Meh-athon day shipping faster than amazon prime day shipping
2I thought I’d share my meh-athon story:
The item I bought during the meh-athon day madness arrived before, not one, but two amazon prime day items with prime shipping. Considering how long it usually takes to get items from meh and how amazon totes their shipping as “so fast”, the irony was not lost on me. No fukos for me but I did get my meh-athon day items faster than my prime day items, so I guess I won? Don’t know if that’s pathetic for amazon or great for meh.
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if the amazon prime items were 2 day delivery and didnt arrive in 2 days, you can bug amazon customer service and they give you extra days on your prime membership
My Amazon Prime items were delivered the next day.
It would’ve been cool if they were delivered to my house but LaserShip isn’t named CorrectHouseShip now is it smart guy?
/giphy more like laser SHIT

@awk LaserShip isn’t even worth it, they lie for same day delivery, mark package as delivered and deliver the next day or even the day after that. I gave up on choosing one or same day shipping because I don’t want to give them more business. Wish Amazon had a better partner in the area.
I haven’t even gotten a shipping notice yet for my Meh-rathon order, so you’re WAY ahead of me.
I received some Prime Day items as quickly as Wednesday. My Woot-off order came on Monday, as did some of my Meh-off order.
@snapster arrrghhh ?
/giphy r

oddly (to me) every single one of my Meh-rathon orders came in a separate box.
which could not have been cost efficient.
@ekw it was cost efficient in its use of development and warehouse resources. Not so much on packaging and freight costs. It’s a 1.0 version feature that might exist a while.
@snapster since I don’t know what that means, I can’t argue with you.
@ekw it means we didn’t spend any development resources to consolidate orders going to the same address or walk around the warehouse adding these items to a single box. Batch shipping each item is more efficient on our time, at the cost of extra shipping and packaging. We should do what you suggest but it’ll be a while.
@snapster ah. I understand that.
I also know that everything is simple when you don’t understand it.
so, of course, it seems simple to “just do it the other way”.
but if you were to ask me how, I would not have the slightest idea.
actually, I’d have two or three ideas, but none of them would work.
@snapster A good number of items shipping from Woot proper is still like this, hence getting like 50 packages for all my randoms. Different size, different package. Different brand, different package. Different type, different package.
All my random t-shirts are brown.
Where’s the “random” part?
@f00l that is an outcome which could occur randomly.
@f00l you got a brown flush