Mediocre LabStream - Friday 5/1 @ 2:00pm EDT
That's right, we have an official name: The Mediocre LabStream!
Thanks everyone for your name suggestions, even though we totally didn't use any of them. We're still playing around with our format and start times so keep that feedback coming!
This week on the LabStream
- @hollboll will face some form of punishment for losing to @JonT in our Cards Against Humanity battle on last week's stream
- A brief interview with a Mediocre staff member
- We A Your Qs! Ask your best questions in this thread and @Moose will pick his favorites
- Draw Something – watch unartistic people try to draw stuff that you suggest
- MORE! There's always more.
Join us in the live YouTube chat or tweet at @mediocrelabs with #LabStream.
See you there!
- 42 comments, 36 replies
- Comment
last time i A'd someone's Qs, HR had to get involved.
@carl669 last time I A'd someone's Q's I almost lost my scholarship.
@carl669 I think it's better to A someone's Q than to Q someone's A!!
1) Is / mediocre labs profitable and if not, how bad is it? (We want meh to be around for a long time but that requires profits unless @snapster and @dave have endless bank accounts!)
2) What is the distribution of meh employees by department and which department has the most power?
3) Do you ever let the buyers out of the engine room? Do you have buyers or does @snapster do it all?
@RedOak woot preamazon) is only a small part of @snapster global yet mediocre empire. he also does whole sale buying and selling( e. g. who wants to buy 10,000 speaker docks ?)
Repeat question from last time:
What were some of your failed experiments, if any?
New question:
Why was the stream so bad last time that I couldn't tell if you answered my question the first time?
@ACraigL lol - So, to sum up, @ACraigL wants to know if you guys suck and if so, then how bad and why. :)
What's the best way to celebrate the 1st of Meh?
Idea: Interview with a goat!
Feedback: I appreciate the varying start times for the Mediocre LabStream, maybe you could keep changing?
Question: Is it okay to let friends drink and live stream?
Friends don't let friends live stream.
Draw Mt. Rushmore with all the faces being Meh employees or characters. Call it "Meh't Rushmore"
Who spends the most time in the company restroom?
What's the dating scene like at meh HQ?
Are there any realistic limits on the amount of "goof off" time you have during a typical work day??
Oh boo, I'm going to miss this one, too.
Do you guys check my schedule and then schedule so I can't be here?
I'm pretty sure you do everything around my schedule.
So, you've named your show "piss".
That's exactly what I think of when I see "LabStream".
However, given all the beer you guys rent, I suppose it is hella appropriate.
Yes, this is me pissing all over a thread. Isn't the first time, won't be the last.
COACH Z: I was told I was gonna get to pee in a cup!
STRONG BAD: In due time, Cadet Z. In due time.
COACH Z: Oh, doo time! Even better!
My questions:
1) Are you guys allowed to drink at lunch/work? (Including live streams)
2) If so, what are your drinks of choice?
And a follow-on to @ACraigL's questions:
3) Do you guys suck, and if so then how bad, in what ways, and why?
(And don't be cute. When I say "drinks" I'm talking adult beverages, not water. I have to specify this because I know too well just how clever you all are. And that's sort of a compliment.)
Are goats solely selected by votes, or are there additional factors?
(Apparently this month's goat jumped the gun in posting goatdom. Also, is this the time to note that the said goat had previously sent in a BLIND RAGE email to support, asking where are the AA shirts?)
@narfcake you got your AA shirts and now you got some goathood, what more could you want?
@communist Clarification. See the other thread.
Why a scapegoat? Why can't it be a scapecat? A scapepig? A scape hippopotamus? Why a goat? WHY?!?!?
@juststephen this is a very good question.
@juststephen it comes from the bible as a goat that symbolically had the sins of the people laid upon it. i don't think there were any hippos in the bible. maybe back in the appendix somewhere? i've never read that part.
@juststephen hippos eat more people every year than any other animal. Not relevant, but informative.
