Meh Clipisode - Let's Meet Your Cats
9People of Meh, we want to see the animals in your homes – starting this week with the kitties.
Use Clipisode to introduce us to your cats! Tell us their names, how old they are, and any hobbies or otherwise interesting personal-or-should-we-say-purrsonal information.
Click the link below to record your feline family members doing their thing. You have to respond from a camera-enabled mobile device, but you don’t need to install an app or anything.
Respond by Friday, August 17th at noon Pacific!
Edit - Updated the link:
- 12 comments, 23 replies
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Tempted to upload a video of a penguin plushie wearing a cat headband.
I am bereft of cats, but when it’s dog week I’ll contribute. Looking forward to seeing mehtizens’ kittehs.
We have two cats. Not around currently. Will try to remember to get pictures.
Cats? Eww
My cat plushies are ignoring me.
Lucky, 17, bottle fed
Max and Paige litter mates, 17, were strays
Lizzy (AKA Goat Cat), 7, was a stray
Thing, 2, foster cat that was dumped on campus
I’ll upload the video if and only if I can figure out how to get it off my mac and back on to my phone. Otherwise I will upload it here.
@matthew it would be really nice if we weren’t forced to use a phone to do these things.
Rest easy; you are in no way forced to do it
@Kidsandliz You can record the video and edit it elsewhere. Just transfer it to your mobile device to upload it.
@Kidsandliz Liz you must figure it out! I am excited to see vid of your kit-lets
@matthew so I can upload it from my computer? From the post I thought we had to do it from our phone like last time.
@Kidsandliz No, the site wants to try to make sure people are uploading original content they recorded on their phones, so you’ll have to upload from a camera-enabled mobile device.
17 cats here. This may take a while.
@matthew Hey, bruh, I uploaded a couple videos, but it didn’t ask me for a username. Was that the intention?
Ha, I now see I completely messed this up. I generated the link by sending an email to myself, and now the Clipisode app thinks all submissions are coming from me. Hoo, boy!
@matthew See here
@matthew Just as well. It’ll help protect feline privacy.

/giphy oopsie
Mixed feelings about Angry Beavers.
@PlacidPenguin they were alright.
There were definitely other cartoons at the time which I liked more.
@matthew @RiotDemon I loved them and their spooty little sall-mons.
It’s possible, using Developer Mode in Chrome, to enable/simulate a mobile device.
Windows: Press F12 to open the developer console.
Mac: Cmd + Shift + C
Toggle the device mode icon

Select Phone Type (Doesn’t have to be one you own):

Refresh the page:

Upload Video
Revert settings/untoggle device mode

/giphy extreme hacking
@lichme thanks!
Hey all - if you responded before now, please do so again. We had the wrong url. Sorry about that!
/giphy ugh

@Thumperchick would you say it is a cat tastrophy?
Where do we tell you about our cats? Using the “name” field on the video submit page? Here?
In the video.
The “name” field is for your username.
@melonscoop on the video.
I tried uploading earlier, got the weird nano message, reloading now.
I can’t tell if my name showed up or not. I have it on there, it’s on there, but don’t know if it will show up.
I’m so confused!
@lisaviolet Okay, sent two videos. The first has sixteen cats, the second has the seventeenth cat (and Opie). Joey wasn’t in the first one.
@lisaviolet I imagine this, but with cats.
@medz Yeah, kinda. It’s kinda like that.