By placing an order you represent that you are at least 21 years of age
This item is only eligible for ground shipping
Alcohol cannot be delivered to a PO Box
Someone 21 years or older must be present to sign for the alcohol when it is delivered
We recommend shipping the wine to your business address
If visibly intoxicated upon delivery, you will not be allowed to receive the wine
Void where prohibited by law
We cannot ship to these states: AK, AL, AR, DE, HI, IN, KY, MS, OK, RI, UT
Your order will be canceled if you are shipping to one of the states above
The seller may delay shipment if the temperature at the shipping or delivery address is not between 35°F and 85°F.
Fancy wine notes: This Bordeaux style blend offers ripe fruit with a luxurious texture. The Merlot base creates the foundation for its medium body that lends itself nicely to a multitude of food pairings. The Cabernet Sauvignon brings the richness of such dark fruits as blackberries and blueberries. Dive deeper into the unending layers of this wine and you’ll find the Petit Verdot offers you the velvet soft tannins you’re looking for. Beyond that, you’ll notice the Petite Sirah, though only a small percentage of this wine, is the powerhouse that gives this blend its gorgeous garnet color and long-lasting finish.
Blend: 60% Merlot, 20% Cabernet Sauvignon, 13% Petit Verdot, 7% Petite Sirah
If you are anywhere near Manhattan, bring some serious chilled street cool.
And since you don’t drink red wine, I guess bring some nice bottles of white, or perhaps bring some fancy expensive high-tech ultra-fashionable bottled water.
If you figure out the details of when and where, I could give you my Woot username (if you have an account there) so that you could PM me, or you could shoot me an email (I could give that to you).
@Jamileigh17 Our wonderful Governor Wolf changed the law a while back and we can now have wine shipped to PA. I have no need to buy it, but I’m in Havertown. I’ll come drink yours, when’s the party?!
Meh doesn’t have a license to sell alcohol. They just provide a marketing and shopping cart mechanism for the winery, which holds the license and sells the product.
The winery has to get individual licenses state-by-state in some cases, and can’t ship to some states at all.
@snapster and @dave have explained all this in various thread.
So are these any good? Really want to get disgustingly drunk on novelty wine around my inlaws during the holidays. I am, however, a sophisticated drunk, so these cannot suck.
@canneddirt probably not worth it. Quality aside, it’s mostly merlot which is pretty heavy to just drink on its own for fun. It usually only goes well with a steak dinner.
@ColeSloth@canneddirt Having just returned from a trip to Paso Robles where we made a stop at this winery (Broken Earth) along with a couple dozen other wineries, I can say with confidence that Broken Earth is one of the weakest wineries in the region. All about production quantity and very little emphasis on the quality. Drop your $60 elsewhere.
@cocacola08 What were your favorites from the Region? In general, I like Paso wines and the juxtaposition of a “Bordeaux-style” blend with the Paso Robles region style intrigues me.
@corrado That’s a tough one to offer a quick answer… Depends on the price-point you are targeting, the varietals, etc… We’ve hit mainly wineries that had bottles in the $25-$50 range and total production <2,500cases/yr, with a smattering of lower and higher end (price and production) for some perspective. Probably the best option for exploring Bordeaux style in Paso is to check out the Cab Collective
You have to check out RN Estate located in far Northeast side of Paso. His Bordeauxs are all estate from 4 acres. He’s also sourcing some grapes from Santa Maria and Santa Rita that result in some pretty impressive Burgundian style Pinot Noirs. He was by far the best we tasted (and tasting experience) for grapes grown East of the 101. Other than RN, from the East side Cass is pretty good
For the West side… There are the obvious big production choices for Bordeauxs (Justin, J Lohr, Daou, etc.) that have good stuff at a variety of price ranges. It can be a little more difficult to find smaller production Brecon Estate, Whalebone, Thatcher to name a few. On the higher price end (~$90/btl) a new winery called Benom with a tasting room in Tin City was pretty impressive. Brothers Arnaud (asst. winemaker @ Law Estate) and Guillaume Fabre (owner/winemaker @ Clos Solene) teamed up to make a couple pretty incredible offerings.
For Rhone’s and other styles… Where do you even begin… So many incredible options, here’s a few of our highlights from the last trip: Kukkula Kaimie Ranchero Cellars Pelletierre (Italian Varietals) Turtle Rock
@cocacola08 Thanks for the thoughtful feedback. I have no skin in the game for this particular offering, but I am a big fan of Wine Woot and Wine Country Connect, the likely curator/coordinator behind this offering. The wine we’re assuming this to be a $16 bottle. Shipping wine is pricey and considering there’s the winery, distributor, and meh/storefront involved, getting that down to $10 per half case is pretty solid.
If your travels took you along the course of $25 - $50 wineries, I’m not surprised that this would have been at the bottom of your trip. $25-$50 from $10 - $15 is a mega jump in what to expect from the product.
My purchase is based solely on the rep of the folks involved and the extreme rarity with which they’ve produced a “Stinker” offering that I regretted purchasing.
@corrado Haven’t been disappointed by any of the woot or meh offerings I’ve picked up. You’re surely right about trying to compare it to everything else we hit while we were there (which we tried not to do, but it’s difficult to be that objective).
We’re certainly aware of the price on shipping and what it does to the final cost of a bottle. Between the two couples that went on this trip we checked/shipped ~90 bottles back to TX…
I’m curious about the Wine Country Connect you mentioned… Hadn’t heard of that.
@cocacola08 I’ll probably butcher this in terms of the legalese, but WCC effectively acts as the “broker” for the wine.woot (and, I assume, meh) transactions. For sure, woot & meh are not the sellers of record, they are simply providing the storefront through which a winery sells their own product. WCC manages the distribution of that sale, thus keeping the sale legal in terms of interstate commerce laws.
I’m admittedly unsure how the behind-the-curtains arrangement works when meh or woot commissions their own branded wine (is the Winery or Meh/Woot the seller of record?). Post-Amazon Woot definitely had more conservative interpretations of the interstate shipping laws than the early days, but even those were WAY more conservative that sites like wtso, Last Bottle, or winelibrary that would basically ship almost anywhere if you had a valid ZIP code.
SEE! But it’s not on your list, and they relaxed the shipping rules in 2016 to allow wine shipments, so you SHOULD be able to now. FWIW, I ordered the previous time ya’ll offered wine and it got here fine. No cops!
@hanzov69 RC Cola used to be my favorite. My dad would sometimes get waiters to pretend that’s what I was getting. He even explained once “if a dad winks and says he wants RC Cola, he gets it.”. Went right over my head.
I live in SD. In the past few years we passed a law allowing postal delivery of wines. With a few caveats. Has to come from a winery that has purchased a $100 license to sell in the state and registered the product.
@avengur PA did a similar thing, finally. The crap part is that there are still a lot of winery’s that haven’t done it and a lot of online retailers that just don’t want to deal with it.
Why is Alabama so screwed up? The state says i can’t purchase wine or sex toys it’s illegal in Alabama and is subject to a fine of up to $10,000 and a year in jail for a first offense and one to ten years in jail for recidivism. I hate AL, no wine, no toys.
@Pantheist that’s what you get when religion and state are not truly separate. At one time Playboy channel was blocked on DirecTV. That’s okay now. Moving on up Slowly.
@scbysnax I don’t think you actually understand what separation of church and state means. It’s separation from the institutions, not individual people’s opinions
@uninflammable There is no such thing as separation of church and state. It’s not in our constitution. That term may have been mentioned by some supreme court justice in a decision or something but there’s nothing written that says the must be separated. Just that congress cannot create any laws preventing the free exercise of religion.
