March 3 -- Freakin Cold Day here!!
6So do you play videos linked to Meh on a regular basis?
I know I lured you in with a weather title, and now want to talk about videos! (It is supposed to get the negative degrees here shortly, from 60 degrees+ yesterday!)
@mfladd started a thread about music and I was following along until everyone dropped the artist/song names. I rarely listen to videos because I am normally on meh on my work pc and live in a cube jungle, or I am on my phone which has terrible speakers and I don’t often wear my headsets.
If you do listen to them, what is your method of projecting the sound. If you do not, why not?
Also, “mediocrebot is an asshole” is an exception – I watch those with the kids!
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Bluetooth headset.
@f00l perhaps my problem is I buy too many meh bluetooth headsets!!! they don’t work well for me…
@mikibell Bluetoose modo is open.
@mikibell So this is my fault??? WTF! Fine, I will add artist/song names to the ones I know. @thismyusername @mossygreen @KittySprinkles pls add artist/song titles - the goat is getting cranky.
@mfladd what am I going to do without you to blame next week???
@mikibell Ugh…Goats blaming old goats - I feel like I am in bizzaro world.
(ps blame @carl669 while I am gone)
/giphy old goat
@mikibell I have already broken my chromebook trying to add artist/songs. I hope you are happy. The first vid in topic is Julia Michaels/Issues. This is her first time singing her own music but has been writing for so many other artists - the list is crazy.
@mfladd Uch, fine. I only didn’t add names and titles because no one else was doing it and I thought it would look weird. I’ll go do it now.
@mossygreen I know, I know. Blame “crankypants” goat @mikibell. It’s her fault.
@mfladd The dumb part is that I totally agree with @mikibell, and in fact was looking at the page earlier thinking I hate having to play a video to see what it is.
If I watch videos (rarely non-work related ones) (more often webinars though), it’s with headphones, although I could just crank the speakers currently.