Meh Button During this Meh-RATHON
13Since the Meh button is the same image every time today, I think it would have been funny if every time we clicked it today, the beard grew longer, so by the end of the day the beard was running down the side of the display on my phone. Seriously hanging out here all day really tanks my ability to focus on more important things in my life.
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I like that idea!
@Kyeh Me too!
@Kyeh @ThunderChicken I like turtles.
Yesterday I think was my all-time highest number of clicks during a Meh-rathon so far…102!
One of my clicky faces came out defective. When I clicked on it earlier I got the something went wrong video. I wish they would bring the story/button counter back during the mehrathons. Anyone know the final total count? I’m guessing at least 200.
@heartny I had 155 clicks and I missed plenty with sleeping and working and all.
@cbilyak I missed a bunch too for the same reasons, but I did manage to get 173.
@cbilyak @heartny @PoolToyWolf
There is some subtle movement.
The eyes get bigger and smaller and the mouth opens and shuts.
@heartny My guess is there were 233. I think I fell asleep and slept past the alarm because I didn’t feel the vibration of my phone but I’m pretty sure I woke up before the next item but I’m not 100% sure on that. I could have missed that one face but I think I got it just in the nick of time.
@heartny @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf I did not even notice that!! Maybe because we were refreshing the screen every 2 minutes, LOL! Thanks for pointing it out.
@heartny I got that non-face too. I kept reloading the page figuring it would show up, It didn’t.
@cengland0 Holy cow! That’s dedication!
@heartny there was one that they didn’t have the clicky face from this round, instead it was the one from when the item was originally sold. I saw that too.
@cbilyak @heartny Yeah I missed a number too. Sleep, apts, feeding the ferals and PetSmart ones, laundry at the shelter… I missed at least 67 of them if 233 is the max.
@Kidsandliz Looks like I missed 60 if 233 is the max. I didn’t think I missed that many, but I needed sleep, had to work and do stuff.
DoctorOW will probably know how many there were. I got 189 clicks, and I skipped the last two, because I want the last number on total clicks and days in a row clicked to match. Yeah, I’m weird!
It moved. I’m pretty sure the image was based on:
/giphy zoltar
@RiotDemon It was Zoltar! You nailed it.
@RiotDemon that’s awesome. I bought a brand new funko of Josh baskin yesterday for $1!
@RiotDemon T.Hanks for confirming my suspicions!
I’m guessing 233.
Very intense and time consuming Mehrathon yesterday with the short intervals between items. Plus not sure what was going on as I got my first two captcha in a long time trying to get an IRK-only had gotten one captcha ever before that. Never did get an IRK which probably increases my frustration with yesterday as a wasted day.
Please realize CAPTCHA is a fellow robot like you.
@Felton10 I feel your pain. The Thon prior to yesterday I failed to score an IRK and the sadness and disappointment was more palpable than I would have thought over my lack of rolling the $5 game of dice that day.
@cbilyak Well to be frank (although I am not Frank), I didn’t lose any sleep over it. With being March’s goat and all the attention my “balls” have been getting lately, I probably needed missing one to bring me back to earth.