May Blame Thread
17Well, @drunkgoat—I mean @drunkcat. You self-appointed yourself to goathood, and you only have yourself to blame.
- 52 comments, 131 replies
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Well, @drunkgoat—I mean @drunkcat. You self-appointed yourself to goathood, and you only have yourself to blame.
Yay! Congrats @drunkcat!

/giphy drunk cat
@sammydog01 wow dogs cheering for cats. What is happening? And can we blame @drunkcat?
@mollama It is mass hysteria and I am to blame.
/giphy go home cat you’re drunk
I blame you for the fact that I’m several hours behind schedule in slacking off.
I blame you because I’m too fucked up to be a Kendama wizard.
Holy nature! After three years it finally happened! Thank you all for wasting your votes on someone who has no idea what the hell they’re doing. I will call upon goats of old to guide me in this month with their wisdom and culpability. For whenever the USB doesn’t fit in the first time and second time, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever the check out lane is too long, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever a phone suddenly goes to 8%, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever a package gets delayed, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever you buy the wrong cable, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever your computer updates without your knowledge, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever a post gets lost to a 404, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever a grue feasts on a new victim, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever Hank Harland tells a joke, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever a hose is 1/4 inch too short, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever there is an attempt to save the world from a devastating plague that was unleashed by a fast food company that was supplied with questionable food from a farm who was visited by g-men that were under orders from a secret organization that accidentally let lose a hoard of sentient buffalo which raided Site 73 and allowed loose SCP-1156 resulting in an endearing television show, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever a pizza arrives cold, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever a lego says hello to a sole, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever it rains on a barbecue, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever an office fridge has food go “missing”, I’ll take the blame.
Whenever you read an obtuse and humorless bit that’s been going longer than was ever necessary, I’ll take the blame.
Teal deer, @DrunkCat. Teal deer.
@PlacidPenguin @DrunkCat
@DrunkCat Does BOHICA mean anything to you?
@OldCatLady Only on Thursday nights.
Welcome to the club, fucker.
What country or continent or hemisphere or multi-dimension are “you and yours” hanging out in nowadays?
@f00l I’m hanging in KC with our son until school is out for summer; the old man is back and forth between here and South America. We’re all going to try it south of the equator for two and a half months before the next school year begins. I seriously doubt that the arrangement will be aeonian, but we’ll see soon enough! I know that @Pavlov wishes for it to be, so for him, our
. (But I’d rather stay here - shhhh)
@MrsPavlov “School is finished” like for this school year or through 12th grade?
@Kidsandliz Out for the summer - (edited the post)
: )
I’m sure you won’t spend the bulk of your time in Venezuela. Hope your adventure is lovely.
Please don’t let any hostile or hungry predators get at y’all.
PS. Since you’ll prob be seeing some spectacular stuff, we will be wanting some pix if you’re up for it.
Inebriated makeover
@f00l thank you for that
@DrunkCat I blame you for the chaos my life is undergoing right now.
I blame you for the one client whose needs are rapidly approaching full time employee status taking up so much of me time.
I blame you that my mother’s business is being forced to move their main office into new space by her landlord by May 8th.
I blame you that due to tax season she was unable to give any attention at all to this move until April 19th.
I blame you that this is forcing us to upgrade to a VOIP phone system and much chaos is ensuing in trying to coordinate Comcast and the telecom company as well as a full overhaul of the network cabling infrastructure in the new space as most of it was grossly outdated CAT 3.
I blame you that in the middle of all this I had to spend, on 10 minutes notice, seven hours aiding another client in getting a new laptop which I am configuring today and unraveling the mystery of his home theater setup to replace a television with a failed audio circuit.
I blame you that as a result of how insanely busy I have been my invoicing fell behind and I’ve had to eat a bunch of overdraft fees on my bank account due to checks floating around in the ether that is the US Postal Service.
I blame you that the phones in the satellite office of my mother’s business stopped working today for no known reason resulting in my sitting here for well over an hour on the phone trying to sort it out with Comcast who apparently at one point tried to provision a phone only modem with internet which partially caused this issue.
@jbartus way way way way wait a minute you can’t blame the goat for anything Comcast. Somethings are just too inherently fucked up to blame on others.
Sounds like you are seriously in demand. That sounds like a really stressful mess.
Can you hire someone PT to do the invoicing and bookkeeping for you?
Can you get a flexible line of credit and a sweep account from your bank?
@cranky1950 I reserve the right to blame the scapegoat of the month for anything and everything whether deserved or not. It’s in the fine print.
@f00l you have no idea. I want more sleep. T_T
The problem with hiring someone to do the invoicing (while it’s an idea with merit) is I still have to explain what I did to them at which point I may as well do it myself. I have to itemize tasks for most of my invoicing which takes a while.
@jbartus Ya can’t
@cranky1950 I just did.
@jbartus Ya can’t
RE invoicing by someone else
In the beginning that would be tedious. After you got a working relationship going, you could xmit info by text msg while on the job or at lunch, or by quick phone calls.
Even if you need to approve the invoice before it goes out, in order to check for errors and missed items, once you get a working relationship with your bookkeeping person, it will go faster and smoother, it won’t be put off because you just worked for 18 hours straight three days in a row, it will just get done.
And the same person can perhaps deal with your mail and deposits. And your bank might set you up with a sweep account (here, all the solvent small businesses seem to use them.)
I don’t know if these ideas fit your operation or not, but it sounds like you have plenty or more than plenty of work, and just need time for organization and office stuff, or someone to do those for you.
Kudos for being in biz for yourself.
@jbartus I used to be in what sounds like a similar line of business and had many of the same headaches. Have you looked into a system like Harvest? Clock your tasks as you go, then invoice with a few clicks. That’s where I was headed before I got out of the game.
I blame you for the fact that I still haven’t had lunch today.
I’m blaming @drunkcat that I’m procrastinating in purchasing a purple puppycorn plushie.
Why don’t you just buy all 6 now for $50 and save yourself some time later on?
Do as the penguin says.