@mehdaf that's why they're called hungry, hungry hippos.
Draw each other.
@juststephen Like one of your French girls.
Have any of you seen Age of Ultron yet? Who is the biggest comic book nerd at Meh HQ?
What led you to put "Our daily video" underneath the video on the main page?
now that i'm a goat emeritus, do I get to start bugging @JonT for a goat prize?
(just kidding)
@carl669 - Kidding? I see what you did there.
And adding to @kadagan's question:
4. Who gets caught "goofing off" more than anyone else?
Given the chance, would you ever bathe in warm cream corn?
@medz No the question should be would you eat it before, after or while you bath in it...
What nickname do you wish people would refer to you as and why?
@medz Along those lines, what would you call yourself if you were a superhero or mexican wrestler?
I'll have to miss this one but I'll be there in spirit!
In case the countdown on the youtube page confused you, we are streaming live in fifteen-ish minutes, not an hour and fifteen-ish minutes.
oohhh... it's almost time! i'm nauseous with excitement! or that sausage wasn't cooked all the way through. either way, i love it. so you see my friends, "there is a fine line between love and nausea".
@carl669 It's still strange to see your name without a goat...
@kadagan i know. a little part of me died when the icon went away.
Q: What's the connection with and Korea? Seems like most of the international traffic comes from there.... why?
@unixrab See here:
@dashcloud THANKS!!
what's the back story behind that guy drunk testing?
Q: Rank the following by meh staff popularity:
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
Walking Dead
Better Call Saul
House of Cards
Band of Brothers
Is @unixrab a Jewish spiritual leader/teacher who also uses or administrates UNIX systems?
@kadagan I'll answer this one in the comments if it gets asked :-)
Whew, just made it.
@hollboll I now must buy a speaker dock!
If you can guarantee that the speaker dock will explode like that if I throw it between a BMW and a Cadillac I WILL buy one.
Was your decision to change the sold out button to a link to the product on amazon based on drunktesting?
As long as you "get your junk done".
Got it.
why don't you put mirrors on the desk and aim them at moose and the other guy
@miko1 That would be awesome! I like it!
The creator of the extension said it's pronounced Jif.
@juststephen He's wrong.
Somebody should tell him.
@pepsiwine @juststephen Yea, he should have used a "J" if he wanted it pronounced that way. Jraphics Interchange Format...
@juststephen Jif is a peanut butter. name is taken
Crud, I caught the last minute. Stupid Work schedule....
Did we just learn that @Barney's alter ego is @katblue (or vice-versa)?
@KDemo katblue really is my mom. She has been staying with me the past few days because I have been a little under the weather and have needed some help. As a thank you, I asked @JonT to send my Purple Team prize to her at her house. Mom thinks JonT is such a cutie. I was thinking of this as being a surprise, but JonT kind of let the cat out of the bag. Oops!
@Barney -Oops. You're just so mysterious! Hoping you feel better soon.

@KDemo Aww, purple, my favorite color. :) Thank you!
Dammit work got in the way....
@jimmyd103 You and me, both....
As promised, we've uploaded the two videos we played during the LabStream.
Interview with @broseph
@hollboll's punishment
@JonT @HollBoll NO Not the White one! You've only been selling black recently. How about some more White ones? ... I shall wait patiently for @Barney to chime in...
@sohmageek Uh... the white speaker docks might be involved in some outtakes.
@sohmageek I love purple.
@JonT I'd love them to go later in the day for when I'm home and can watch them... fully :) 5 PM EST is perfect!
@sohmageek 5PM EST is about the worst time they could air (for me), since I'm in the car then. As I said after the first one, earlier in the day I can slack off at work and watch, or later I can see them at home (~6:30 EST). :-) I like the current times.
@kadagan I used to be able to multitask, but recently I have had a lot of work away from my desk... I get home around 4:30 PM EST, I had been on an earlier shift, but on Fridays all bets are off...