If there was a separation, Christmas wouldn’t be a federal holiday and government employees would have to work on that day.
@cengland0 - I’m gonna have to say that freedom of religion means the state cannot (and does not, officially) have any tie to or weight with religion, from laws to administrative edicts, to court rulings.
As far as Christmas being a federal holiday… the only relation between that and the contemporary Christian celebration of the birth of of their lord is the name. Everything else can be traced to simple traditions from before the existence of the U.S.
Not even the date has anything to do with Christianity, originally - it was a Pope trying to co-opt a Roman religious day
Aside from the order foibles… Looks from google searching to be a fairly sweet red. Given how many parties I’m likely to be dragged to over the next month or so, having a few cheap but different bottles of wine around would NOT be a bad life choice, and my boyfriend prefers sweeter wines, so leftovers will go towards my hobby of getting him drunk. Not a bad life choice! (I wish wines could be broken down into “Really dry, dry, slightly sweet, really sweet” across the board for red, with acidic taking over for dry on white wines. It’d make trying new wines SO much easier for those of us who don’t really care enough to learn wine terminology.
@corrado Yeah, but you’re forced to buy six at once and $10 is pretty darn high for 750 mils. If it was ten bucks for one, I’d be game to try it. But I’m not buying six at once of something I might not even like.
Well, y’all know how to make a Latino Red Neck Cry-Baby Cry, {you’re old enough to know better, so cry, baby cryya!} My State, and yes, it IS mine, happens to be on Big Brother’s 'No Can Do List!! DAMMIT!! THE HELL!!
An eon ago, at my old job, we put an eye to the vin law on a tip by a new pal. He saw a rad new way to get the vin to you via our web. It was a new dot hut to our dot com.
Now, on a sad day at the end of our sun lap, the hut we set up is to go bye bye.
At the end of the run, if a pal did tip a mug to me, I may tip my mug too as we say bye to the old hut.
May we see the way so far on a new day as we did in the era ago.
@snapster I tip my hat and raise a glass to the man that truly redefined the meaning of a daily deal, collected untold thousands of my coin for increadible items I did not know I needed and sent me to rehab for compulsive buying disorders.
I will celebrate pre-thanksgiving sipping on a glass of monkey wine, listening to pirated songs on my Sansa and watching the Roombas do a choreographed holiday dance.
@Woody1 Kill the lights, and watch the Roombas through your Spy Net Recording Night Vision Goggles. You can see their infrared communications - and they’re probably talking about you.
@rpstrong Oh, I’m confident they’re talking about me. I constantly see them huddling in the corner. I’ll show them though, I’ll remove the IR barrier at the top of the stairs if they keep it up.
When did Michigan start letting people ship alcohol? As recently as a couple months ago, I was under the impression that deliveries couldn’t be made by third parties.
@InnocuousFarmer It was 11/23/2012, which was the day after OSU beat MU, 26 to 21. Michigan has been drinking grapes ever since. OSU is 5-0, soon to be 6-0. All-time record of 56-48-6, and that excludes the 2010 win vacated as a result of NCAA violations.
@InnocuousFarmer not familiar with specifics of your third party reference but this is shipping first party. You are buying it from the producer and they are shipping it to you.
@IWUJackson It has to do with the cost and paperwork the winery has to complete. The ROI just isn’t there. You need to have a sanctuary city of winos like Ohio. I’d drive you over a case but couldn’t promise that a roadie or two wouldn’t happen.
@boink —
“XXI”? “ten and ten and one”? ok, if you say so… but who did say so? Can I see the MAD law on a dot com? I am one who has yet to see any law for MAD… I am sad…
But “can” and “not” can be a key set of III and a key set of III AND/OR a key set of VI, if not put in Mad Ape Den way.
If you are yet mad at Meh, you may be so… but “may not” is not as bad as “can not” - If Meh did fix it, you may not be so mad, yes?
Unless this stuff is at least 80 proof, those of us in the Arctic north (see map–zero North Dakota sales) can’t take delivery because they’d be froze solid (if not broken) by the time we’d get home from work. Try again long about May 2018, please!!
@tohar1 A non-intoxicated person over 21 has to be there to sign for it. They won’t leave wine on your doorstep for the neighbor kids to steal (or to freeze solid).
At least when wine.woot does their labels, there is a chance the blend is somewhat unique. Winemakers join in and share why (usually it is simply “we had extra juice”) the blend came about.
Even if not top-end stuff, you are at least getting a unique wine. This stuff is just relabeled <10 wine. If you are going to try and be woot, at least get a winemaker to do a custom blend and bottling.
@KNmeh7 There have certainly been woot-branded wines that were basically just re-labels. There were largely two approaches to how wine.woot moved product: 1) “Marketing” for new/unknown wineries wanting to get their name out there, and 2) “Clearance House” for wineries that were paying for warehouse space for non-current vintages and they needed to free up space.
I’m in for one and willing to give it a test. The first one (Zin) wasn’t amazeballs, but it was worth the price paid.
@KNmeh7 in whole, we’ve done the majority of wine.woot offerings and our logistics partners have done all of them. There is no distinction to make there. Each of our wine.woot offers and now our Meh offers take advantage of opportunistic availability that fits the scale of the order. Sometimes, this is a very unique high end blend that doesn’t fit a larger order, other times it’s a portion of something blended as a larger lot. I agree that is more boring.
It’s important to have predicatable medium to large audience in wine-making. Thanks to all who support this and future offerings even if it doesn’t hit your exact sweet spot every time.
Okay fine, I’ll buy because I’ll be needing a wine.meh in the near future or better yet, Also, it took a long time to type this, I may or may not be drunk already.
I’ll bet that anyone who cares already knows that there’s a Woot Off going over on Woot that involves Wine dot Woot. I’m vaguely considering setting up an Amazon account just for the purpose of purchasing items, on the random (and very real) possibility that something comes up that I may never see again…
It’s a Paso wine and tastes like a sub-$20 Paso wine. If you’ve found Welch’s that tastes like this, please send it my way! It’s a little hot out of the bottle, it’s not super-complex, but it’s still head & shoulders over Bogle or Blackstone and at a cheaper price. For a seven year old wine I paid $10 for, I’m pretty freakin’ satisfied with this roll of the dice.
Corrado, I have to come down on your side. It’s TEN DOLLARS for a bottle of wine. It has a screw cap (which tells you that it’s not going to be something you put aside to age), but it’s a decent enough wine. I’ve poured wine out before, and that includes a couple of bottles that I paid a lot more than ten bucks for.
It’s fine for a glass with dinner, or even after dinner. I gave away two of the six because I finally broke down, and have been buying some of the wine dot woot offerings. I probably wouldn’t buy wine from Meh again, but the label alone made it worth while.
I live in WA wine country. I can drive to the places that make it, and get really good wines.
On the other hand, there won’t be more Wellington wines, ever. It was my responsibility to help buy up the last of them (although I’m betting there will still be some stragglers at the end of the month).
What’s in the Box?
6x Mad Ape Den Wine bottles
Third eye irk
Available States
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Jan 17 - Tuesday, Jan 21
Bluetooth wine?
@mcemanuel I wonder how good the speaker quality is.
@janelane1980 Probably whinny
I B4 complaints about restrictions
Its a six pack!
Does this wine have a Money Back Guarantee if it tastes like shit?
@Junior305 No, but it might just give you the shirts.
@Hanky I want a shirt
It has a monkey back guarantee.
@f00l It worked! Your order number is: terrified-cut-monk
/image terrified cut monk