/giphy What does the penguin say?
/giphy This used to be funny

/giphy drunk cat

I blame @DrunkCat because I finally learned how to download .mp3 audiobooks from the library and then save them permanently. You should be ashamed.

/giphy audiobooks
@OldCatLady I’m guessing the blame is for not knowing sooner?
Are you using Overdrive?
The Overdrive audiobooks just standard mp3’s, or they were last time I listened to a library audiobook. The app erases them on the due date. If you copy the mp3 audiobook files to another directory, and listen to them using another audiobook app, they are just normal files in the new location, they don’t get erased. If the Overdrive app knows where to find them, it will prob try to erase them on schedule.
And I shouldn’t have said all of that, cause it just encourages piracy. Bleah.
@f00l Yes, Overdrive. If you just copy the entire directory containing the book to a Sansa, the .mp3 book plays without an audiobook app. Sansa even sees the book title. I know it’s primitive, and old fashioned, but it works fine. The blame is for my learning how to do something illegal. I’m so ashamed.
If you use the Overdrive app on a smartphone, it just downloads the mp3 files when you check out the audiobook (as of a few years ago anyway). Then Overdrive acts as the audiobook player. Altho you can open the files with any mp3 player. (Regular mp3 players [intended for music] do a terrible job on audiobook files, they don’t have the right controls and settings. There are a number of good players designed for audiobooks.)
Might be a PITA to preserve the audiobook files on an Iphone, 'cause on the iphone file control isn’t as easy (unless you mess with the phone or jailbreak it or hook it to a PC).
On an Android phone, you can just create another directory not linked to by the Overdrive app. And then copy the mp3 files to the new directory.
And then play the files in the new location, if you wish, using any mp3 audiobook player except Overdrive. (I like Smart Audiobook Player on Android. The controls are a little complex, and when you use it for the first time, you have to point it to the directory where the audiobook files are. After you mess with it a bit, it’s easy to use.)
Anyway, Overdrive will attempt to erase the original downloaded files when the audiobook is “returned” or the checkout time expires. Overdrive will not erase the file copies in the new location (on Android), as long as you did not open or play the copied versions of the mp3 files using Overdrive.
Works the same on a PC I think. Just make a copy of the mp3 files in any other directory, Overdrive will only erase the original downloaded files, I suppose. (Untested by me.)
I did this once using Android: I had a book on cd and no easy access to a PC with a cd drive that moment so that I could rip the cds. I wanted to listen on my Note 4. So I checked out the digital audiobook from the library using Overdrive. Then copied the mp3 files to another directory and played them using Smart Audiobook Player.
When I “returned” the audiobook, only the original downloaded files vanished.
@OldCatLady I have a bunch of Tweetys and Sylvesters with library books on them somewhere around the house. I’m bad too.

