Mediocre Flask Necklace!
15There’s this company that makes science themed jewelry, and they’re (sadly) going out of business. But they have these cute little flask necklaces for like $5, and I thought some of youse guys might be interested. Cuuuuute flask
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Thanks for the link. I ordered a few necklaces and a solar system bracelet. Too bad the company didn’t make it.
How cute. I may need the DNA necklace or maybe an Oxytocin bracelet. How have I lived this long without them?
@heartny I bought a DNA necklace! And a dinosaur and of course a flask.
@heartny @sammydog01

@Barney @heartny I volunteer at a science museum. That’s my excuse.
@heartny @sammydog01 The dinosaur necklace is pretty cool.
@Barney @heartny Darn, I should have ordered a spare. I have a pile of those solar system necklaces from ThinkGeek under the bed.
@heartny @sammydog01 No, you shouldn’t have. No one else here volunteers at a science museum.
@Barney I think you NEED the dinosaur necklace. Perhaps the entire dinosaur bundle.
@heartny Nope, and I’m gonna ignore you for the rest of the evening/morning/day whatever it is.
I loved how they called it “Joulery”. The dinosaur necklace made me smile.
These are great, thanks. Might have to do some early Christmas shopping.
Last year I met a local young woman who upcycles circuit boards into jewellery and other items. Looks like she moved from Rochester to Washington DC. I can absolutely vouch for the quality. I traded her a huge box of boards, ram, etc for some ornaments and jewellery. Very cool and she has a bunch of new stuff now.
@ybmuG Are you from Rochester? I’M FROM ROCHESTER! New York, not the other one.
@sammydog01 @ybmuG I went to U of R and played the carillon when I was a student there.
@Kidsandliz @ybmuG Cool
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01 I’m from, and still in Rochester. Over the years I’ve been to MCC, RIT, UR. Worked for UR Medical Center for several years. Now they are a client. You still here?
Oh, and CircuitBreaker Labs does a cool laser-cut beaker ornament.
@sammydog01 @ybmuG I’m not still there unfortunately. Although I hated the lack of sunshine, I really liked living there as there were so many interesting things going on - on campus, at Eastman and at times, in town. It was a nice place to go to school.
@ybmuG Nope, I left long ago. I grew up there and visit once in a while.
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01 today was beautiful. Sunny all day, mostly, well for a few hours…
@sammydog01 @ybmuG Ditto- moved here from Depew [NY] at age 6.
I hate the weather except for days like today, and we would’ve moved to the SW decades ago, if it weren’t for SWMBO’s family ties…
@PhysAssist do I understand you correctly that “here” means Rochester? And you’re a PA? Primary Care? APPs seem to be gaining momentum here, which is great.
@ybmuG Yes on all counts- I’ve been a PA for 26 years this month. It has been the best bunch of jobs I could imagine having…

/giphy PA
@PhysAssist that’s excellent, congrats! And thanks for contributing to the PC solution.
@ybmuG Thanks x3!
@ybmuG Thank you so much for sharing my work! I did move to DC but I still come back to Rochester for Mayday! Underground and the Rochester Maker Faire, both in November!
@CircuitBrkrLabs you are so welcome! Glad to know. And great to hear from you. I’ll have to check those out this year. We’re at the Holiday Bazaar and the South Wedge this year.
@sammydog01 you need this one:
or this:
or this:
or this:
I’ve got to do a shameless plug for my sister’s science themed Etsy store. It’s great stuff!
@melonscoop very cool, especially the research slides made into necklaces
@melonscoop Yesss! All the science art!
Cute! I’m picking up the “You are your only limit” bracelet. Seems like that’s the closest they’ve got to a math-based one.
/giphy The limit does not exist!

Thanks for the link! I picked up some earrings and pendants as an anniversary gift. It will not arrive in time BUT I will know they’re coming, so that’s an extra post-anniversary surprise!
I’m sorry to see they’re liquidating; the fact that it’s all stainless steel is such a huge selling point to me.
So they’re back in business and apparently lied to get rid of inventory. I feel used.
@sammydog01 Shocking.

Hey, Joulery,
@sammydog01 @therealjrn I agree about feeling used! And more annoyed about the spammy feeling emails that I have won the gift certificate drawing! sigh…