So… When’s the party, and should I bring anything?
If you are anywhere near Manhattan, bring some serious chilled street cool.
And since you don’t drink red wine, I guess bring some nice bottles of white, or perhaps bring some fancy expensive high-tech ultra-fashionable bottled water.
Manhattan, Kansas?
/8ball Should I commute 500 miles for a party?
You may rely on it
/8ball Should I temporarily leave Texas?
Most likely
Don’t rush the “temporarily”, now there.
No urgency.
Are you trying to suggest that I move from Texas to Kansas?
@f00l Walnut Creek, ca
Let’s party you cheap wine fool
You’ll have to come to Kansas though apparently.
If you are good at winter, there are good things in Kansas.
So I’m told.
@f00l Hey! Lawrence is near Manhattan - hit me up with your digits! I’ll bring some Mad Dog 20/20. I don’t do wine.
I may be coming to Lawrence in the near future due to certain things happening for various acquaintances of mine who live there.
If you figure out the details of when and where, I could give you my Woot username (if you have an account there) so that you could PM me, or you could shoot me an email (I could give that to you).
Whatever is easier.
I’m in PA and that’s not listed, but the bot is saying I can’t buy it cause I’m in PA!
At least get your listing right, please!
@Jamileigh17 same here. I’m sure it’s not legal to sell to PA, but we’re not on the list…
Put the /buy command in a primary post, not a reply. Then see what happens.
@Jamileigh17 @kadagan [edit: We’re working on this right now. You should be able to ship to Pennsylvania, but we weren’t set up that way at first.]
@dave wooo… came to point this out, already gettin’ fixed.
@hanzov69 @Kadagan, etc PA folks: I’m in Philly. Meh meet up sometime? Looks like we’ll all have wine for it.
@Jamileigh17 I’m left state, Pixburgh for me.
We can meet in the middle and drink with the amish!
@Jamileigh17 Our wonderful Governor Wolf changed the law a while back and we can now have wine shipped to PA. I have no need to buy it, but I’m in Havertown. I’ll come drink yours, when’s the party?!
@Jamileigh17 did someone say philly wine meh up
Weak bro, weak! Sell crap we can ALL buy.
Meh doesn’t have a license to sell alcohol. They just provide a marketing and shopping cart mechanism for the winery, which holds the license and sells the product.
The winery has to get individual licenses state-by-state in some cases, and can’t ship to some states at all.
@snapster and @dave have explained all this in various thread.
Don’t liked it? your state alcohol commission…
@rtjhnstn Nope, it’s still Meh’s bad, major disclude. Jokes aside I get it, I just wanted some of that blood juice.
Ok, I’m in.
/buy -q=2
@baqui63 It worked! Your order number is: undervalued-callous-reindeer
/image undervalued callous reindeer