/giphy punish me
I blame you for what I discovered about @Harrison.
@PlacidPenguin And what would that be? Do share… (evil grin).
@Kidsandliz @harrison @DrunkCat
What looks off about this?
@PlacidPenguin No idea- irrepressible chatter box when he hasn’t posted in the last 30 days? No flask?
I blame @DrunkCat that you for logged in using another account, so that you could check his profile.
Or, if you didn’t do that, then I blame @DrunkCat that you choose to temporarily make your profile available, and then you disabled it again after you had checked @Harrison’s profile.
I have the profile filter currently set to only show mentions.
@Harrison has made posts in the last 30 days.
And yes, there’s no flask.
I decided a few months ago that (infrequently) I’ll unhide my profile so that I could update my lists.
I just made 2 more adjustments.
@DrunkCat I blame you because now I have SIX coffeemakers. I went into a thrift store hoping for some of @narfcake’s luck finding a carafe for the machine I bought last week. I found one, but it was packaged with another machine, and they wouldn’t sell it separately. So I spent another $10.

@OldCatLady One more and you’ll have one for every day!
@narfcake I also have three French presses: 8, 16, and 32 oz. I have a problem.
@OldCatLady Same but with moka pots.
@DrunkCat I got a moka pot with a broken handle in my first fuku. Are they any good?
@sammydog01 I use them mainly to make cuban coffee.
@DrunkCat That stuff will dissolve a spoon. But it does wake you up.
@OldCatLady Cafe Pilon is speed of the gods. Stainless steel moka pots are great, the pot metal ones kind of dissolve over time but usually the gasket goes bad first. Needless to say don’t crank the two halves together when you store it.
I blame you for the fact that Amazon gift cards which I was supposed to receive (from a 3rd party) were marked as sent but I never received them.
I blame you for the expense for a new typec - type c USB cable.

While I do have a few more type c - type c cables, they aren’t as long as the one which came with my Nexus 5X.
(The longest replacement cable I have is about 99% as long as my original one.)
It took me a bit longer than it should have, but I just realized that as opposed to other USB cables which I toss once they get like the above pic, I could just change which end is in my phone so that the cable last longer…
I don’t recall much from last night, but I found the cable in a garbage can today.
It wasn’t just thrown out, but it was cut up into multiple pieces…
I blame you for being an
/giphy "inebriated feline"

