My 11 yo daughter came home from school tonight and informed me that she and her friends figured out today that corn dogs are nothing more than MEAT TWINKIES!
Am I the last person to realize this?
i eat lasagna and chinese food for breakfast all the time. It’s convenient, toss in nuker, and better for me than those pancake covered sausages.
blueberry is good too
let’s not forget pigs in a blanket made with biscuits
@Cerridwyn@mike808@rtjhnstn I dont eat breakfast items as most breakfast items consist of “eggs”…so I’ll take leftovers or anything else that’s shunned by breakfast eaters…i esp like poutine for breakfast
@Cerridwyn Cold leftovers for brekkie are where it’s at. I especially love cold pasta or Mexican food. Sometimes I’ll get an extra chimi from the local taqueria just to save in the fridge and eat cold in the morning. Mmmmmmm.
You tell 'em- food is food- I’m as likely to have eggs and bacon or eggs Benedict [or whatever] for dinner as for breakfast, and more likely to have pizza or an Italian sausage sandwich for brekkie than cereal or waffles [unless I’m a guest in someone else’s home, then I eat whatever is offered].
@LaVikinga Lol! We joke with our dog that we “rescued” her. She was adopted from a litter from my BFs brother’s dog in Florida. We rescued her from a life of white trash.
/giphy Sonic Corn dog
I love Sonic’s Corn dog specials!
Honestly though, if we’re thinking straight, wouldn’t the meat have to be on the outside with something like cheese on the inside?
Besides, we’ve forever wrapped hot dogs in crescent rolls, and loved those almost as much as corn dogs.- although I don’t know why it never occurred to me to put them on a skewer before now…
@PhysAssist could get a Twinkie cake pan and make a corn dog in the right shape. You’ll have to use mini hot dogs or trim them smaller. Add a cheese stuffed dog and you’re good to go.
@blaineg@PhysAssist Oscar Mayer still makes cheese hot dogs but you’re probably talking about something else, these had cheese “spots” rather than “stripes”. But I did love them when I was younger
@blaineg@llangley@PhysAssist Notice how those Oscar Mayer wieners are fourteen ounces? Their beef ones are less than a pound now, too. They’ve been secretly making smaller wieners the last few years.
@craigthom just take a look at Graham crackers. They aren’t squares anymore. I wish they would just leave the food the same size and charge more. Instead they charge the same and downsize the food.
@blaineg@craigthom That right there is the difference between adult humans and children or other immature humans- the ability to discriminate between just right sweet and too sweet.
Kids can’t discriminate flavors well enough to tell the difference.
I was so very concerned when I saw the title of this thread.
No you are not… I am slightly disturbed now…
How is that any different from the pancake covered sausage you can buy in your grocer’s freezer section?
@Cerridwyn You mean the chocolate chip pancake ones? They’re delicious!
@Cerridwyn @mike808 preach
@Cerridwyn @mike808 The meal. How many people have corndogs for breakfast(unless they are recovering from the night before).
@mike808 @rtjhnstn
i eat lasagna and chinese food for breakfast all the time. It’s convenient, toss in nuker, and better for me than those pancake covered sausages.
blueberry is good too
let’s not forget pigs in a blanket made with biscuits
@Cerridwyn @mike808 @rtjhnstn I dont eat breakfast items as most breakfast items consist of “eggs”…so I’ll take leftovers or anything else that’s shunned by breakfast eaters…i esp like poutine for breakfast
@rtjhnstn Probably the same ones who eat pizza or egg rolls for breakfast. I miss that old way of eating like calories had no consequences.
@Cerridwyn Cold leftovers for brekkie are where it’s at. I especially love cold pasta or Mexican food. Sometimes I’ll get an extra chimi from the local taqueria just to save in the fridge and eat cold in the morning. Mmmmmmm.
@Cerridwyn @mike808 @rtjhnstn

/giphy food is food
You tell 'em- food is food- I’m as likely to have eggs and bacon or eggs Benedict [or whatever] for dinner as for breakfast, and more likely to have pizza or an Italian sausage sandwich for brekkie than cereal or waffles [unless I’m a guest in someone else’s home, then I eat whatever is offered].
@melonscoop ew.
I agree, totally EWW.
And now I completely want to try one.
@haydesigner I’d try it if it was a link of breakfast sausage instead.
@haydesigner @LaVikinga That might work with the breakfast sausage. Getting a white trash Monte Christo vibe.
@Fuzzalini @haydesigner Well, I am living in Northern Florida. White Trash as far as the eye can see.
Oops, that’s my reflection in the mirror.
@LaVikinga Lol! We joke with our dog that we “rescued” her. She was adopted from a litter from my BFs brother’s dog in Florida. We rescued her from a life of white trash.
@melonscoop A twinkie weenier sandwhich!
@tightwad That should cheer you up.
haha… cute.
I disagree. Twinkies are gross. Corn dogs are yum.
@RiotDemon And corndogs don’t have an infinite shelf life.
/giphy the more you know