Looks to be Broken Earth Quadrant which retails for $16/bottle
@katzalex Why do you think so?
@bdb Matches the info on this page:
@rattata thanks for figuring it out. Reviews did not look good (as I posted below) so I passed.
So are these any good? Really want to get disgustingly drunk on novelty wine around my inlaws during the holidays. I am, however, a sophisticated drunk, so these cannot suck.
@canneddirt probably not worth it. Quality aside, it’s mostly merlot which is pretty heavy to just drink on its own for fun. It usually only goes well with a steak dinner.
@ColeSloth @canneddirt Having just returned from a trip to Paso Robles where we made a stop at this winery (Broken Earth) along with a couple dozen other wineries, I can say with confidence that Broken Earth is one of the weakest wineries in the region. All about production quantity and very little emphasis on the quality. Drop your $60 elsewhere.
@cocacola08 What were your favorites from the Region? In general, I like Paso wines and the juxtaposition of a “Bordeaux-style” blend with the Paso Robles region style intrigues me.
@corrado That’s a tough one to offer a quick answer… Depends on the price-point you are targeting, the varietals, etc… We’ve hit mainly wineries that had bottles in the $25-$50 range and total production <2,500cases/yr, with a smattering of lower and higher end (price and production) for some perspective. Probably the best option for exploring Bordeaux style in Paso is to check out the Cab Collective
You have to check out RN Estate located in far Northeast side of Paso. His Bordeauxs are all estate from 4 acres. He’s also sourcing some grapes from Santa Maria and Santa Rita that result in some pretty impressive Burgundian style Pinot Noirs. He was by far the best we tasted (and tasting experience) for grapes grown East of the 101. Other than RN, from the East side Cass is pretty good
For the West side… There are the obvious big production choices for Bordeauxs (Justin, J Lohr, Daou, etc.) that have good stuff at a variety of price ranges. It can be a little more difficult to find smaller production Brecon Estate, Whalebone, Thatcher to name a few. On the higher price end (~$90/btl) a new winery called Benom with a tasting room in Tin City was pretty impressive. Brothers Arnaud (asst. winemaker @ Law Estate) and Guillaume Fabre (owner/winemaker @ Clos Solene) teamed up to make a couple pretty incredible offerings.
For Rhone’s and other styles… Where do you even begin… So many incredible options, here’s a few of our highlights from the last trip:
Ranchero Cellars
Pelletierre (Italian Varietals)
Turtle Rock
@cocacola08 Thanks for the thoughtful feedback. I have no skin in the game for this particular offering, but I am a big fan of Wine Woot and Wine Country Connect, the likely curator/coordinator behind this offering. The wine we’re assuming this to be a $16 bottle. Shipping wine is pricey and considering there’s the winery, distributor, and meh/storefront involved, getting that down to $10 per half case is pretty solid.
If your travels took you along the course of $25 - $50 wineries, I’m not surprised that this would have been at the bottom of your trip. $25-$50 from $10 - $15 is a mega jump in what to expect from the product.
My purchase is based solely on the rep of the folks involved and the extreme rarity with which they’ve produced a “Stinker” offering that I regretted purchasing.
@corrado Haven’t been disappointed by any of the woot or meh offerings I’ve picked up. You’re surely right about trying to compare it to everything else we hit while we were there (which we tried not to do, but it’s difficult to be that objective).
We’re certainly aware of the price on shipping and what it does to the final cost of a bottle. Between the two couples that went on this trip we checked/shipped ~90 bottles back to TX…
I’m curious about the Wine Country Connect you mentioned… Hadn’t heard of that.
@cocacola08 I’ll probably butcher this in terms of the legalese, but WCC effectively acts as the “broker” for the wine.woot (and, I assume, meh) transactions. For sure, woot & meh are not the sellers of record, they are simply providing the storefront through which a winery sells their own product. WCC manages the distribution of that sale, thus keeping the sale legal in terms of interstate commerce laws.
I’m admittedly unsure how the behind-the-curtains arrangement works when meh or woot commissions their own branded wine (is the Winery or Meh/Woot the seller of record?). Post-Amazon Woot definitely had more conservative interpretations of the interstate shipping laws than the early days, but even those were WAY more conservative that sites like wtso, Last Bottle, or winelibrary that would basically ship almost anywhere if you had a valid ZIP code.
10 bucks a bottle for some garbage mix of leftover wine? I’d be willing to bet 2 buck chuck tastes better than this.
I recommend your local corner lowlife alcohol retailer then.
@ColeSloth If it is anything like last years wine, It’ll be pretty decent.
Meh… I still have woot wine that I haven’t drank cause I didn’t like it
@Drunkenalien Dust one off and try it again. Probably on a salad with some olive oil.
@Drunkenalien Woot Wines typically drink best after 1-2 years in the cellar. I’ve only had one that I wish I hadn’t purchased.
@corrado loved phat goose from 2013-14 sale
@cbaker Oops, sorry. We can’t ship this to VA.
@mediocrebot why? It’s not on the blocked list?
@cbaker ahh got it to work finally!
@Jamileigh17 Oops, sorry. We can’t ship this to PA.
SEE! But it’s not on your list, and they relaxed the shipping rules in 2016 to allow wine shipments, so you SHOULD be able to now. FWIW, I ordered the previous time ya’ll offered wine and it got here fine. No cops!
@Jamileigh17 I am in PA also and it wasn’t working but NOW it is. I used the regular Buy button on the home page.
@Jamileigh17 Dave said they are working on it up above in this thread.
@bdb Yup. This was for going “Hey guys, see, it’s broken!”
@Dave fixed it (Thank you! Yay wine!)
@fjp999 Oops, sorry. We can’t ship this to PA.
Regretted not buying meh wine last time.

