@medz I am genuinely happy for you. I wish you and your pan the best together. Personally, I prefer one without compartments so I can use it for a variety of different things
@haydesigner Well, doesn’t it seem like an idea that introduces new problems? How do you, say, flip or stir something without it spilling into the “wrong” pocket? Wouldn’t you have to do contortions to orient a spatula to remove the food from a section? It also seems like cleaning it properly would be annoying, with all those corners and raised edges.
@mike808 I can’t believe it didn’t all burn! Man, jiffy pop was da bomb when I was a kid. So amazing! If you have not made jiffy pop for your kids, well, that’s abuse.
@wew We always buy two things of Jiffy Pop when we go camping- one to cook on the campfire, which always burns, and one to cook on the Coleman stove, which turns out perfectly.
As a cooking implement it is absolutely stupid, worthless and useless. You need space to cook, flip, stir fry, caramelize or sweat your ingredients. And any good cook will always tell you to flip meats onto empty spaces in the skillet or pan because there will be more heat there.
Really, about the only use for it is as a wall decoration. What it says about you is that you’re willing to throw away twenty five dollars and the dumbest piece of s*** imaginable.
If I saw this in the wild I would assume it’s a parody product, like the automated cat petters.
This is bad on so many levels and I imagine it would only ever be bought by someone who never cooks and would never use it.
First off, there wouldn’t be room to cook anything of anything.
It can’t handle high heat, which makes it useless as a pan.
It has the type of non stick coating that flakes off and gets in your food.
Nothing cooks equally at same temperature for same time. When one thing is done you need to take everything off stove to remove one cooked item to continue cooking other things.
You try doing eggs and bacon, you’re probably going to get rubber eggs if you don’t remove them before bacon is half cooked.
Very inconvenient to stir or flip anything.
This is really the worst idea since the solar powered flashlight with no battery.
I see massive cross-contamination, a quarantine Zone, a declaration of martial law and the United States Army taking over, people bused out of their homes I’m going to pass on this one. It’s Red Dawn all over.
I may buy three of these for no other reason than to show my other pans the correct way to stack themselves in the pan drawer. They just don’t try hard enough, in my opinion.
If it were cast-iron I’d be a maybe, but I’ve gotten away from non-stick pans as I’ve had some of the coating flake off and end up in the food. That quickly turned into pizza delivery night.
Even so, I’m not sure how I could make good use of a pan like this unless I was cooking for myself, which I rarely do.
@TheMonkeyKing today it is made out of plastic and they expect you to put it in the microwave where the plastic out gasses and seasons the contents very nicely.
My Woot! branded cast iron skillet is my favorite kitchen tool. I’m going through a divorce and we can’t decide who gets it. This is no joke.
Meh, I implore you, partner with Lodge and make another one, pretty pretty please. I can stomach seasoning a new pan with your logo on it.
However, I cannot stomach another day with this crap on your site. Please liquidate them elsewhere, or send them to the F-bag ‘winners.’ Just please, stop wasting our time.
What’s in the Box?
1x Master Pan
“Hey whats cooking?”
Challenge mode: fill the whole thing with pancake batter
The part that gets hot
More food
I dislike every part of this
Price Comparison
$42.47 at Amazon
2 Year Master Pan
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Cooking up a deal tonight meh…well, stick to it ER I mean don’t stick to it in this case…
Boiled baby arms!
How good is the speaker in this skillet?
Kebabs and pancake - my favorite!
@norman8 That’s a hamburger bun, goof ball. For the open face burger!
I’m divided…meh
spare change anyone?
If it isn’t Bluetooth, USB or can’t be operated from my iPhone then I’m out.
@norman8 Purpletooth! [obligatory USB-C plug]
Seems like a pain in the ass to flip/stir anything. I predict a lot of spillage.
this product is completely stupid. hard pass. advise against buying it.
@boygenius1991 I have one. Works great.
@boygenius1991 I can think of a few ways to make this stupider, so it’s not completely stupid:
@medz I am genuinely happy for you. I wish you and your pan the best together. Personally, I prefer one without compartments so I can use it for a variety of different things
@awk Noice.
So the only reason you advise against buying it, @boygenius1991, is because you think it’s stupid?
@haydesigner Well, he is a genius
@haydesigner Well, doesn’t it seem like an idea that introduces new problems? How do you, say, flip or stir something without it spilling into the “wrong” pocket? Wouldn’t you have to do contortions to orient a spatula to remove the food from a section? It also seems like cleaning it properly would be annoying, with all those corners and raised edges.
@capguncowboy Nah, he was a genius as a boy. Now he’s all grown up and just as dumb as the rest of us.
I’m calling bluff on the write-up’s threat about us not buying them all. They’ll just sell the rest on morningsave with the same story.
@medz Morningsave doesn’t do stories. People buy shit there just because it exists.
@sammydog01 If it ain’t broke…
I thought this one used the same write-up…
@medz You are correct. I didn’t look that one up.