Someone messed me over with giving me Amazon gift card codes.
I didn’t pay for them, but still.
@PlacidPenguin I’ll make sure it happens again.
I blame you for the fact that I can’t find a decent site which offers discounts on shipping charges while accepting PayPal payments.
I found one site which looked promising, but the guy who I talked to, despite being an account manager, was absolutely clueless about what I was asking.
I mentioned PayPal payments, and he started talking to me about supported shipping methods.
While I was chatting with him, I found the “close my account” button, ended the chat, and closed my account.
Unblaming @DrunkCat.
While I’m happy that my eBay listing has bids, I blame you because I just noticed that apparently the listing is offering international shipping.
Now I’m nervous.
I can only infer that the movers my mom hired were drunk when they assembled the cubicles because even turning three into two they claimed a shortage of parts and yet ended up with a selection of extra screws and a barely attached cubicle setup that decided to fall on me while I was working under it.
Thank God my buddy was working with me and could come to my rescue. Half of the screw holes were empty, the arms not properly seated in the supporting walls, and they could not even be bothered to take out the top drawer of the pedestals to secure the desks to them. All of this blame on you as well as the fact that they were a team of three with two immigrants who didn’t understand English to the point that I had to draw them a picture of how the cubicles needed to face and a millennial who was ostensibly there to serve as supervisor/interpreter but apparently had no interest in actually ensuring quality work be done and instead made excuses for floppy desks in the offices being caused by lack of screws which I then provided and made them put in.
Guess I should have checked the cubes more carefully instead of helping the telecom guys install the new phone system.
Are you OK?
What a horrible situation. You may have injuries you can’t feel yet? Please let us know.
@f00l I’m fine just royally pissed off. Ironically I had suggested that she only have the movers bring the stuff up and leave assembly of the cubicles to me. Now we’ve paid for the move and assembly and I’m having to disassemble and reassemble properly.
@jbartus i’d contact co (mgr or higher) and demand at least partial refund for services not rendered (rendered so poorly as to cause failure).
@mollama so actually they ended up contacting us after finding my scathing review posted to Google, Yelp, Facebook, Angie’s List, AND The Better Business Bureau. They were extremely apologetic and had we not already resolved matters would have sent a crew out immediately to get things in order. We had ended up discovering a damaged monitor which they are replacing at a cost of around 1/6 of what we paid them so we’re considering the matter settled.
They were Extremely apologetic. Literally several calls with Mom and then they also called me personally to apologize. Everybody has bad days and hopefully this will be a learning experience for the crew we dealt with. The most important thing is that when you do have a bad day and screw up you acknowledge the fault and do your best to make amends. They showed they care and it turned a one-star review into a 4-star review.
One of my catshirts from catshirtswoot arrived on a purple shirt instead of slate. Is that a blame because it’s wrong or an unblame because it’s purple?
@narfcake Or a secret coded message to send it to @barney perhaps?
But I like purple too.
Guess there’s only one solution.
So I had major dental work done Thursday (used the settlement $ from being dumped from my job for having 2 cancers in 1 year to get long deferred dental work done and used the rest to pay down existing medical bills since there wasn’t enough left to get an eye exam, an updated rx for my 5 year old glasses lenses and replace them as they are enough off it is irritating) and it still hurts. A lot!!! I should not have turned down the pain rx I was offered. Dumb dumb dumb. Of all the rx’s I have chosen not to fill for financial reasons not filling this one was one of my dumber choices. All your fault @drunkcat. You should have told me this time I really would have needed it.
@Kidsandliz feel better soon. <hug>
@mollama Thank you. This morning is it maybe a bit better.
@Kidsandliz But then how would a lesson be learned? (Feel better!)
Ouch. Sorry. Hope it’s receding.
@mollama @f00l @DrunkCat Thanks. Went back to the dentist today and he gave me antibiotics…
Blaming @DrunkCat that my catshirt from catshirtswoot featuring a not-bad-luck-cat was printed off-center.

I’ve since decided that the accidentally purple catshirt is an unblame, however.
But that’s a DrunkDog, not a DrunkCat.
gif link
I blame you for something or other, @DrunkCat.
Hang on a bit, and I’ll figure out whut.
/giphy whut

/giphy random drunk cats

@DrunkCat, it is doing this on our honeymoon in Jamaica:

There were so many goats grazing at the hospital in Savanna-la-Mar but I never got a photo. Looks like your folks were having a grand old time.
But, unblame because I got married under your watch.
Net blame, zero.
@djslack I hope the weather has improved so you can
have fun other than in the bedroomenjoy all that Jamaica has to offer.@DrunkCat
Well… It finally happened.
My beloved Nexus 5X has encountered the dreaded bootloop. I figured it would happen soon since the phone was acting completely sluggish the last few days.
On the bright side, good thing I have my Nexus 5 sitting in a drawer next to me…
But yeah, I blame you for this,
So… After about 40 minutes, my phone decided to boot up properly.
In the meantime, I was talking to the Nexus support team, and after exchanging pleasantries, and answering a few questions, he was asking me for my info to set up a free replacement.
Significantly better than what other people have had to deal with.
Going to keep an eye on things, but it’s a good thing I have a contingency plan with regards to my phone.
Happened again shortly after making the last post.
Going back to my Nexus 5 wasn’t easy. Unfortunately hands-free activation decided to not show up just when I needed it, Sprint Worldwide Help transferred the service, but since something got messed up before I contacted them, nothing happened.
In the end, I solved the issue by flashing the stock image of Marshmallow to my phone, followed by re-rooting it and flashing the latest version of LineageOS (pluss GApps) to it.
Will contact Google soon to set up the replacement.
I continue to blame @DrunkCat.
(On the bright side, I remember how to switch my Huawei Watch between phones without having to factory reset the watch.)
Google backtracked.
Can’t get replacement unless I provide an order number which I have no way of getting.
Contacting LG sometime in the next few days.
If they don’t help, then Google wants me to contact them again with all info about interaction with LG.
Currently paying attention to prices on Swappa and eBay for the Google Pixel.
In the event I get a replacement for my Nexus 5X, I’ll probably sell it while I can, and put the funds towards the Pixel, thus slightly raising how much I’d be willing to spend on it.
I blame you because LG just informed me that my Nexus 5X is still under warranty, and that my PayPal receipt qualifies as Proof of Purchase.
I blame @drunkcat that I forgot to check Meh last night and again today when I was actually on the forum, but I strongly blame LG for my phone being so awful that when I realized I hadn’t checked Meh and attempted to do so at 11:55 p.m. it still took 7 minutes to load the page and thus my streak was broken. Most of the time I hang onto my old phone as a backup when I get a new phone, and sell the old backup, but this time I’m tempted to keep the backup and take this phone out to a gun range to get some revenge.
I blame @DrunkCat-Goat for failing to be sufficiently Drunk, failing to be sufficiently Catlike, and failing to be sufficiently Goatish.
DRUNK is s good place to start:
The Cold Logic of Drunk People
I blame you that my stupid cancer came back (not unexpected since it is one of the non-hodgkin lymphomas with no cure, but a longer life span). I unblame you in that at least I got, more or less, the average remission length from the last chemo go around.
What are the odds of another remission down the road?
@f00l Pretty high. Typically you get a bunch of them, each remission typically lasts a shorter amount of time. Many people live at least 12-15 years with this (follicular). Some as long as 20+. I am lucky in that the folks that do poorly generally relapse within a year or two and I got more than that. The hard decision is that if you want to go the stem cell transplant route usually you need to do that after the first or second remission for the best long term results. You can get a long remission out of this and with a few people who are 10+ years out after one they are starting to use the cure word, but the risks are also pretty high when doing one.
Are you a candidate to go the stem cell route?
If so, what are your thoughts?
@f00l I am sure I would be except you (1) need a caregiver (and you are told to count on the having to be available for 100 days) which I do not have and can’t afford to pay for one 24/7 and (2) I’d have to rent something within 15 minutes of the hospital since you are required to live that close until who knows when (I don’t know the criteria that then allows you to go home 450 miles away) once you get out and I can’t afford that. Frankly I can’t afford to even use up my entire out of pocket this year - as it is I cut corners (for example skipped the conscious sedation that was strongly recommended for something and the pain meds). As I said in another post I am lucky it is this kind of non-hodgkin’s lymphoma (follicular) since it grows slowly (is indolent) and watch and wait - even after relapse - is an acceptable approach in many instances (and it is an OK choice in my current situation).
