March 12 -- Doing me wrong...


I swear I am cursed… So I had that other topic about being in a wedding. Did I state that I am outnumbered by inlaws? My husband is 1 of 6 children!! The other topic was about #6 child. This topic is about #1 child.

Yesterday, I got a call from his girlfriend. I didn’t hear the phone, so she left a breathless, excited message and asked me to call her back – she had wonderful news! (First thought, good Lord, what now?)

So as I was waiting for my niece to arrive to go to the swim meet with the babydoll, I called her from the car.

Finally, she and #1 child have set a wedding date. It is in 4 weeks. Can I bring my family to podunk town in SC?

Shake my head…why me? Turns out my husband and child #3 are the only invitees. How can I say no?? Hubby just started a new job, and has no earned time off yet and can’t go. I will have to travel a 12 hour drive with the ruggies, alone! I love driving, but that is a longgg drive. Am I getting points in the book of life for all of this craziness? Oh, did I mention the wedding is mid day on a Wednesday?

I am seriously considering becoming a judgemental bitch so I can be dropped from all of these invite lists! I try not to rock the boat, but I am thinking that plan is backfiring !

Now this girlfriend is a sweetheart…child #1, well, the label fits. If I can swing the time off and the expense, I will be spending spring break in podunk SC…

Do you have any cool plans for Spring Break? Can I go with you? Pretttttyyy please??