I distinctly recall numerous comments to the effect of “Throw away the leash and use the collapsible bowl” owing to the number of reports of problems with them. Not operational problems so much as shortcomings in the basic concept. I see people going by my house being walked by their dogs at the end of one of these all the time, but I have no personal experience with them, and do not intend to get any.
Seems like MorningSave might still be having trouble with math. This item is listed on a section in the MS app where all deals are $19.99 or under, not over like the lights.
I haven’t run them through the calculator, but the meatware estimator doesn’t see any obvious problems there. Which one is way off, by how much?
Triton 16-ft Leash with Bowl, $4.99. 2 pack of the same for only $14.99
@tightwad Ah. Yes. Egregious.
@tightwad Buy 2, pay for a 3rd!
@tightwad Can you buy two singles and return a 2 pack?
Back in May, these were $18 for 3 of them on meh.
I bought them then and they are meh.
I distinctly recall numerous comments to the effect of “Throw away the leash and use the collapsible bowl” owing to the number of reports of problems with them. Not operational problems so much as shortcomings in the basic concept. I see people going by my house being walked by their dogs at the end of one of these all the time, but I have no personal experience with them, and do not intend to get any.
Seems like MorningSave might still be having trouble with math. This item is listed on a section in the MS app where all deals are $19.99 or under, not over like the lights.
@heartny Present in that category in the regular browser-access page as well, unsurprisingly.
@heartny @werehatrack
Looks like they must have subcontracted the algorithms from Amazon. Their sorting by price SUX!
@chienfou @heartny Their search is still far superior to Amz’s spamhose.
Having the same maths problem at the Side Deal
@ybmuG It would be interesting to find out the ratio of clicks on those two buy-it buttons.
@werehatrack @ybmuG Corrected! Thank you for letting us know. We will try to do better.
The .99 virus has infected the system.