I wonder if there might be charity agencies who might help with expenses. Or caregiving. I assume those are the biggest probs.
WTH. You are in Internet instructor, right? So your work life is portable.
Any chance you could just move to/camp out in Houston or wherever for a time? Houston has fairly low COL, doesn’t it?
I am ignorant. Does insurance totally not cover caregivers? What about getting it done somewhere near family, and camping out there?
@f00l No charities do not help, at least adults anyway, with bone marrow transplants. That is why you see all the fundraising for them. Insurance does pay for some of it. In fact with ACA care, many charities changed direction since far more people had health insurance and didn’t need as much help - although who knows what the future will bring. So far the goal seems to be to deprive those of us with pre-existing conditions affordable health insurance anyway - I guess a darwin experiment to “make Amerika healthy again” or “make Amerika poverty free again”.
I am not going to worry about it as I am not doing this now anyway. I am choosing watch and wait which is a reasonable choice. Sure if I had about $6-7000 I might have made a different choice with respect to what to do but since it won’t matter in the long run, nor even in the short run for a while anyway, I am going for save money. Besides the more you get treated the more you risk becoming resistant to some of the better drugs like rituxan - and if/when that happens that then becomes a problem.
Besides last time around we nearly killed my bone marrow and were damaging my liver. No desire to repeat that again (and I worked full time through that feeling like shit, getting sick over and over, got shingles in 5 nerve roots…no thank you to a rerun of that either). Who knows what will happen later (insurance or lack there of, new treatments, etc.) - so I will watch and wait. Google this stupid cancer and you can read about the issues if you want. When I was diagnosed I wanted to throw everything including the kitchen sink at it because I was freaking out (and things were bad enough I did need treated - watching and waiting was not an option). Now that I understand the issues and have finally gotten a grip on having this and the no cure aspect I am more willing to be far more casual about what we do or do not do.
I was just thinking about the longer remissions.
But I get it.
@f00l There is no guarantee it would be longer and at least, right now, no way to predict who will be lucky and who will not.
Just when I thought today couldn’t get any worse since;
I discovered a manila envelope in my mailbox with no return address. After I determined that there was no immediate danger to it, I discovered it was full of rubber bands.
Unfortunately, my rubber band ball is in a sealed box, and I don’t know which box it is in.
@PlacidPenguin Who the heck would send you rubber bands? Why the heck would someone send you rubber bands? Is it meh as a joke?
No association with Meh or mehmbers.
The reason for it is probably because I had a rubber band ball which I was moderately proud of.
@thismyusername Your co-workers must be a bunch of prudes.
I found a (relatively) fantastic deal on the Google Pixel.
It has some (known) hardware issues, but that would be covered under warranty.
Once I get it fixed, even I can’t use it, I could still always sell it at a decent profit.
It would come without the box, but honestly, if I really wanted it, I could just buy it separately (not that I would).
I blame you (@DrunkCat) because even though I am willing to buy it, I still haven’t yet.
What is a good deal on a pixel these days?
Well if you would respond to texts, I’d tell you how much I can get this one for.
Hey, wait a minute here…
What happened to @DrunkCat anyway? He said he wanted to be goat, he was elected to be goat, he played along for a while, and now he’s vanished. I’m worried about him.
Hello, out there… Please come home, or at least call, and tell us you’re okay. All is forgiven, just come home.
He’s prob hanging out on Meh’s unofficial Discord chat channel, nursing his endless hangovers, and neglecting his duties like a proper Druken Feline.
/giphy "drunken feline"