It’s all your fault that I went to Wienerschnitzel and had mini corn dogs.
@Cerridwyn I’m currently eating corn dogs from Sonic.
@Cerridwyn @RiotDemon I accept this blame. Although I think the GOAT is officially to blame…
@JnKL @RiotDemon
I think you should share it because I’m not even sure a goat would eat a meat twinkie
@Cerridwyn @RiotDemon

/giphy Sonic Corn dog
I love Sonic’s Corn dog specials!
Honestly though, if we’re thinking straight, wouldn’t the meat have to be on the outside with something like cheese on the inside?
Besides, we’ve forever wrapped hot dogs in crescent rolls, and loved those almost as much as corn dogs.- although I don’t know why it never occurred to me to put them on a skewer before now…
@PhysAssist could get a Twinkie cake pan and make a corn dog in the right shape. You’ll have to use mini hot dogs or trim them smaller. Add a cheese stuffed dog and you’re good to go.
/image Twinkie cake pan

@PhysAssist In high school days, there was a hotdog that had multiple lines of cheese injected through it. I thought it was amazing.
@blaineg @PhysAssist Oscar Mayer still makes cheese hot dogs but you’re probably talking about something else, these had cheese “spots” rather than “stripes”. But I did love them when I was younger
Today research I found this:

@PhysAssist @RiotDemon daughter is over the moon excited for me to find that muffin tin!
@JnKL @PhysAssist good luck with your baking!
/google buy Twinkie pan Hostess Twinkies Bake Set with Pastry Bag & Recipe …
@blaineg @llangley @PhysAssist Notice how those Oscar Mayer wieners are fourteen ounces? Their beef ones are less than a pound now, too. They’ve been secretly making smaller wieners the last few years.
@craigthom just take a look at Graham crackers. They aren’t squares anymore. I wish they would just leave the food the same size and charge more. Instead they charge the same and downsize the food.
@llangley It probably was the Oscar Meyer cheese dogs. They’d be lines if you sliced the dog lengthwise, but a cross section looked like dots.
Though the only hot dogs I care for these days are gooey, messy, chili cheese dogs.
@blaineg @llangley That’s awesome- I’m sure it’s one more way for me to get my arteries firmed up a little…
@blaineg @llangley I saw a commercial that said: How can you make an OK sandwich perfect?
Add Bacon!
But, how can you make a perfect sandwich better?
Add more Bacon!
@RiotDemon Good call.
Jamaican meat patties
@cranky1950 Or Empenadas!
/giphy Empenada

/Me looks suspiciously at those football empanadas.
I hope they drew those laces on with a fondoodler and they didn’t put frosting on a savory dish.
@cranky1950 But I don’t like green eggs and ham!
@PhysAssist @RiotDemon Maybe it’s mayo? Sour cream?
@blaineg phew. Sour cream makes sense. I kept thinking crema but that didn’t seem quite right.
@cranky1950 Or a pasty from the UP
/image pasty

@craigthom @cranky1950 is it me or does that kinda look like Irk…
@craigthom @cranky1950 on 2nd thought, more like Yukon Cornelius winking
@craigthom @cranky1950 Always bought a half dozen pasties after a skiing weekend @ Indianhead Mountain
@craigthom Yumm! I could just munch on the pastry of a good pasty and be happy.
One day at lunch in grade school a kid offered to trade me a Twinkie for something I’d brought. I swapped him since I’d never had a twinkie before.
It was the most vile, disgusting thing I’d ever tasted, and it was decades before I touched another one.
It was also decades before I figured out he offered the trade because the twinkie’s filling had gone bad.
@blaineg it’s bad even when fresh. People act like Twinkies last forever. I think the shelf life is 2-3 weeks at most.
/google what is the shelf life of a Twinkie
FACT CHECK: Twinkies Shelf Life
25 days. I was a little off.
@blaineg I think I was an adult before I had one. I had good parents, I guess. I also didn’t have any Peeps as a child.
My biggest problem with Twinkies (and lots of commercial cakes) is that they are too sweet. There’s appropriately sweet and there’s cloyingly sweet.
@blaineg @craigthom That right there is the difference between adult humans and children or other immature humans- the ability to discriminate between just right sweet and too sweet.
Kids can’t discriminate flavors well enough to tell the difference.
No. I had never considered that.

/image meat donut doughnut
So what does that make a Kolache?

Stickless flourdog.