March 8 -- Fuck You, March 8


Can we just remove this date from the calendar entirely?

I apologize to those people who have happy events to celebrate on this date!

I abhor March 8th.  My family lost someone very precious to us on this date.

@Cranky1950 has nothing on me today

Do me a favor – when someone is having a seemingly terrible day and they may be taking it out on you unnecessarily, consider they might be dealing with a pressure, sadness, or concern unbeknownst to you.  Try your best to absorb, deflect or negate the angst.  Sometimes, just a simple smile can make a huge difference in another person’s day!

Is there a day of great significance in your life you would rather skip?  Is there a day that is spectacularly awesome that you would like to share?

I probably won’t around much today…last day of training and trekking home to the ruggies (if they are a tween and a teen, can I still call them ruggies?) I will catch up with you all tomorrow!  Be good until I am back on patrol.