I’ve been over to the Meh Discord chat thing a few times to check in. Like once a month or less, since i first checked out our a few months back.
It’s fine. Quite friendly. You can scroll back thru the whole history if you wanna.
A few people are on there almost all day. A lot of them are gamers, and there is a lot of talk about games and game systems.
I don’t game, so that’s of less interest here, tho I enjoy saying “Hi”.
Nobody behaving horribly that I’ve ever seen. Everyone welcoming. Nice alt thing to have.
@DrunkCat is one of the folk who’s been over there a bit.
There is a dark theme, of course, which is helpful the anyone with a hangover … ; )
@Shrdlu Yoga kicked my ass.
/giphy yoga drunk cat

@f00l Uncanny
@DrunkCat I’m just happy that you’re still around, and okay. I’ve reached an age where people disappearing is often bad news, and I’m just not in the mood for more of that.
@Shrdlu Like they said, I still bounce around the discord infuriating anyone who comes across.
Infuriate me. Please.
@mfladd does not seem to be available at the moment for his usual assignment.
/giphy "bounce cat"

I blame you because the weather is splendid and I am happily boycotting the A/C.
All your fault.
Come make some proper amends here, after you’ve had a bit more hair o’ the dog and you’re up to the task.
/image whiskey

@DrunkCat I blame you that I bought crap from Woot yesterday. And I used the free shipping to buy:
Three t- shirts
Three more t-shirts
Three hoodies
A Krampus mug
Another Krampus mug
Two more Krampus mugs
Another two more Krampus mugs
And finally two last Krampus mugs
I also bought two pair of sunglasses but that was @OldCatLady’s fault.
I also blame you that the mail person will hate me.
Did you buy any mugs?
@sammydog01 I will make sure the mailman kicks the packages a few times just for good measure.
@PlacidPenguin One or two.
@DrunkCat Mug puzzles! Nice!
I kept meaning to drop by the Wootoff all day and never got 'round tuit.
So I missed some Wellingtons that I might have grabbed at the wootoff. I don’t need more, but the vineyard stock is soon to be gone forever, and I guess I would have been a sucker for it.
Perhaps in June. : )
Aside from wine, or some unexpected deal of the sort Woot had 7 years ago, I don’t care about Wootoffs any more.
@Drunkcat, I blame you that I missed the chance to get more of a high quality drunk thing going. You let me down here.
@sammydog01 Sunglasses blame is mine. I may also accept it for the Krampus mugs, because I hadn’t seen them the first time I bought shirts. When I went back for more shirts, I bought one, posted about it, then bought three more. Then I went back for more shirts, and bought four more mugs. Then I bought sunglasses, and maxed out my shirt purchases. By then everybody was buying the mugs. Sigh. My mailperson will hate me. I did not, however, buy any wine, or a BoC.
@OldCatLady Our doorsteps will look almost identical in a couple of weeks! Let’s compare shirts and number of busted mugs, OK?
@sammydog01 I really don’t want to tally up what my total damages were from yesterday, but only 2 out of the 9 orders excluded randoms.
($5 hoodies are cheaper than any of the thrift stores here.)
@f00l Let’s go to a cliff side and I’ll let you down some more.
I’ll help. So will @mfladd. (Or so I would assume.)
@narfcake I have 6 Woot packages coming next week and 5 of them are mugs.
I blame you because while I technically sold my copy of ASOIAF, the buyer is in Israel.
So I guess if they take me up on my offer to cancel the transaction, I either need to take a bigger loss on the box set, or list it again.
I was really hoping to get one of 6 boxes out of my closet this week, but I suppose that’s not happening.
Media mail overseas? Do they still have that?
I’m not even obligated to ship it there.
Specifically listed it under domestic shipping.
@PlacidPenguin Possibly they have a CONUS mailing POC they can use.
Well so far I have not received any communication from the buyer, so I don’t really have to worry about shipping ASOIAF.
@DrunkCat Why do you keep breaking Meh’s website?

/giphy broken meh

/giphy giphy perfection
@sammydog01 The first gif is how I feel if I drink coffee! It’s like @giphy dipped into my soul and stole my darkest memories…
/giphy dream stealer

Irrelevant search result, but… PUPPIES!
@ruouttaurmind Best gif of the day.

/giphy "kittens vs puppies"

/giphy "puppies vs kittens"
/giphy moar puppies


/giphy puppies!!!

/giphy "puppies fix everything"
Uh, let’s try again.
/giphy "puppies fix everything"

In a near-futile search for relevant results, one more time:
/giphy "puppies fix everything"

I give up.
/giphy "Hail, Caesar!"


/giphy puppies are everything
don’t want gross giphy results, /giphy. honestly.
/giphy puppies

@f00l Well, you got a PSA from NSA PDQ.
@f00l I don’t know what that gif is but it killed my laptop.
@sammydog01 yup - doesn’t load for me either
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01
It loaded eventually for me, but by that time I had already had it open in a new tab.
That’s odd, the last giphy did fine for me on an iPhone.
It’s a cute puppy thingie, after giphy handed me a bunch of gross nasty ones in a row, and I had to keep replacing them. Not in the mood for gross and nasty.
Here is a broken link. (For copy and paste, remove the linefeeds):
You won’t have to unsee it.
Hey dere NSA!
Howz things in Maryland?
@sammydog01 Because they refuse to bring back Drinking Terribly. I want my button damn it.
@DrunkCat I have two Drinking Terrible buttons. So there.
rather large gif version
I blame @DrunkCat for not being drunk-to-plastered.
Am I wrong? Prove it.
/giphy cat with attitude

@f00l Donate your liver. Problem solved.
My nice healthy liver isn’t getting anywhere near you.
Now go get plastered.
Problem solved.
/giphy solved

Just got an 8% eBay Bucks offer.
Sigh. That would have been helpful last week.
I blame you @DrunkCat.
@PlacidPenguin I make sure you only get what you need after you don’t need it.
@Drunkcat claims to want to be
Capra Perpetuum
(Goat In Perpetuity)
Ok. Earn it. Let us have:
Snark Aeternam
/giphy earn it

I forgot to blame @DrunkCat last night that since I haven’t found any Blendtec jars in thrift stores, I resorted to ordering one off eBay.
On the other hand, I’m still under $40 total, so you’re unblamed.

/image Blendtec ICB3 blender
@narfcake You can also blame him tomorrow when you find one for three dollars and can’t return the online one.
Omg it’s still a deal even if he does find the jars in thrift stores quickly.

/giphy win win
Did you order a wild side jar?
@sammydog01 Heh! I won’t complain if I do, though.
@f00l No. Those won’t work with the sound enclosure, not to mention over twice as much.