/giphy garbled-abstract-dragon
@dzieciom It’s better than regretting buying Meh wine
@InFrom It worked! Your order number is: benevolent-aware-basketball
/image benevolent aware basketball

I’d love to get drunk with y’all, so come on by!
Who wouldn’t want to get drunk with Everybody? Everybody loves getting drunk.
@RogerWilco Ironically coming from a person with the same name as a local liquor store.
Any chance you’d be able to get hold of a few of the labels (without the wine or bottles)?
I don’t drink red wine, but i don’t wanna miss out on the labels.
I suppose I could arrange … Eventually.
@f00l What? You are not a lush who will be able to resell the labels in time for Christmas?
Now accepting blame from PA, VA residents…
For reviews, just google “2010 Quadrant BDX”. Very mixed reviews. I’m passing on this one since I can find dependable wines for $6.
I do appreciate the Alternative phrasing on that back label. Nice Job!
/buy 2
@hanzov69 It worked! Your order number is: aboard-necrotic-name
/image aboard necrotic name

@mediocrebot Well trying to get two that way didn’t work. One bot, One clicky, Two orders!
/image stylish-tempting-parrot

@mediocrebot that bus is kinda creepy.
would this match well with pumpkin-spice Xanax?
@Moose It worked! Your order number is: overwrought-restless-playground
/image overwrought restless playground

@shawn It worked! Your order number is: cumbersome-debonair-frame
/image cumbersome debonair frame

Let me know when you’re selling coke…
@ThatsHeadly This is meh, it would be RC Cola.
I’m not dense, but off brand cola is funnier.
Only a limited group of special cool customers gets those offers.
/giphy “Sorry, Charlie”.