/giphy my bad

/giphy we cool
350F in oven is not very hot…
@jmcrosa Probably because of the Bakelite handle. 1907 called and want their plastic technology back.
Perfect for the barbie Mate but @ that price i’m afraid i have to say sayonara… I would grab it for 13 and under … Jus sayin !!
Looks like you’re right

I’m pleased by how the digits in the Amazon price are reversed to get the Meh price.
@awk In that case, if only Amazon was selling this for $40. Then I’d be in.
This pan is perfect for DIY TV Dinners
TV dinner tray grew up and become skillet.
Xylan is the most basic of Whitford’s nonstick coatings. I don’t expect this to hold up for very long …
Master Pan/Master Plan. Conjures up strange images for me.
But I think this would be great on the grill! Doesn’t matter if you use charcoal or…gas.
@wew 350 degrees max … nope!
@wew Master Pain?
@Kawa Master of my domain!
Big meh for me, with it not being cast iron, I just don’t see a use for it
Oh come on, Meh. You rip off the first listed Amazon review for your title? Wow. Creative block day? Pass for the plagiarism alone.
@Typhadog… deep breaths… it’ll pass…
If there was a practical way to make this work on my stove top, I’d buy it. But there isn’t, so wallet wins again.
@lordbowen You have an induction cooktop?
@narfcake Have a funky old four-burner electric stove top. Regardless of which burner I used, the skillet would extend onto/over the countertop.
btw that is NOT a CD frying up in the 3rd or 4th photo in, even though it sure looks like it. Just the bottom of the pan.
@luvche21 No, of course it isn’t a CD. It’s a LaserDisc silly!
Would not look forward to cleaning all those corners. Would rather risk food touching each other.
Perfect for making five different popcorn flavors at the same time.
@mike808 That would make an awesome video.
@sammydog01 Here you go.
@mike808 how would you contain the popcorn? If you make it like the video, they’d all be mixed.
@RiotDemon Any five flavors you like, as long as they’re butter, butter, butter, butter, butter, or butter.
Or you add the flavor AFTER you pop it.
Or make little expandable sections or funnels to direct the popped kernels into individual containers away from the heat.
@mike808 I can’t believe it didn’t all burn! Man, jiffy pop was da bomb when I was a kid. So amazing! If you have not made jiffy pop for your kids, well, that’s abuse.
/youtube Alton Brown popcorn
@wew We always buy two things of Jiffy Pop when we go camping- one to cook on the campfire, which always burns, and one to cook on the Coleman stove, which turns out perfectly.
Coming soon to a thousand garage sales near you!
Reminds me of those drawer organizers that don’t fit anything you own. Except hotter.
Their recipe book and cooking tips (apparently not included with purchase here):
Only 10 pages, but it has several recipes for oriental dishes. (I think I’ll try the kung pao chicken first.)
I’ve been looking at this pan for a few months now. Really want it, but still not at a price I’m willing to pay.
A bad deal at half the price. Meh.
As a cooking implement it is absolutely stupid, worthless and useless. You need space to cook, flip, stir fry, caramelize or sweat your ingredients. And any good cook will always tell you to flip meats onto empty spaces in the skillet or pan because there will be more heat there.
Really, about the only use for it is as a wall decoration. What it says about you is that you’re willing to throw away twenty five dollars and the dumbest piece of s*** imaginable.
@TheTexasTwister Wall decorations:
Say, pardner, could ya fry me up a Texas-sized mess of bacon?
This is a classic example of a solution in search of a problem.
/giphy solution in search of a problem

