaction including PayPal Credit).
@margot gotta love competition - good "card" deals for everyone!
'Not seeing anything there that would make us change. No 20+ day float. With three cars we buy a lot of gas @5% off the already 10 cent cheaper SAMs pump price (and 5% off all free-standing stations). And we've had flawless customer service from our Costco Amex (2002) and Discover (1989) cards.
The competition is what encouraged SAMs to launch even more aggressive cash back terms. I'd guess when Costco kicks Amex out next spring they'll match the SAMs terms. (Above post.)
I don't understand the hate on PayPal. I've been using PayPal to pay/accept payment for many many years and have never had any problems at all. I use my PayPal debit card all the time to pay for things.
They do.

@Ignorant Can I get the expiration and the 3 digit code on the back of that card please Mr. Ignorant Cardholder?
@sohmageek sure thing.
Name: Lee M. Ignorant
Expiration date: 8/2016
3 digit code: 826
@sohmageek He's lying dude.
I'm looking at his card right now and it says his last name is Cardholder.
@Chops great thanks a lot! :(
What? Sell out to The Man?
why not
No. PayPal is a scummy company that needs to die.
@riddick So much this! I refuse to do business with any company that accepts paypal.
I still want to see Apple Pay! :)
I don't really care either way. I only use PayPal where it is necessary or out of habit, for example on eBay.
I'd rather earn a few cashback points on credit cards.
I earn the cashback points using paypal
@Cerridwyn So do I. We use our PayPal business card for everything and PayPal just pulls the money from our bank the next day
@Cerridwyn As high as 5% cash back?
@RedOak who is that
@CrossIT The three cards we strive to use:
1) Costco Amex: 3% gas, 2% travel/dining, 1% elsewhere,
2) SAMs Mastercard: 5% gas, 3% travel/dining, 1% elsewhere and
3) Discover: (various versions with different paybacks), Quarterly special 5% cashbacks - this qtr is Amazon + Home Improvement.
@PurplePawprints That is not ideal cash flow management if I'm understanding your point. All our credit cards include at least 20 days float. Pulling the money from your bank acct the next day is giving away that float. PayPal loves you.
We have a cash back credit card loaded at the back end of our PayPal account so we get that float and the cash back.
@RedOak not usually no, but I don't get the 5% here either. I use the same credit card either way.
@RedOak Ah, you have the new Costco AmEx. I managed to get in on the old card: 1.5% on everything above a certain amount. The card is rigged so that I do not get $80 of the flat 1.5%, but I've done the math on my purchases, and contrary to Costco's assertion, I got more back with my card than if I had the new card. Too bad Costco and AmEx have parted ways; I'm waiting to see what kind of deal we get with the Costco Visa.
I'm a happy PayPal debit card holder.
1.5% cashback when used as a credit card (no PIN)
Immediate access to funds at any ATM
Send money to family, friends, and Nigerian scams.
Buyer Protection
Can be used at any bank/business bearing MasterCard logo.
The longer you are a member total withdrawal through ATM can be up to $4000.00 daily
Friendly Native English-speaking phone support.
No eBay membership needed.
MTAN (Mobile Transaction Authentication Number) via SMS is free.
PayPal Credit offers a line of credit, often interest-free for 90 days or more (dependent on merchant). This is subject to credit approval.
Allows any business to accept credit/debit cards at a reasonable fee. This is NOT your grandmother's PayPal (most horror stories are from it's early days)...from what has been stated seem to be from over a decade since.
This has been my experience since I became a member in 2002. As with any early form of electronic transaction (especially one owned by a non-financial institution) they were covering new ground. Much of what I hear now are from the days of no-phone-service, knee-jerk or overly slow (or backwards) resolution.
PS: I'm not a shill for PayPal, and would still use my card for time-sensitive (Fuku, popular products, etc) that would require immediate payment (unless Meh could make PayPal an immediate (no "side-trip to PayPal) transaction including PayPal Credit).
My .02 and in answer to @riddick
@margot gotta love competition - good "card" deals for everyone!
'Not seeing anything there that would make us change. No 20+ day float. With three cars we buy a lot of gas @5% off the already 10 cent cheaper SAMs pump price (and 5% off all free-standing stations). And we've had flawless customer service from our Costco Amex (2002) and Discover (1989) cards.
The competition is what encouraged SAMs to launch even more aggressive cash back terms. I'd guess when Costco kicks Amex out next spring they'll match the SAMs terms. (Above post.)
I don't understand the hate on PayPal. I've been using PayPal to pay/accept payment for many many years and have never had any problems at all. I use my PayPal debit card all the time to pay for things.
who doesn't have an amazon account?