@f00l So no one from Texas, huh?
/giphy wink

@hanzov69 RC Cola used to be my favorite. My dad would sometimes get waiters to pretend that’s what I was getting. He even explained once “if a dad winks and says he wants RC Cola, he gets it.”. Went right over my head.
I live in SD. In the past few years we passed a law allowing postal delivery of wines. With a few caveats. Has to come from a winery that has purchased a $100 license to sell in the state and registered the product.
@avengur PA did a similar thing, finally. The crap part is that there are still a lot of winery’s that haven’t done it and a lot of online retailers that just don’t want to deal with it.
@avengur We can ship to South Dakota. If you tried that earlier, try again now.
NJ not shipping either. C’mon sort yo self out!

@Barney The sorting hat looks just like oogie.
/giphy oogie boogie

@eriksolson We just found out we can ship to New Jersey! So if you want some, you should be able to buy it now.
Why is Alabama so screwed up? The state says i can’t purchase wine or sex toys it’s illegal in Alabama and is subject to a fine of up to $10,000 and a year in jail for a first offense and one to ten years in jail for recidivism. I hate AL, no wine, no toys.
@scbysnax sex toys are illegal there? Weird.
@scbysnax Y’all are about to elect Roy Moore, who is a religious zealot, a pedophile and a judge. What do you expect?
@heynow ya, this is one CRAZY state. At least we are the home of Mardi Gras here in Mobile.
@Pantheist that’s what you get when religion and state are not truly separate. At one time Playboy channel was blocked on DirecTV. That’s okay now. Moving on up Slowly.
@scbysnax I don’t think you actually understand what separation of church and state means. It’s separation from the institutions, not individual people’s opinions
@uninflammable There is no such thing as separation of church and state. It’s not in our constitution. That term may have been mentioned by some supreme court justice in a decision or something but there’s nothing written that says the must be separated. Just that congress cannot create any laws preventing the free exercise of religion.
If there was a separation, Christmas wouldn’t be a federal holiday and government employees would have to work on that day.
@scbysnax So, quit whining and move. Be happy that we have 50 states rather than one set of laws for all. ('Murica)
@cengland0 - I’m gonna have to say that freedom of religion means the state cannot (and does not, officially) have any tie to or weight with religion, from laws to administrative edicts, to court rulings.
As far as Christmas being a federal holiday… the only relation between that and the contemporary Christian celebration of the birth of of their lord is the name. Everything else can be traced to simple traditions from before the existence of the U.S.
Not even the date has anything to do with Christianity, originally - it was a Pope trying to co-opt a Roman religious day
@dave It worked! Your order number is: neanderthal-waxing-berserker
/image neanderthal waxing berserker

Because I must (yes, I finally bought something from Meh):
/image austere-synonymous-band

Mad Ape Den red is not for me.
Meh can sell a fun fly toy… I buy.
Or a cut job aid… I buy.
Or big bag of yum to eat… I buy.
But not a jug of Irk pee.
@awk But thy ID is yet Mad Ape Den OK! How can you not be a fan?
@dave Mad Ape Den is ok to pen a gag or two, I’d say. But I do not see the joy in this vin. A cup of H₂O is ok for me.
Ack! Rub out the non-Mad-Ape-Den bit in my gab, and sub “a” in.
I go nap now.
@awk One got by in the top pen too.

@awk If Irk’s pee is a dark red, maybe he should see a doctor!
@rtjhnstn Hematuria!
Product page, probably.
Broken Earth Quadrant BDX Platinum
Presuming that is the wine, then you might like to read the first review I found, which is horrible.
CellarTracker link with more reviews from bad to average.
Why are you all not in use of the Mad Ape Den art?
@davide Use of the Mad Ape Den gag is a big job. It’s an odd guy (or gal) who can do a lot of it!
You wanted to know the error code.
Here it is. (04 sec)
(have you heard this so many times you cringe, or have you finally achieved Zen in response to this joke?)
@f00l I used these as my Windows system sounds in the 90s.
Aside from the order foibles… Looks from google searching to be a fairly sweet red. Given how many parties I’m likely to be dragged to over the next month or so, having a few cheap but different bottles of wine around would NOT be a bad life choice, and my boyfriend prefers sweeter wines, so leftovers will go towards my hobby of getting him drunk. Not a bad life choice! (I wish wines could be broken down into “Really dry, dry, slightly sweet, really sweet” across the board for red, with acidic taking over for dry on white wines. It’d make trying new wines SO much easier for those of us who don’t really care enough to learn wine terminology.
Is there a better White Elephant gift?
Convincing the winner to open it sends to party to a whole new level. Notice I didn’t say which way.
I just want to buy some meh wine, maybe I should move to a decent state.
For those of you that can’t buy this, I’m sorry you don’t live in a good state like Ohio that allows us to receive wine in the mail.
ug…better off selling 6 bottles of Boones Farm for 10 bucks…
ghetto wine, lol…how meh
I asked for it so it’s only right that I’m in for a case. Not naming it Mad Grape Den is a punny opportunity lost though.
/giphy foolish-placid-degree