Also, here it is on Overstock, with three wimpy reviews:
I thought it was like the woot pan, cast iron. My better half has a thing about non-stick had to cancel order.
I sure hope you guys didn’t buy more than a gross of these things. Yikes!
“Pans don’t tell you what to do!”
Nice handled coin sorter.
I love non-stick. Better living through chemistry. Not this one though.
If I saw this in the wild I would assume it’s a parody product, like the automated cat petters.
This is bad on so many levels and I imagine it would only ever be bought by someone who never cooks and would never use it.
First off, there wouldn’t be room to cook anything of anything.
It can’t handle high heat, which makes it useless as a pan.
It has the type of non stick coating that flakes off and gets in your food.
Nothing cooks equally at same temperature for same time. When one thing is done you need to take everything off stove to remove one cooked item to continue cooking other things.
You try doing eggs and bacon, you’re probably going to get rubber eggs if you don’t remove them before bacon is half cooked.
Very inconvenient to stir or flip anything.
This is really the worst idea since the solar powered flashlight with no battery.
@OnionSoup yah, but could you make soup in it?
@RedOak Cereal.

@narfcake now that I would buy
I see massive cross-contamination, a quarantine Zone, a declaration of martial law and the United States Army taking over, people bused out of their homes I’m going to pass on this one. It’s Red Dawn all over.
Is it strong enough for the classic bonk on husband head?
This is probably the most most bizarre thing I’ve seen yet.
@dimwittedanimal you’ve only been here about a month. Give it a few more months.
@RedOak what is the most bizzare thing you’ve seen in your time on meh?
@dimwittedanimal These would be in the running. If you disagree I can send you one.
I may buy three of these for no other reason than to show my other pans the correct way to stack themselves in the pan drawer. They just don’t try hard enough, in my opinion.
This one should have been paused at 12:05am to give the morning folks access and then never made live again.
I see it comes with a Compact Disc (CD). What songs/tracks will it play for me while I cook?
If it were cast-iron I’d be a maybe, but I’ve gotten away from non-stick pans as I’ve had some of the coating flake off and end up in the food. That quickly turned into pizza delivery night.
Even so, I’m not sure how I could make good use of a pan like this unless I was cooking for myself, which I rarely do.
@ACraigL think of those flakes as pepper.
@RedOak OK. Poisonous pepper. That helps, thanks.
@ACraigL no, that would be counterproductive and get you right back where you were.
Simply pepper. Yah, pepper.
No - if you don’t cook for yourself, you probably won’t have much use a pan.
Okay, this is just junk! Aluminum? Should be $5 at most. I fully expect to see this thing at a local charity thrift store for 50 cents… C’mon.
That this even exists angers me.
Junk! I mean, whatever happened to this one?

But whatever…omelette you finish!
@TheMonkeyKing today it is made out of plastic and they expect you to put it in the microwave where the plastic out gasses and seasons the contents very nicely.
/giphy most-awesome-pun

For those who like TV dinners, but insist on using the stove.
The picture of the two kabobs is resized to be smaller than a hamburger bun. Something doesn’t seem right there.
@sgreenmeh The skewer itself seems the correct width, perhaps they snapped a skewer in have for 2 short kabobs…
Is this the item with the least sold quantity besides the Atmos stuff?
@RiotDemon Wow- it may be the least sold item for under twenty-five bucks.
This is the item which sold the least.
@PlacidPenguin wow. That’s painful.
According to Mehstalker, other items sold in really low quantities.
This one sold the least.
My Woot! branded cast iron skillet is my favorite kitchen tool. I’m going through a divorce and we can’t decide who gets it. This is no joke.
Meh, I implore you, partner with Lodge and make another one, pretty pretty please. I can stomach seasoning a new pan with your logo on it.
However, I cannot stomach another day with this crap on your site. Please liquidate them elsewhere, or send them to the F-bag ‘winners.’ Just please, stop wasting our time.
Seeing the sales for this pan, I’ll assume it will be offered in the next Fuko bag lol
Somewhere…Ron Popeil is laughing his ass off