/image foolish-placid-degree

/youtube foolish-placid-degree
Ten dollars for a single 750 mL bottle? That’s completely un-Meh, that’s a pretty costly bottle.
@Dizavid You know there’s wine in the bottle, right?
@corrado Yeah, but you’re forced to buy six at once and $10 is pretty darn high for 750 mils. If it was ten bucks for one, I’d be game to try it. But I’m not buying six at once of something I might not even like.
Last year’s So-so sommelier Meh wine was quite good.
@zippyus so do you think this is pretty similar? I heard great stuff about the wine meh sold before, I can’t decide…
Dammit, yesterday I bought 4 bottles of a dessert Zin!
Well, y’all know how to make a Latino Red Neck Cry-Baby Cry, {you’re old enough to know better, so cry, baby cryya!} My State, and yes, it IS mine, happens to be on Big Brother’s 'No Can Do List!! DAMMIT!! THE HELL!!
@decoratedwarvet Blame the goat. You need one of those Korean ways of dealing with this.
Probably tastes like my urine after I’ve had a few
Mad Dog 20/20’s…
I can not buy this, for I am in IN. But it’s OK - vin is not my bag.
/8ball should I get this wine?
It is certain
Aside from the buy commands, we really seem to have lost the mad ape den spirit here in the comments.
/giphy you’ve lost that mad ape den spirit

@stinks people are probably busy trying to get of out town for thanksgiving or something.
Wine? Really? I’m not sure why I come here anymore. Did Amazon buy you again?
Dilly Dilly!
@stosh61 tour of the pit of misery for you
@snapster It worked! Your order number is: appealing-onerous-lemur
/image appealing onerous lemur

An eon ago, at my old job, we put an eye to the vin law on a tip by a new pal. He saw a rad new way to get the vin to you via our web. It was a new dot hut to our dot com.
Now, on a sad day at the end of our sun lap, the hut we set up is to go bye bye.
At the end of the run, if a pal did tip a mug to me, I may tip my mug too as we say bye to the old hut.
May we see the way so far on a new day as we did in the era ago.
@snapster I tip my hat and raise a glass to the man that truly redefined the meaning of a daily deal, collected untold thousands of my coin for increadible items I did not know I needed and sent me to rehab for compulsive buying disorders.
I will celebrate pre-thanksgiving sipping on a glass of monkey wine, listening to pirated songs on my Sansa and watching the Roombas do a choreographed holiday dance.
Happy Thanksgiving
@snapster How does this post only have 4 stars? Epic Mad Ape Den comment!
@Woody1 I’d star but you lost me at pirated.
@snapster too fun. a tip to the old and a nod to the new!
@Winedavid49 hey old man
@Woody1 Kill the lights, and watch the Roombas through your Spy Net Recording Night Vision Goggles. You can see their infrared communications - and they’re probably talking about you.
@snapster old man riv, tic toc!
@rpstrong Oh, I’m confident they’re talking about me. I constantly see them huddling in the corner. I’ll show them though, I’ll remove the IR barrier at the top of the stairs if they keep it up.
@Woody1 …
…Nice, but…
…Apes aren’t monkeys…
…I’ll leave now…
When did Michigan start letting people ship alcohol? As recently as a couple months ago, I was under the impression that deliveries couldn’t be made by third parties.
@InnocuousFarmer It was 11/23/2012, which was the day after OSU beat MU, 26 to 21. Michigan has been drinking grapes ever since. OSU is 5-0, soon to be 6-0. All-time record of 56-48-6, and that excludes the 2010 win vacated as a result of NCAA violations.
@InnocuousFarmer not familiar with specifics of your third party reference but this is shipping first party. You are buying it from the producer and they are shipping it to you.
Rules like this I wonder why I live in NJ. Yes only with rules like this. (Beat you to it wise guys!)
@readnj It’s legal to ship to NJ… This must be an error…
@readnj because you enjoy the taste of petrochemicals in your coffee in the morning?
@readnj @andrewkl Yep, we just updated to allow New Jersey now. Try again if you’re wanting the wine.
@dave I was actually thinking that since I opened a new market for you, that you’d just send me a case like you did with those fidget spinners
I don’t know what the stupid rule is in IN. I can have some people ship me wine, and others can’t.
@IWUJackson It has to do with the cost and paperwork the winery has to complete. The ROI just isn’t there. You need to have a sanctuary city of winos like Ohio. I’d drive you over a case but couldn’t promise that a roadie or two wouldn’t happen.
I don’t care for wine and I hate mad ape den.

/giphy skip it
“21”? “can not”? You’re cheating at Mad Ape Den…
@boink —
“XXI”? “ten and ten and one”? ok, if you say so… but who did say so? Can I see the MAD law on a dot com? I am one who has yet to see any law for MAD… I am sad…
But “can” and “not” can be a key set of III and a key set of III AND/OR a key set of VI, if not put in Mad Ape Den way.
If you are yet mad at Meh, you may be so… but “may not” is not as bad as “can not” - If Meh did fix it, you may not be so mad, yes?
@boink Who did die so you got to be M.A.D. cop!?
Unless this stuff is at least 80 proof, those of us in the Arctic north (see map–zero North Dakota sales) can’t take delivery because they’d be froze solid (if not broken) by the time we’d get home from work. Try again long about May 2018, please!!
@tohar1 A non-intoxicated person over 21 has to be there to sign for it. They won’t leave wine on your doorstep for the neighbor kids to steal (or to freeze solid).
@tohar1 – May Ten!! MAD Day!
Hey, Meh! It’s legal to ship to NJ, but not to NY… Can you change that??
@andrewkl no but you might be able to.
@andrewkl I know our ability to order from out of state is endangered, but I was able to order this deal. (Did you try? You not say.)
@andrewkl We just got the update that we can ship to New Jersey, and I updated the event. Try again now and it should work.
“Can not buy,” or "cannot buy?” Acknowledging my freedom of choice or lack thereof?
At least when wine.woot does their labels, there is a chance the blend is somewhat unique. Winemakers join in and share why (usually it is simply “we had extra juice”) the blend came about.
Even if not top-end stuff, you are at least getting a unique wine. This stuff is just relabeled <10 wine. If you are going to try and be woot, at least get a winemaker to do a custom blend and bottling.
@KNmeh7 There have certainly been woot-branded wines that were basically just re-labels. There were largely two approaches to how wine.woot moved product: 1) “Marketing” for new/unknown wineries wanting to get their name out there, and 2) “Clearance House” for wineries that were paying for warehouse space for non-current vintages and they needed to free up space.
I’m in for one and willing to give it a test. The first one (Zin) wasn’t amazeballs, but it was worth the price paid.
@KNmeh7 in whole, we’ve done the majority of wine.woot offerings and our logistics partners have done all of them. There is no distinction to make there. Each of our wine.woot offers and now our Meh offers take advantage of opportunistic availability that fits the scale of the order. Sometimes, this is a very unique high end blend that doesn’t fit a larger order, other times it’s a portion of something blended as a larger lot. I agree that is more boring.
It’s important to have predicatable medium to large audience in wine-making. Thanks to all who support this and future offerings even if it doesn’t hit your exact sweet spot every time.
Okay fine, I’ll buy because I’ll be needing a wine.meh in the near future or better yet, Also, it took a long time to type this, I may or may not be drunk already.
@connorbush It worked! Your order number is: troublesome-artificial-playground
/image troublesome artificial playground

@mediocrebot Fake grass comes with its own set of problems.
@InFrom damnit. I actually wanted to know about synthetic lawn grass.
/giphy sideways-giamatti-merlot

/giphy sideways-merlot

/giphy lavish-trivial-crumpet

@parodymandotcom oh Karl…
I’ll bet that anyone who cares already knows that there’s a Woot Off going over on Woot that involves Wine dot Woot. I’m vaguely considering setting up an Amazon account just for the purpose of purchasing items, on the random (and very real) possibility that something comes up that I may never see again…
@Shrdlu Possibly the last ever Wine.Woot-Off.
Wow, this crap tastes like Welch’s. No more Meh wine for me…
It’s a Paso wine and tastes like a sub-$20 Paso wine. If you’ve found Welch’s that tastes like this, please send it my way! It’s a little hot out of the bottle, it’s not super-complex, but it’s still head & shoulders over Bogle or Blackstone and at a cheaper price. For a seven year old wine I paid $10 for, I’m pretty freakin’ satisfied with this roll of the dice.
Corrado, I have to come down on your side. It’s TEN DOLLARS for a bottle of wine. It has a screw cap (which tells you that it’s not going to be something you put aside to age), but it’s a decent enough wine. I’ve poured wine out before, and that includes a couple of bottles that I paid a lot more than ten bucks for.
It’s fine for a glass with dinner, or even after dinner. I gave away two of the six because I finally broke down, and have been buying some of the wine dot woot offerings. I probably wouldn’t buy wine from Meh again, but the label alone made it worth while.
I live in WA wine country. I can drive to the places that make it, and get really good wines.
On the other hand, there won’t be more Wellington wines, ever. It was my responsibility to help buy up the last of them (although I’m betting there will still be some stragglers at the end of the month).